69 research outputs found

    A new model based on evolutionary computing for predicting ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes

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    In this study, the feasibility of using evolutionary computing for modelling ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes was investigated. The behaviour of steel circular tubes under pure bending is complex and highly non-linear, and the literature has a number of solutions, most of which are difficult to use in routine design practice as they do not provide a closed-form solution. This work presents a new approach, based on evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR), for developing a simple and easy-to-use formula for prediction of ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes. The EPR model was calibrated and verified using a large database that was obtained from the literature and comprises a series of 104 pure bending tests conducted on fabricated and cold-formed tubes. The predicted ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes using this model can be obtained from a number of inputs including the tube thickness, tube diameter, steel yield strength and modulus of elasticity of steel. A sensitivity analysis was carried out on the developed EPR model to investigate the model generalisation ability (or robustness) and relative importance of model inputs to its output. Predictions from the EPR model were compared with those obtained from artificial neural network (ANN) models previously developed by the authors, as well as most available codes and standards.The results indicate that the EPR model is capable of predicting the ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes with a high degree of accuracy and outperforms most available codes and standards. The results also indicate that the performance of the EPR model agrees well with that of the previously developed ANN models. It was also shown that the EPR model was able to learn the complex relationship between the ultimate pure bending and most influencing factors, and render this knowledge in the form of a simple and transparent function that can be readily used by practising engineers. The advantages of the proposed EPR technique over the ANN approach were also addressed

    An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to model the uniaxial compressive strength of cemented hydraulic backfill

