102 research outputs found


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    A cidade de Maceió em Alagoas constitui uma cidade litorânea da Região Nordeste do Brasil dotada de beleza natural tais como praias e lagoas, as quais constituem atrativos para o turismo tanto nacional como internacional. Todavia, nesta o crescimento do setor turístico tem sido afetado pela poluição dos recursos ambientais, mais especificamente o despejo do esgoto em praias e lagoas. Dentre as praias urbanas de Maceió, a Praia da Avenida apresenta as piores condições, sendo isto evidenciado pela poluição, pela destruição do calçadão, a fraca iluminação e o pouco policiamento. Em decorrência dos efeitos benéficos do tratamento dos recursos ambientais e o impacto na saúde e no turismo, este estudo tem como objetivo estimar o valor que a população atribui à Praia da Avenida, ou seja, quanto pagaria para a recuperação da mesma. Para aferir tal valor, realizar-se-á pesquisa de campo, aplicando sobre os dados o Método do Custo de Viagem. -------------------------------------------------------The city of Maceió in Alagoas constitutes a coastal city of the Northeast Area of Brazil endowed with natural beauty such an as beaches and ponds, which constitute attractions for the tourism so much national as international. Though, in this the growth of the tourist section has been affected by the pollution of the environmental resources, more specifically the spilling of the sewer in beaches and ponds. Among the urban beaches of Maceió, the Beach of the Avenue presents the worst conditions, being this evidenced by the pollution, for the destruction of the calçadão, the weak illumination and the little policing. Due to the beneficial effects of the treatment of the environmental resources and the impact in the health and in the tourism, this study has as objective esteems the value that the population attributes to the Beach of the Avenue, in other words, as she would pay for the recovery of the same. To confront such value, he/she will take place he/she researches of field, applying on the data the Method of the Cost of Trip.: Valoração Econômica, Custo de Viagem, Economia Ambiental, Economical valoração, trip cost, environmental economy, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Factors affecting the performance of Pantaneiro horses

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    This study aimed to assess the physical performance of Pantaneiro horses with and without equine infectious anemia (EIA) under functional conditions of cattle management. The horses were subjected to a performance test and split into two groups according to a completely randomized design: animals were chosen from populations testing positive and negative for EIA. Performance was measured as a function of a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model considering four outputs and one unitary input. The output measures were the distance achieved in the performance test, hematocrit as a weighted average over the test duration, respiratory rate as weighted average over the test duration, and the level of lactic acid at the test termination. Weights for the hematocrit and the respiratory rate output variables were determined by means of factor analysis. The performance score was a weighted average of the output variables with the weights defined by the averages of the optimum individual multipliers in the DEA analysis. Contextual variables of interest were age, horse weight, room temperature, and corporal temperature. Only groups and room temperature were statistically significant effects, as indicated by a bootstrap analysis. The performance of group positive for EIA is significantly lower than that of the group negative for EIA and room temperature has a negative effect.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Factors affecting the performance of Pantaneiro horses

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    This study aimed to assess the physical performance of Pantaneiro horses with and without equine infectious anemia (EIA) under functional conditions of cattle management. The horses were subjected to a performance test and split into two groups according to a completely randomized design: animals were chosen from populations testing positive and negative for EIA. Performance was measured as a function of a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model considering four outputs and one unitary input. The output measures were the distance achieved in the performance test, hematocrit as a weighted average over the test duration, respiratory rate as weighted average over the test duration, and the level of lactic acid at the test termination. Weights for the hematocrit and the respiratory rate output variables were determined by means of factor analysis. The performance score was a weighted average of the output variables with the weights defined by the averages of the optimum individual multipliers in the DEA analysis. Contextual variables of interest were age, horse weight, room temperature, and corporal temperature. Only groups and room temperature were statistically significant effects, as indicated by a bootstrap analysis. The performance of group positive for EIA is significantly lower than that of the group negative for EIA and room temperature has a negative effect.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of maize genotypes contrasting for phosphorus use efficiency

