13 research outputs found

    Clam feeding plasticity reduces herbivore vulnerability to ocean warming and acidification

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    Ocean warming and acidification affect species populations, but how interactions within communities are affected and how this translates into ecosystem functioning and resilience remain poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that experimental ocean warming and acidification significantly alters the interaction network among porewater nutrients, primary producers, herbivores and burrowing invertebrates in a seafloor sediment community, and is linked to behavioural plasticity in the clam Scrobicularia plana. Warming and acidification induced a shift in the clam's feeding mode from predominantly suspension feeding under ambient conditions to deposit feeding with cascading effects on nutrient supply to primary producers. Surface-dwelling invertebrates were more tolerant to warming and acidification in the presence of S. plana, most probably due to the stimulatory effect of the clam on their microalgal food resources. This study demonstrates that predictions of population resilience to climate change require consideration of non-lethal effects such as behavioural changes of key species. Changes in ocean temperature and pH will impact on species, as well as impacting on community interactions. Here warming and acidification cause a clam species to change their feeding mode, with cascading effects for the marine sedimentary food web

    Patchiness and Co-Existence of Indigenous and Invasive Mussels at Small Spatial Scales: The Interaction of Facilitation and Competition

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    Ecological theory predicts that two species with similar requirements will fail to show long-term co-existence in situations where shared resources are limiting, especially at spatial scales that are small relative to the size of the organisms. Two species of intertidal mussels, the indigenous Perna perna and the invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis, form mixed beds on the south coast of South Africa in a situation that has been stable for several generations of these species, even though these populations are often limited by the availability of space. We examined the spatial structure of these species where they co-exist at small spatial scales in the absence of apparent environmental heterogeneity at two sites, testing: whether conspecific aggregation of mussels can occur (using spatial Monte-Carlo tests); the degree of patchiness (using Korcak B patchiness exponent), and whether there was a relationship between percent cover and patchiness. We found that under certain circumstances there is non-random conspecific aggregation, but that in other circumstances there may be random distribution (i.e. the two species are mixed), so that spatial patterns are context-dependent. The relative cover of the species differed between sites, and within each site, the species with higher cover showed low Korcak B values (indicating low patchiness, i.e. the existence of fewer, larger patches), while the less abundant species showed the reverse, i.e. high patchiness. This relationship did not hold for either species within sites. We conclude that co-existence between these mussels is possible, even at small spatial scales because each species is an ecological engineer and, while they have been shown to compete for space, this is preceded by initial facilitation. We suggest that a patchy pattern of co-existence is possible because of a balance between direct (competitive) and indirect (facilitative) interactions

    Who approves fraudulence? Configurational causes of consumers' unethical judgments

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    Corrupt behavior presents major challenges for organizations in a wide range of settings. This article embraces a complexity theoretical perspective to elucidate the causal patterns of factors underlying consumers’ unethical judgments. This study examines how causal conditions of four distinct domains combine into configurational causes of unethical judgments of two frequent forms of corrupt consumer behavior: shoplifting and fare dodging. The findings of fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analyses indicate alternative, consistently sufficient ‘‘recipes’’ for the outcomes of interest. This study extends prior work on the topic by offering new insights into the interplay and the interconnected structures of multiple causal factors and by describing configurational causes of consumers’ ethical evaluations of corrupt behaviors. This knowledge may support practitioners and policy makers to develop education and control approaches to thwart corrupt consumer behaviors

    Non-trophic Interactions Control Benthic Producers on Intertidal Flats

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    <p>The importance of positive effects of ecosystem engineers on associated communities is predicted to increase with environmental stress. However, incorporating such non-trophic interactions into ecological theory is not trivial because facilitation of associated species is conditional on both the type of engineer and the type of abiotic stress. We tested the influence of two allogenic ecosystem engineers (lugworms, Arenicola marina L. and cockles, Cerastoderma edule L.) on the main primary producers (microphytobenthos) of the tidal flats, under different abiotic stresses controlled by reefs of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). We added 25,000 cockles or 2,000 lugworms to 5 x 5 m plots, both in a muddy site with high sedimentation rates located coastward of a mussel bed, and in a sandy site without mussels and characterized by high hydrodynamic stress. After a year, cockles increased algal biomass in the sandy area, but not in the mussel bed site, where high values were measured in all plots. However, lugworms did not affect algal biomass in any of the sites. Field measurements suggest that cockles outweighed negative effects of water currents in the site without mussels by locally increasing sediment stability, whereas mussels overruled the effects of cockles in the wake of the reefs through hydrodynamic stress alleviation and/or biodeposition. Our results suggest that non-trophic interactions by ecosystem engineering bivalves control primary production of intertidal areas, and that the sediment-stabilizing effect of cockles plays a crucial role where the overruling effects of mussel beds are not present.</p>