13 research outputs found

    A pile-up of edge dislocations to relax Misfit strain

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    It is shown that very large stresses may be present in the thin films that comprise integrated circuits and magnetic disks and that these stresses can cause deformation and fracture of the material. For a crystalline film on a non-deformable substrate, a key problem involves the movement of dislocations in the thin film. An analysis of this problem provides insight into both the formation of misfit dislocations in epitaxial thin films and the high strengths of thin metal films on substrates. We develop in this paper, theoretical calculations for dislocation nucleation phenomena in nanomaterials obtained by hetero-epitaxial growth of thin films on substrates having lattice mismatch defects. Atomic force microscopy observations showed the nucleation of dislocations from free lateral surfaces to relax the "misfit" strain, here we explain the principle of nucleating edge dislocations from these surfaces by the theoretical calculation, using the method of image stress and energy study. We begin, by treating the case of a single dislocation and then generalize the work at a pile-up of n interface dislocations.

    Reliability based design optimization of a two-stage wind turbine gearbox

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    This paper describes a multi-objective reliability-based design optimization (MORBDO) of a two-stage wind turbine gearbox. The optimization process incorporates the gear's reliability of accounting for the uncertainty of its internal geometric parameters. It also ensures that constraints relating to the gear's reliability index and efficiency are respected. The objective functions are to minimize both the total volume and the center distance. A specific reliability target is established, and to address the multi-objective reliability-based design optimization (MORBDO), the hybrid method (HM) in conjunction with the constrained non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (C-NSGA-II) is employed. The outcomes demonstrate that applying C-NSGA-II to solve the multi-objective reliability-based design optimization problem yields dependable Pareto solutions that are well-distributed in relation to the desired reliability level. The optimization using C-NSGA-II with a population size of 300 particles and 1000 generations produced the most favorable outcomes. This research significantly contributes to the multi-objective design optimization of wind turbine gear while simultaneously considering their reliability

    Nanoscale Numerical and Reliability Method for Nano-Cantilever

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    Extracting the maximum energy from solar panels

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    The performance of solar systems to convert solar radiation depends on its inclination angle to the horizontal plane, independently from meteorological conditions. Sunlight should fall with steep angle to extract maximum power from solar panels. Therefore, optimum fixed tilt angles of solar panels should be changed monthly and seasonally. In our study, MATLAB program is used to estimate the total solar radiation on a tilted panel surface with any inclination. The implementation developed to allow us to extract the correct angle at which the maximum energy could be absorbed by the solar cells. We could determine the optimum tile angle for monthly, seasonal, and yearly solar radiation relative to the site of Khouribga city (latitude 32∘52′North and longitude −6∘54′West), and we used the same method to draw the table of solar gains depending on the optimum tilt angle of the solar panels to the main Moroccan cities. Keywords: Solar radiation, Energy, Inclination, Optimum tilt angl

    Uncertainty Analysis Based on Kriging Meta-Model for Acoustic-Structural Problems

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    This paper consists of evaluating the performance of a vibro-acoustic model in the presence of uncertainties in the geometric and material parameters of the model using Monte Carlo simulations (MCS). The purpose of using a meta-model is to reduce the computational cost of finite element simulations. Uncertainty analysis requires a large sample of MCS to predict the effect of uncertain parameters on the system response. So, if this study is done through the finite element method (FEM), then the computational cost will be very important. Furthermore, for that, we use meta-models to be able to conduct an efficient uncertainty analysis more quickly. In the present contribution, the approximated meta-model is verified and validated using error measures and cross-validation (CV). Then, the uncertainty analysis is performed by Monte Carlo simulations using the computed Kriging meta-model. The developed methodology has been applied in two vibro-acoustic models. In these two models, the covariance of uncertainty of geometric and physical (elasticity and density) parameters are equal to 2% and 5% respectively. The obtained results prove that the suggested methodology of uncertainty propagation based on the Kriging meta-model can be considered as a very efficient and sufficiently accurate approach for the quantification of uncertainties in acoustic-structural systems

    Uncertainty Analysis Based on Kriging Meta-Model for Acoustic-Structural Problems

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    This paper consists of evaluating the performance of a vibro-acoustic model in the presence of uncertainties in the geometric and material parameters of the model using Monte Carlo simulations (MCS). The purpose of using a meta-model is to reduce the computational cost of finite element simulations. Uncertainty analysis requires a large sample of MCS to predict the effect of uncertain parameters on the system response. So, if this study is done through the finite element method (FEM), then the computational cost will be very important. Furthermore, for that, we use meta-models to be able to conduct an efficient uncertainty analysis more quickly. In the present contribution, the approximated meta-model is verified and validated using error measures and cross-validation (CV). Then, the uncertainty analysis is performed by Monte Carlo simulations using the computed Kriging meta-model. The developed methodology has been applied in two vibro-acoustic models. In these two models, the covariance of uncertainty of geometric and physical (elasticity and density) parameters are equal to 2% and 5% respectively. The obtained results prove that the suggested methodology of uncertainty propagation based on the Kriging meta-model can be considered as a very efficient and sufficiently accurate approach for the quantification of uncertainties in acoustic-structural systems

    Novel nanofibers composite based clay: synthesis, characterization and intrinsic properties

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    This work focuses on the study of red brick doped with reed fibers. These properties have been studied using characterizations techniques. In this context, we used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on the stability configuration, chemical structures and surface properties (morphology and porosity). The synthesis protocol is followed according to the manufacturing process of bricks on an industrial scale with well-defined standards and specifications. SEM and XRD experimental results showed that doping of clay fibers could effectively increase pore size and grain size as an indication of the removal of non-crystalline cellulosic materials from the fibers. The benefits of using fiber additives in clay bricks are then confirmed from a performance and environmental point of view