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade funcional e genética de bactérias associadas à rizosfera de genótipos de milho contrastantes quanto à eficiência de uso de fósforo, por meio do teste de fontes de carbono no sistema EcoPlate e da eletroforese em gel de gradiente desnaturante (DGGE) dos fragmentos amplificados dos genes 16S ribossomais (rDNA) das bactérias. Foram coletadas amostras de solo da rizosfera de linhagens e híbridos contrastantes quanto à eficiência de uso de fósforo, cultivados em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase cerrado, com baixo e alto teor de P. Bactérias da rizosfera de híbridos e linhagens eficientes, sob estresse de P, analisadas pelo sistema EcoPlate, tenderam a se agrupar conforme a análise de componentes principais, o que indica que utilizaram fontes de carbono semelhantes. Não houve diferença na diversidade bacteriana, analisada pela DGGE, entre bactérias associadas a genótipos eficientes e ineficientes no uso de P. Com base no sequenciamento do 16S rDNA, foi verificado que a rizosfera de genótipos de milho sob estresse de P parece selecionar grupos específicos de bactérias. A estrutura populacional genética e metabólica de bactérias da rizosfera foi mais influenciada pelo teor de fósforo no solo do que pela eficiência das plantas em usar o fósforo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the functional and genetic diversity of bacteria associated to the rhizosphere of maize genotypes contrasting for phosphorus use efficiency by means of the EcoPlate carbon source test and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of amplified 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fragments of bacteria. Rhizosphere soil samples of maize genotypes (hybrids and lineages) contrasting for phosphorus use efficiency cultivated in an Oxisol with high and low P content were collected. Bacteria from the rhizosphere of P-efficient maize genotypes under P stress conditions analyzed by the EcoPlate system tended to group together according to main components analysis, which indicates that these bacteria used similar carbon sources. Microbial diversity analyzed by DGGE did not differ between P-efficient and inefficient maize genotypes. Based on the 16S rDNA fragment sequencing, the rhizosphere of maize genotypes growing on low-P soils seemed to select specific bacteria species. The genetic and metabolic structure of the rhizosphere bacterial community was more strongly influenced by the level of P in the soil than by the genotypes with contrasting P-use efficiency

    Caracterização molecular e virulência de isolados de Beauveria spp. contra a lagarta-do-cartucho

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the pathogenicity of 24 Beauveria isolates to Spodoptera frugiperda larvae, and characterize them molecularly through rDNA-ITS sequencing and RAPD markers. Sequencing of rDNA-ITS fragments of 570 bp allowed the identification of isolates as B. bassiana or B. brongniarti by sequence comparison to GenBank. Sixty seven polymorphic RAPD fragments were capable to differentiate 20 among 24 Beauveria isolates, grouping them according to the derived host insect and to pathogenicity against maize fall armyworm larvae. Three RAPD markers were highly associated to the pathogenicity against S. frugiperda, explaining up to 67% of the phenotypic variation. Besides identification and molecular characterization of Beauveria isolates, ITS sequence and RAPD markers proved to be very useful in selecting the isolates potentially effective against S. frugiperda larvae and in monitoring field release of these microorganisms in biocontrol programs.Beauveria es un hongo deuteromiceto de gran espectro entomopatogénico. Existe mucho interés en el uso de ese hongo en programas integrados de manejo de plagas, como una alternativa a los defensivos químicos. La caracterización molecular de los aislados altamente virulentos es esencial en la selección de potenciales candidatos para utilización en control biológico. Se han evaluado en este trabajo 24 aislados de Beauveria, en bioensayos contra gusanos de Spodoptera frugiperda y molecularmente caracterizados por secuenciamiento de la región ITS del rDNA y marcadores RAPD. El secuenciamiento de fragmentos de 570 pares de bases de la región ITS del rDNA posibilitó la identificación de los aislados como B. bassiana y B. brongniarti, por la comparación con secuencias depositadas en el GenBank, pero no fue suficiente para discriminar los aislados dentro de cada especie. Sin embargo, 67 fragmentos polimórficos de RAPD fueron capaces de diferenciar casi todos los aislados de Beauveria, agrupándolos de acuerdo con el insecto hospedero y la virulencia contra el gusano cogollero del maíz. Los marcadores RAPD fueron altamente asociados a la virulencia contra S. frugiperda, explicando hasta el 67% de la variación fenotípica. Por lo tanto, además de la identificación y caracterización molecular de aislados de Beauveria, el secuenciamiento de la región ITS y los marcadores RAPD fueron útiles en la selección de aislados potencialmente eficientes contra gusanos de S. frugiperda e en el monitoramiento de liberaciones de esos microrganismos, en programas de biocontrolO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a patogenicidade de 24 isolados de Beauveria contra larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda e caracterizá-los molecularmente, por meio do seqüenciamento da região ITS do rDNA e de marcadores RAPD. O seqüenciamento de fragmentos de 570 pares de bases, da região ITS do rDNA, possibilitou a identificação dos isolados como B. bassiana e B. brongniarti, pela comparação com seqüências depositadas no GenBank. Sessenta e sete fragmentos polimórficos de RAPD foram capazes de diferenciar 20 entre 24 isolados de Beauveria, e agrupá-los de acordo com o inseto hospedeiro e com a patogenicidade contra a lagarta-do-cartucho do milho. Os marcadores RAPD foram altamente associados à patogenicidade contra S. frugiperda e explicaram até 67% da variação fenotípica. Além da identificação e caracterização molecular de isolados de Beauveria, o seqüenciamento da região ITS, aliado aos marcadores RAPD, é útil na seleção de isolados potencialmente eficazes contra larvas de S. frugiperda e no monitoramento de liberações desses microrganismos em programas de biocontrole