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    Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to develop the models for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of cemented hydraulic backfill (CHB), a widely used technique for filling underground voids created by mining operations as it provides the high strength required for safe and economical working environment and allows the use of waste rock from mining operations as well as tailings from mineral processing plants as ingredients. Methods. In this study, different modelling techniques such as conventional linear, nonlinear multiple regression and one of the evolving soft computing methods, adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), were used for the prediction of UCS, the main criterion used to design backfill recipe. Findings. Statistical performance indices used to evaluate the efficiency of the developed models indicated that the ANFIS model can effectively be implemented for designing CHB with desired UCS. As proved by the performance indicators ANFIS model gives more compatible results with the expert opinion and current literature than conventional modelling techniques. Originality. In order to construct the models a very large database, containing more than 1600 UCS test results, was used. In addition to widely used conventional regression based modelling techniques, one of the evolving soft computing methods, ANFIS was employed. Numerical examples showing the implementation of constructed models were provided. Practical implementation. As proved by the statistical performance indicators, the developed models can be used for a reliable prediction of the UCS of CHB. However, more accurate results can be achieved by expanding the database and by constructing improved models using the algorithm presented in this paper.Мета. Побудова моделей для прогнозування межі міцності при одноосьовому стисканні цементної гідравлічної закладки для заповнення вироблених просторів шахт. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети були використані різні методи моделювання: лінійна та нелінійна множинна регресія, а також порівняно недавно став популярним метод програмування – адаптивне нейронечітке логічне виведення (ANFIS). За їх допомогою було спрогнозовано зміну міцності на одноосьове стискання, що є ключовим показником для визначення складу закладної суміші. Для побудови моделей використана значна база даних, яка включає результати більш ніж 1600 випробувань на одноосьове стискання. Лабораторними дослідженнями також визначалися властивості закладних матеріалів і суміші. Результати. Модель ANFIS дала найкращу продуктивність з урахуванням статистичних показників ефективності, таких як середня абсолютна процентна похибка і змінний обліковий запис. Статистичні показники продуктивності, які використовуються для оцінки ефективності розроблених моделей, свідчать, що моделювання за допомогою ANFIS дозволяє отримати результати, які більше відповідають експертній оцінці та даним з сучасної літератури, ніж інформація, отримана за допомогою традиційного моделювання. Встановлено, що на відміну від регресивного моделювання, ANFIS не вимагає заздалегідь визначених математичних рівнянь для взаємозв’язку між вхідними та вихідними змінними і використовує наданий набір даних для ефективного визначення структури моделі. Наукова новизна. Вперше для прогнозування міцності при одноосьовому стисканні були використані не лише традиційні способи моделювання, засновані на регресії, а й інноваційний метод програмування – адаптивне нейронечітке логічне виведення ANFIS. У статті наведені чисельні приклади впровадження нових побудованих моделей. Практична значимість. Статистичні індикатори продуктивності показали, що розроблені моделі можуть бути використані для надійного прогнозування міцності при одноосьовому стисканні й оптимальної рецептури закладної суміші. Однак, щоб отримати більш точні результати, необхідно мати більш широку базу даних і створити більш досконалі моделі на основі алгоритму, запропонованому в даній статті.Цель. Построение моделей для прогнозирования предела прочности при одноосном сжатии цементной гидравлической закладки для заполнения выработанных пространств шахт. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели были использованы различные методы моделирования: линейная и нелинейная множественная регрессия, а также сравнительно недавно ставший популярным метод программирования – адаптивный нейронечеткий логический вывод (ANFIS). С их помощью было спрогнозировано изменение прочности на одноосное сжатие, что является ключевым показателем для определения состава закладочной смеси. Для построения моделей использована обширная база данных, которая включает результаты более чем 1600 испытаний на одноосное сжатие. Лабораторными исследованиями также определялись свойства закладочных материалов и смеси. Результаты. Модель ANFIS дала наилучшую производительность с учетом статистических показателей эффективности, таких как средняя абсолютная процентная погрешность и переменная учетная запись. Статистические показатели производительности, используемые для оценки эффективности разработанных моделей, свидетельствуют, что моделирование с помощью ANFIS позволяет получить результаты, которые более соответствуют экспертной оценке и данным из современной литературы, чем информация, полученная при помощи традиционного моделирования. Установлено, что в отличие от регрессионного моделирования, ANFIS не требует заранее определенных математических уравнений для взаимосвязи между входными и выходными переменными и использует предоставленный набор данных для эффективного определения структуры модели. Научная новизна. Впервые для прогнозирования прочности при одноосном сжатии были использованы не только традиционные способы моделирования, основанные на регрессии, но и инновационный метод программирования – адаптивный нейронечеткий логический вывод ANFIS. В статье приведены численные примеры внедрения новых построенных моделей. Практическая значимость. Статистические индикаторы производительности показали, что разработанные модели могут быть использованы для надежного прогнозирования прочности при одноосном сжатии и оптимальной рецептуры закладочной смеси. Однако, чтобы получить более точные результаты, необходимо иметь более широкую базу данных и создать более совершенные модели на основе алгоритма, предложенного в данной статье.The authors thank the staff and the managers of Jinfeng underground gold mine for their helps and cooperation during field and laboratory studies. The company is also acknowledged for the permission to use and publish the data

    Experimental and Numerical Study of Basalt FRP Strip Strengthened RC Slabs under Impact Loads

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    Basalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) has been applied for strengthening concrete structures. However, studies on reinforced concrete (RC) slabs strengthened by BFRP strips under impact loads are limited in open literature. This study investigates the efficiency of using BFRP strips with various strengthening layouts and anchoring schemes on the impact resistance of RC slabs. A total of 11 two-way square slabs were prepared and tested, including one reference specimen without strengthening and ten slabs strengthened with BFRP strips and/or anchors. The RC slabs were impacted by a drop weight with increasing height until slab failure. The observed failure modes include punching shear failure, BFRP sheet debonding and reinforcement fracture. The failure modes and the effects of using various strengthening schemes on the impact resistant capacity of RC slabs were examined. The quantitative measurements, such as impact velocity, indentation depth and diameter, were compared and discussed. In addition, numerical studies were carried out by using LS-DYNA to simulate the impact tests of RC slabs with and without BFRP strengthening. With the calibrated numerical model, the impact behavior of slabs with various dimensions and strengthening layouts under different impact intensities can be predicted with good accuracy

    Material properties and compressive local buckling response of high strength steel square and rectangular hollow sections

