367 research outputs found

    Where do we go from here? An assessment of navigation performance using a compass versus a GPS unit

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    The Global Positioning System (GPS) looks set to replace the traditional map and compass for navigation tasks in military and civil domains. However, we may ask whether GPS has a real performance advantage over traditional methods. We present an exploratory study using a waypoint plotting task to compare the standard magnetic compass against a military GPS unit, for both expert and non-expert navigators. Whilst performance times were generally longer in setting up the GPS unit, once navigation was underway the GPS was more efficient than the compass. For mediumto long-term missions, this means that GPS could offer significant performance benefits, although the compass remains superior for shorter missions. Notwithstanding the performance times, significantly more errors, and more serious errors, occurred when using the compass. Overall, then, the GPS offers some clear advantages, especially for non-expert users. Nonetheless, concerns over the development of cognitive maps remain when using GPS technologies

    Eyeblink conditioning in the infant rat: an animal model of learning in developmental neurotoxicology.

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    Classical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex is a relatively simple procedure for studying associative learning that was first developed for use with human subjects more than half a century ago. The use of this procedure in laboratory animals by psychologists and neuroscientists over the past 30 years has produced a powerful animal model for studying the behavioral and biological mechanisms of learning. As a result, eyeblink conditioning is beginning to be pursued as a very promising model for predicting and understanding human learning and memory disorders. Among the many advantages of this procedure are (a) the fact that it can be carried out in the same manner in both humans and laboratory animals; (b) the many ways in which it permits one to characterize changes in learning at the behavioral level; (c) the readiness with which hypotheses regarding the neurological basis of behavioral disorders can be formulated and tested; (d) the fact that it can be used in the same way across the life-span; and (e) its ability to distinguish, from normative groups, populations suffering from neurological conditions associated with impaired learning and memory, including those produced by exposure to neurotoxicants. In this article, we argue that these properties of eyeblink conditioning make it an excellent model system for studying early impairments of learning and memory in developmental neurotoxicology. We also review progress that has been made in our laboratory in developing a rodent model of infant eyeblink conditioning for this purpose

    Two novel human cytomegalovirus NK cell evasion functions target MICA for lysosomal degradation

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    NKG2D plays a major role in controlling immune responses through the regulation of natural killer (NK) cells, αβ and γδ T-cell function. This activating receptor recognizes eight distinct ligands (the MHC Class I polypeptide-related sequences (MIC) A andB, and UL16-binding proteins (ULBP)1–6) induced by cellular stress to promote recognition cells perturbed by malignant transformation or microbial infection. Studies into human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have aided both the identification and characterization of NKG2D ligands (NKG2DLs). HCMV immediate early (IE) gene up regulates NKGDLs, and we now describe the differential activation of ULBP2 and MICA/B by IE1 and IE2 respectively. Despite activation by IE functions, HCMV effectively suppressed cell surface expression of NKGDLs through both the early and late phases of infection. The immune evasion functions UL16, UL142, and microRNA(miR)-UL112 are known to target NKG2DLs. While infection with a UL16 deletion mutant caused the expected increase in MICB and ULBP2 cell surface expression, deletion of UL142 did not have a similar impact on its target, MICA. We therefore performed a systematic screen of the viral genome to search of addition functions that targeted MICA. US18 and US20 were identified as novel NK cell evasion functions capable of acting independently to promote MICA degradation by lysosomal degradation. The most dramatic effect on MICA expression was achieved when US18 and US20 acted in concert. US18 and US20 are the first members of the US12 gene family to have been assigned a function. The US12 family has 10 members encoded sequentially through US12–US21; a genetic arrangement, which is suggestive of an ‘accordion’ expansion of an ancestral gene in response to a selective pressure. This expansion must have be an ancient event as the whole family is conserved across simian cytomegaloviruses from old world monkeys. The evolutionary benefit bestowed by the combinatorial effect of US18 and US20 on MICA may have contributed to sustaining the US12 gene family

    Gβγ and the C Terminus of SNAP-25 Are Necessary for Long-Term Depression of Transmitter Release

