6 research outputs found

    Selected plasma biochemical parameters in improved indigenous NIGERHYB pigs in Southwestern Nigeria

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    This study was to assess the biochemical parameters of apparently healthy NIGERHYB pigs and comparison of age and sex related differences in these parameters. One hundred and thirty five NIGERHYB pigs (35 boar, 35 sow, 30 weaned boar piglets and 35 weaned gilt piglets) obtained from intensively managed pig farms in Abeokuta suburbs were screened for parasites. The total protein, albumin, globulin, Na+ and K+ values of apparently healthy ones were determined using standard methods. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The total protein, albumin, globulin, Na+ and K+ values showed no significant (p>0.05) differences in both sexes of adult and piglets. However, the mean values of total protein, globulin and K+ were significantly higher in the adult than young. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in mean values of Na+ and K+ in sow, boar and gilt piglets compared to the boar piglets. No significant (p>0.05) age and sex difference evident in the mean HCO3- of young and adult pigs. The relationship between these biochemical parameter and those of other animal species in this environment were discussed

    Intusussception Secondary to Gastrointestinal Foreign Body in an Eleven Month old Juvenile African Lion (Panthera Leo) Case Report

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    An eleven month old male, juvenile lion brought for rehabilitation at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) Wildlife Park was diagnosed with gastrointestinal foreign body and intussusception based on the history of persistent vomiting following ingestion of a cotton towel, and radiographic findings of a radiopaque gastric foreign body extending from the fundus to the pylorus and a cylindrical soft tissue mid-abdominal mass. The lion was premedicated with an intramuscular injections of ketamine (5 mg.kg−1) and midazolam (0.25 mg.kg−1), while anaesthesia was induced with an intravenous injection of propofol (2 mg.kg−1). A celiotomy followed by gastrotomy and subsequent intestinal resection and anastomosis was performed to remove the gastrointestinal foreign bodies and correct the intussus ception. The lion recovered well without any complication and was gradually introduced back into the group housing three weeks later following successful alimentation process. This report is probably the first case of intussusception in a lion that was associated with a gastrointestinal foreign body


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    An uncommon case of scrotal and inguinal hernias in a 6 months old unilateral cryptorchid West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Federal Univer-sity of Agriculture, Abeokuta-Nigeria. The ram was noticed few days after birth with two bulging mass-es around the ventral region which gradually increases in size as the animal grows. On examination, the content of the swellings were reducible and the right testicle was not palpable within the scrotal sac. Ultrasonography confirms the hernia contents as intestinal loops. The animal was sedated with xylazine HCL administered intramuscularly at a dosage of 0.1 mg/kg and anaesthetized epidurally with 1.5mls of 2% lignocaine HCL administered into the lumbosacral space. Herniorrhapy was performed on the scrotal hernia, followed by orchidectomy while the inguinal hernia was corrected using hernio-plasty. Cryptorchidism may have predisposed to the hernias in this case. Thorough assessment of cryptorchid animals is essential as the opening created by the non-descendent testis could be a risk factor for herniation; therefore such affected ram should not be used for breeding purposes because of the heritable nature of the defect

    A mathematical model for the epidemiology of tuberculosis with estimate of the basic reproduction number

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    In this paper, we studied a vaccination model for tuberculosis (TB) dynamics at the population level. We proved that the solution to the model is positive and bounded. The basic reproduction number is determined. We show that the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) is globally asymptotically stable if and the existence of an endemic equilibrium of the model. Numerical simulations of the model are also carried out to show the efficacy of the vaccine. Numerical experiments suggest that a strategy of continuous vaccination would result in a more stable DFE for disease elimination

    Gastrointestinal helminths of resident wildlife at the Federal University of Agriculture Zoological Park, Abeokuta

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    A total of forty two resident animals representing eighteen wildlife species at the Federal University of Agriculture (FUNAAB) Zoo Park were screened for nematode helminths between May and June 2013. Freshly voided faeces from the animals were subjected to basic coprology tests (Direct Microscopic Examination and Concentration Techniques). Trichuris specie. was the most prevalent nematode in primate species. Prevalence of 14.3% and 28.6% were recorded for Capillaria specie and Strongyles in the primates respectively. A prevalence of 100% infection with nematodes in screened fourteen (14) primates was recorded. Mona and Vervet monkeys have the highest points for parasite richness count of 2 out of 3 detected nematodes amongst the primates. Wild birds at the park recorded the lowest prevalence for any type of nematodes with 7 out of 8 species without any nematode detected. Ascaridae was only detected in carnivorous reptiles and birds. In terms of feeding category, carnivorous species namely the (Aquila spilogaster) and Royal python (P. regius) have the highest species richness count of parasites. Non-nematode helminths detected include protozoons (Isospora and Eimeria) and Cestodes segments suspected to be Echinococcus proglotids. Knowledge of the helminth parasites in wild animals is vital in formulating preventative veterinary protocols in captive exhibits. This is the first documented account of nematode helminths of resident wild animals at the FUNAAB Zoo Park, Abeokuta.Keywords: Helminth, Nematodes, Parasite richness count, Wild animals, Zo