7 research outputs found

    Behavioral aspects in children's brothers affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a permanent and complex disability arising within the first three years of life characterized by a socio-communicative disorder and by fixed interests and repetitive behaviors. The present pilot study aims to evaluate behavioral aspects in a small population of siblings of ASD children. Material and methods: Population: 5 school-aged children (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 9.235 ± 2.041) were enrolled, as siblings of ASD children, and for comparison, 12 healthy (7 males, 5 females) children (average age 9,528 ± 3,351). All subjects underwent evaluation of the behavioral with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scale. Results: The two groups were statistically comparable by age (p = 0.86) and gender distribution (p = 0.87). From the behavioral point of view evaluated with the CBCL scale, siblings of ASD have a higher degree of overall problem (Total problems) compared to control children (p=0.003), in addition they have significantly higher scores in the subscales of behavior examined (Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints, Social, Thought, Attention, Delinquent, Aggressive) as well as a greater share of disturbances both internalizing (p=0.004) and externalizing (p = 0.007) (Table 1). Conclusions: The present preliminary data confirm the need for a global management of the entire family structure for the correct management of Autistic Disorders


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    The addictions substance free is an umbrella definition comprises internet addiction, sexual addiction, gambling pathological, workholism, videogames and computer addiction. Actually, the technological addictions is frequent in young adolescents. The term Digital Natives indicates the children born in an information system of learning and communication different from that of the generations previous. This temporal range was strongly characterized by growing presence of technological communication toolsin daily life. The effects of hyper-exposition to technological tools tend to create a relational virtuality without a body is born,therefore, already within the family ties and during adolescence he moved to the digital socialization network. The technological object it interacts between the adolescent and the world of peers and adults, becoming the facilitator object that as the psychotropic substance, it conveys new modes of communicatio

    Exploring the Interplay between Bone Marrow Stem Cells and Obesity

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    Obesity, a complex disorder with rising global prevalence, is a chronic, inflammatory, and multifactorial disease and it is characterized by excessive adipose tissue accumulation and associated comorbidities. Adipose tissue (AT) is an extremely diverse organ. The composition, structure, and functionality of AT are significantly influenced by characteristics specific to everyone, in addition to the variability connected to various tissue types and its location-related heterogeneity. Recent investigation has shed light on the intricate relationship between bone marrow stem cells and obesity, revealing potential mechanisms that contribute to the development and consequences of this condition. Mesenchymal stem cells within the bone marrow, known for their multipotent differentiation capabilities, play a pivotal role in adipogenesis, the process of fat cell formation. In the context of obesity, alterations in the bone marrow microenvironment may influence the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells towards adipocytes, impacting overall fat storage and metabolic balance. Moreover, bone marrow’s role as a crucial component of the immune system adds another layer of complexity to the obesity–bone marrow interplay. This narrative review summarizes the current research findings on the connection between bone marrow stem cells and obesity, highlighting the multifaceted roles of bone marrow in adipogenesis and inflammation

    Exploring the relationships between executive functions and personality dimensions in the light of "Embodied Cognition" theory: A study on a sample of 130 subjects

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    The Executive Functions and the dimensions of the personality seem to have numerous points of convergence both on the psychological and neurobiological sides. Current studies interpret this relationship as a linear concatenation that starts from a damage of the prefrontal cortical areas, produces a deficit of the executive functions and finally evolves towards the development of pathological character traits. In an "enacted cognition" perspective, the relationship between executive functions and personality should be interpreted according to a circular causality model that appears ecologically more realistic and adequate to empirical data. The present study evaluates executive functions and personality dimensions in a sample of 130 subjects using the Frontal Assessment Battery, the Temperament and Character Inventory, respectively. The results show that subjects with low empathic and emotional propensities, detected through 9 items of Temperament and Character Inventory, while not presenting any kind of disturbances, show Executive Functions that are not efficient or even inadequate. These data are not easily explained according to the classic linear model and seem to confirm the circular perspective proposed by the "embodied cognition" theory. However, an expansion of the sample is essential to obtain confirmation of the data that emerged