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    Short-term presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled receptors involves a direct interaction between G proteins and the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies implicate the C terminus of the vesicle-associated protein SNAP-25 as a molecular binding target of Gβγ that transiently reduces vesicular release. However, it is not known whether SNAP-25 is a target for molecular modifications expressing long-term changes in transmitter release probability.This study utilized two-photon laser scanning microscopy for real-time imaging of action potential-evoked [Ca(2+)] increases, in single Schaffer collateral presynaptic release sites in in vitro hippocampal slices, plus simultaneous recording of Schaffer collateral-evoked synaptic potentials. We used electroporation to infuse small peptides through CA3 cell bodies into presynaptic Schaffer collateral terminals to selectively study the presynaptic effect of scavenging the G-protein Gβγ. We demonstrate here that the C terminus of SNAP-25 is necessary for expression of LTD, but not long-term potentiation (LTP), of synaptic strength. Using type A botulinum toxin (BoNT/A) to enzymatically cleave the 9 amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 eliminated the ability of low frequency synaptic stimulation to induce LTD, but not LTP, even if release probability was restored to pre-BoNT/A levels by elevating extracellular [Ca(2+)]. Presynaptic electroporation infusion of the 14-amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 (Ct-SNAP-25), to scavenge Gβγ, reduced both the transient presynaptic inhibition produced by the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation, and LTD. Furthermore, presynaptic infusion of mSIRK, a second, structurally distinct Gβγ scavenging peptide, also blocked the induction of LTD. While Gβγ binds directly to and inhibit voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, imaging of presynaptic [Ca(2+)] with Mg-Green revealed that low-frequency stimulation only transiently reduced presynaptic Ca(2+) influx, an effect not altered by infusion of Ct-SNAP-25.The C-terminus of SNAP-25, which links synaptotagmin I to the SNARE complex, is a binding target for Gβγ necessary for both transient transmitter-mediated presynaptic inhibition, and the induction of presynaptic LTD

    Wastewater-based epidemiology in hazard forecasting and early-warning systems for global health risks

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    With the advent of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE) has been applied to track community infection in cities worldwide and has proven succesful as an early warning system for identification of hotspots and changingprevalence of infections (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) at a city or sub-city level. Wastewater is only one of environmental compartments that requires consideration. In this manuscript, we have critically evaluated the knowledge-base and preparedness for building early warning systems in a rapidly urbanising world, with particular attention to Africa, which experiences rapid population growth and urbanisation. We have proposed a Digital Urban Environment Fingerprinting Platform (DUEF) – a new approach in hazard forecasting and early-warning systems for global health risks and an extension to the existing concept of smart cities. The urban environment (especially wastewater) contains a complex mixture of substances including toxic chemicals, infectious biological agents and human excretion products. DUEF assumes that these specific endo- and exogenous residues, anonymously pooled by communities’ wastewater, are indicative of community-wide exposure and the resulting effects. DUEF postulates that the measurement of the substances continuously and anonymously pooled by the receiving environment (sewage, surface water, soils and air), can provide near real-time dynamic information about the quantity and type of physical, biological or chemical stressors to which the surveyed systems are exposed, and can create a risk profile on the potential effects of these exposures. Successful development and utilisation of a DUEF globally requires a tiered approach including: Stage I: network building, capacity building, stakeholder engagement as well as a conceptual model, followed by Stage II: DUEF development, Stage III: implementation, and Stage IV: management and utilization. We have identified four key pillars required for the establishment of a DUEF framework: (1) Environmental fingerprints, (2) Socioeconomic fingerprints, (3) Statistics and modelling and (4) Information systems. This manuscript critically evaluates the current knowledge base within each pillar and provides recommendations for further developments with an aim of laying grounds for successful development of global DUEF platforms

    Sub-ice-shelf sediments record history of twentieth-century retreat of Pine Island Glacier