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    An experimental investigation into the structural performance of compressed high strength steel (HSS) square and rectangular hollow sections is described in this paper. Both hot-rolled and cold-formed HSS sections were examined. In total six S460NH and five S690QH hot-rolled section sizes and three S500MC, two S700MC and four S960QC cold-formed section sizes were tested. The experimental programme comprised tensile coupon tests on flat and corner material, measurements of geometric imperfections, full cross-section tensile tests and stub column tests. The results of the experiments presented in this paper have been combined with other available test data on high strength steel sections, and used to assess the existing design guidelines for high strength steels given in Eurocode 3. The focus has been on the material ductility requirements, the Class 3 slenderness limit for internal elements in compression and the effective width formula for Class 4 internal elements in compression.Reliability assessments of the Class 3 slenderness limit (both the current value of 42 and a proposed value of 38) and the effective width formula for Class 4 internal elements in compression were carried out. The analysis indicated that, based on the assembled test data considered in this study, and the assumptions made regarding the statistical distributions of material and geometric properties, a partial safety factor greater than unity is required for HSS. Similar findings have also recently been presented for ordinary strength steels.This research has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) under grant agreement No. RFSR CT 2012-00028 and RFSR CT 2012-00036

    Theoretical analysis of foam-filled aluminum tubes subjected to bending and denting

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    This paper presents a theoretical analysis for aluminum tubes filled with aluminum foam deforming in a kink collapse mode under large deformation bending and indentation. The local indentation of a tube by an indenter is a generic problem that arsis in many areas of structural mechanics and in safety considerations in applications such as vehicle safety and accident research. The classical beam on elastic foundation model was modified to predict the critical buckling stress which was compared to the classical elastic stress for the empty tube to quantify the effect of the foam. A closed form solution was obtained for the critical elastic buckling stress. During deep collapse of the tube, the fold formation process was such that the shell curvature flattened on the compression side transforming into two large flat triangles attached to each other. The collapse proceeded progressively by folding about the base and sides of these triangles. An expression for the plastic collapse load was obtained by equating the total energy absorbed in bending and flattening to the external work carried out by the indenter during deformation of the tube.A good agreement was found between the predicted load-deflection curves and those obtained from recent experiments carried out by the second author which were published elsewhere

    Plastic mechanism analysis of CHS stub columns strengthened using CFRP

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    This paper presents a plastic mechanism analysis for circular hollow section (CHS) tubes strengthened using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) deforming in an axi-symmetric (elephant foot) collapse mode under large deformation axial loading. The collapse proceeded progressively by folding about three concentrated hinge lines and hoop extension of the shell. An expression for the plastic collapse axial load was obtained by equating the total energy absorbed in bending and extension to the external work carried out during deformation of the tube. The newly derived mathematical model takes into account the contribution of the CFRP towards energy absorption during collapse. Comparisons of the predicted instantaneous post-buckling collapse loads with those obtained from experiments carried out elsewhere show good agreement

    Mathematical Models of Homogenization for a Rammed Earth Blend Made of Crushed Limestone and Cement in Linear Micro-poro-elasticity

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    Rammed earth (RE) designates natural building materials that can contain stabilized or non-stabilized soils or crushed stone blends. RE materials are non-homogenous and their performance depends on their compositions, grain size distributions, porosity, and mode of preparation. This category of building materials has recently been subject of extensive studies, due to the increasing interest in sustainable construction, which have highlighted the potential and limits of its large uptake. Although it has been demonstrated that RE can be treated as multi-component materials [1] a full characterization based on micro-structural considerations is still lacking. Full understanding of the role of porosity in the overall material performance has not been addressed. However, extensive literature [2, 3, 4, 5] is available that can describe the overall mechanical behaviour of similar materials, based on the principle continuum micromechanics. This study applies the Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme to characterize the linear elastic behaviour of cement-stabilized crushed-limestone-based material by treating it as a porous composite. The composite comprises a solid phase consisting of limestone grains bonded together with hydrated cement bridges and a fluid phases consisting of different families of pores. The microstructure of rammed earth samples has been observed using an optical microscope. The obtained images have been collected and processed to obtain the pore sizes and pore size distribution. Finally, these statistics along with the Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme have been used to determine the overall elastic properties that depend on a damage parameter enclosing the pore sizes, density, and textur