    The effects of the endocrine disruptors and of the halogens on the female reproductive system and on epigenetics: A brief review

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    Introduction: An endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) is defined as "an exogenous chemical or a mixture of chemicals that interfere with any aspect of the hormonal action". Endocrine systems are a physiological interface with the environment and genetic-environmental interactions are disrupted by EDCs. Today, there are almost 1000 chemicals reported to have endocrine effects: the prevalence of EDC in our environment and in our bodies represents a major global health challenge. This review gathers the studies that have investigated the correlations between exposure to EDC and pathologies of the female reproductive system and fetal development. Methods: A PubMed research was conducted using the keywords, their variants, and their combinations (BPA, DES, MXC, pesticides, phthalates, plasticizers, PCBs, dioxins, ovaries, oocytes, ovaries, fallopian tubes, follicles, vagina, uterus, fibroids, fertility, infertility, puberty, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure, birth, preterm birth, birth outcome, steroid, hormone, female, girl and menopause). Results: The endocrine system plays a central role in all vertebrates and regulates critical biological functions such as metabolism, development, reproduction, and behavior. Epidemiological studies link EDCs with reproductive effects, neuro-behavioral and neurodevelopment alterations, metabolic syndrome, bone disorders, immune disorders, and cancers in humans. Human investigations confirm the results of the studies carried out on animal showing associations with many additional effects on health, including asthma, learning and behavior problems, premature puberty, infertility, breast and prostate cancer, Parkinson's disease, obesity and other diseases. Conclusions: It is important to undertake research with follow-up methodologies and/or longitudinal studies to detect the extent of exposure of pregnant women to EDCs and halogenated substances and the effects of such exposure on brain development. A future research hypothesis may consider the effect that these substances have on neuro-development and, more specifically, how EDCs are involved in pathogenic disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In addition, a scientific study could be performed on the correlations between this type of substance and the inconveniences found in the field of executive frontal functions

    Beneficial effects of pasta during pregnancy: The positive effects of mediterranean diet

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    Pregnancy is a physiological state during which the woman's body undergoes profound modifications. During this time, every woman must be nourished in such a way as to maintain herself in good health and at the same time allow the fetal tissues to form and develop in the best way. Proper nutrition is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the normal evolution of both pregnancy and fetal growth: the quantity and quality of food and drinks must be scrupulously controlled. Contrariwise, it is important to avoid the excess calories and macronutrients. In fact, during pregnancy, it may be just as harmful as their shortage, especially in overweight and obese women, for which the risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, fetal growth disorders and preeclampsia increases. The pasta constitutes the foundation of the Mediterranean diet food. The dough can be seen, therefore, so it represents an excellent ally of the diet from a nutritional point of view. The nutritional values of the pasta change depending on the type, based on the fact that the dough is traditional or integral semolina. It also contains Vitamin B and has an abundance of minerals, among which potassium. The pasta is an easily digestible food, ensuring energy ready to use (such as all carbohydrates); moreover, it possesses a great satiating power. In case of overweight, however, it is possible to reduce the number of carbohydrates in the diet, taking care not to make them ever miss. In conclusion, the consumption of pasta is very important during pregnancy: a diet without carbohydrates can be dangerous for all physiological pathways

    Addictions substance free during lifespan

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    The addictions substance free is an umbrella definition comprises internet addiction, sexual addiction, gambling pathological, workholism, videogames and computer addiction. Actually, the technological addictions is frequent in young adolescents. The term Digital Natives indicates the children born in an information system of learning and communication different from that of the generations previous. This temporal range was strongly characterized by growing presence of technological communication tools in daily life. The effects of hyper-exposition to technological tools tend to create a relational virtuality without a body is born, therefore, already within the family ties and during adolescence he moved to the digital socialization network. The technological object it interacts between the adolescent and the world of peers and adults, becoming the facilitator object that as the psychotropic substance, it conveys new modes of communication