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature20136The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is one of the largest potential sources of rising sea levels. Over the past 40 years, glaciers flowing into the Amundsen Sea sector of the ice sheet have thinned at an accelerating rate, and several numerical models suggest that unstable and irreversible retreat of the grounding line—which marks the boundary between grounded ice and floating ice shelf—is underway. Understanding this recent retreat requires a detailed knowledge of grounding-line history, but the locations of the grounding line before the advent of satellite monitoring in the 1990s are poorly dated. In particular, a history of grounding-line retreat is required to understand the relative roles of contemporaneous ocean-forced change and of ongoing glacier response to an earlier perturbation in driving ice-sheet loss. Here we show that the present thinning and retreat of Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica is part of a climatically forced trend that was triggered in the 1940s. Our conclusions arise from analysis of sediment cores recovered beneath the floating Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, and constrain the date at which the grounding line retreated from a prominent seafloor ridge. We find that incursion of marine water beyond the crest of this ridge, forming an ocean cavity beneath the ice shelf, occurred in 1945 (±12 years); final ungrounding of the ice shelf from the ridge occurred in 1970 (±4 years). The initial opening of this ocean cavity followed a period of strong warming of West Antarctica, associated with El Niño activity. Furthermore our results suggest that, even when climate forcing weakened, ice-sheet retreat continued.USDO

    Quality of life among Latina breast cancer patients: a systematic review of the literature

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    Introduction The Latino population is the most rapidly growing ethnic minority in the United States and Latinas have higher rates of advanced breast cancer and more rigorous treatments than White women. However, the literature lacks reviews on quality of life among this population of breast cancer patients. Methods A systematic review of the breast cancer quality of life (QOL) literature was conducted among studies that provided a comparison of mental, physical, social, or sexual QOL between Latinas and other racial/ethnic groups. Of the 375 studies reviewed, 20 quantitative studies and two qualitative studies met criteria for inclusion. Results Latinas were more likely to report poor mental, physical, and social QOL, relative to non-Latinas. Only four studies assessed sexual QOL, making it difficult to draw any conclusions. Of these four QOL domains, the largest disparity was found in the area of mental health in which Latinas reported poorer QOL compared to non-Latina Whites and Blacks. Discussion/conclusions Most quantitative studies revealed either that Latinas consistently evidenced significantly lower QOL than non-Latinas on all measures (6 studies) or reported mixed findings in which Latinas generally demonstrated significantly worse QOL on most, but not all, measures (12 studies) included in the study. Explanatory mechanisms including socio-demographic, treatment-related, and culturally-relevant factors are discussed. Implications for research design, measurement, and clinical work are also included. Implications for cancer survivors Although not entirely consistent, data suggest that Latina breast cancer survivors on average experience worse QOL than non-Latina Whites. Understanding ethnic differences in QOL among breast cancer survivors can inform interventions targeted at improving health status for Latinas

    Aldosterone does not require angiotensin II to activate NCC through a WNK4–SPAK–dependent pathway

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    We and others have recently shown that angiotensin II can activate the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) through a WNK4–SPAK-dependent pathway. Because WNK4 was previously shown to be a negative regulator of NCC, it has been postulated that angiotensin II converts WNK4 to a positive regulator. Here, we ask whether aldosterone requires angiotensin II to activate NCC and if their effects are additive. To do so, we infused vehicle or aldosterone in adrenalectomized rats that also received the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan. In the presence of losartan, aldosterone was still capable of increasing total and phosphorylated NCC twofold to threefold. The kinases WNK4 and SPAK also increased with aldosterone and losartan. A dose-dependent relationship between aldosterone and NCC, SPAK, and WNK4 was identified, suggesting that these are aldosterone-sensitive proteins. As more functional evidence of increased NCC activity, we showed that rats receiving aldosterone and losartan had a significantly greater natriuretic response to hydrochlorothiazide than rats receiving losartan only. To study whether angiotensin II could have an additive effect, rats receiving aldosterone with losartan were compared with rats receiving aldosterone only. Rats receiving aldosterone only retained more sodium and had twofold to fourfold increase in phosphorylated NCC. Together, our results demonstrate that aldosterone does not require angiotensin II to activate NCC and that WNK4 appears to act as a positive regulator in this pathway. The additive effect of angiotensin II may favor electroneutral sodium reabsorption during hypovolemia and may contribute to hypertension in diseases with an activated renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system