    Comparação das técnicas de PCR-RFLP e sequenciamento de região ITS-rDNA para análise filogenética de isolados de Colletotrichum spp.

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    The genus Colletotrichum is one of the most important pathogenic fungi group, mainly in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The identification of Colletotrichum species is difficult due to their large morphological variation. Molecular methods, such as PCR-RFLP and rDNA sequence, have been very useful for phylogenic studies of this pathogen. The objective of this work was to compare the PCRRFLP and rDNA sequence techniques for phylogenetic analysis of Colletotrichum spp. Isolates. All isolates were cultivated from cultures grown on Potato Sucrose Broth (PSB), for one week at 24oC. The amplification of the rDNA was accomplished by the ITS1 and ITS4 initiators, followed by digestion of the ITS area using restriction enzymes (Rsa I, Alu I, Hinf I, Hpa II, Hha I, Xho I, Acc I, Eco RI and Taq I). The revelation was made in agarose gel 2%. The primers produced fragments from 600 to 90 pb. The amplified fragment was purified with the kit QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit 250 (Unisciense of Brazil) and the internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA (ITS1-ITS2) was sequenced. The ITS1- 5.8S-ITS2 sequences were aligned with the software ClustalW and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the software Mega 3.1. The products obtained with the amplification of the ITS-rDNA produced a fragment of approximately 600 pb, for all the isolated analyzed. The PCR-RFLP technique is not very efficient to separate Colletotrichum spp because some of the restriction enzymes acted in conserved regions of the rDNA, affecting the results. However, the sequencing technique was accurate to separate Colletotrichum isolates per species and hosts, allowing the inclusion of published GenBank sequences. The PCR-RFLP technique should be used together with the rDNA sequencing technique in order to get cheaper and more reliable results in the phylogenic studies of microorganisms.O gênero Colletotrichum é dos grupos fitopatogênicos mais importantes, principalmente em regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. A identificação das suas espécies é difícil, devido à grande variação morfológica intraespecífica. Métodos moleculares, como PCR-RFLP e o sequenciamento, têm ganhado destaque em estudos de filogenia deste fitopatógeno. Este trabalho objetivou comparar as técnicas de PCR-RFLP e sequenciamento para análise filogenética entre isolados de Colletotrichum spp. Todos os isolados foram cultivados em meio Batata-Sacarose (BS), por uma semana a 24 oC. Inicialmente foi realizada a amplificação do rDNA, utilizando-se iniciadores ITS1 e ITS4. A seguir foi feita a digestão da região ITS utilizando enzimas de restrição (Rsa I, Alu I, Hinf I, Hpa II, Hha I, Xho I, Acc I, Eco RI e Taq I) e revelação em gel de agarose 2%. Obteve-se uma grande variação com produtos da clivagem, de 500 a 90 pb. Os fragmentos amplificados foram purificados com o kit QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit 250 e as amostras foram sequenciadas na região ITS do rDNA de todos os isolados. As sequências foram alinhadas no software ClustalW e a árvore filogenética foi construída no software Mega 3.1. Os produtos obtidos na amplificação da região ITS1- 5.8S-ITS2 do rDNA, com a utilização do par de iniciadores ITS1 e ITS4, revelaram um fragmento de aproximadamente 600 pb para todos os isolados analisados. A técnica PCR-RFLP não foi muito eficiente para a diferenciação das espécies de Colletotrichum spp, pois algumas das enzimas escolhidas tinham o seu sítio de clivagem em regiões conservadas, sobrepondo e mascarando os resultados. Já a técnica de sequenciamento possibilitou a separação dos isolados por espécies e hospedeiro e permitiu a comparação com os sequenciamentos dos bancos de genes. A técnica de PCR-RFLP deve ser utilizada atrelada à técnica de sequenciamento para se obter uma maior economia e veracidade dos resultados em estudos de filogenia de microorganismos