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    Farmers’ supply responsiveness planting rice in Jambi Province was estimated using Meta- Profit analysis function. The objective of study is to analyze rice farmers’ supply response. Research was conducted in Jambi Province in the year of 2010. Result showed that farmers’ profit planting rice increased because its price increased. Furthermore, its share decreased when its labour wage increased. This implied to farmers to plant rice because rice was relatively more profitable than other plants. The result showed that farmers tended to pushed risk in planting decision. As expected that irrigation index was also the important significant factor. Following it found that its profit planting rice increased in wet season. This results were consistent with the fact that the water availability was important factor to plant rice. The consistency of previous result, it found that profit to plant rice was the positive determination with irrigation index. This implied that government policy in agriculture had positive impact on technological adoption. The analysis production function suggested that labour and fertilizer elasticities higher than zero significantly. Production rice elasticity by considering the number of labour used was a little bit lower than fertilizer. As expected, it found that rice production elasticity by considering irrigation index was bigger than zero significantly.Crop Production/Industries,

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    With his move from Menlo Park, New Jersey, to New York City at the end of March 1881, Edison shifted his focus from research and development to the commercialization of his electric lighting system. This volume of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison chronicles Edison's central role in the enormous effort to manufacture, market, and install electric lighting systems in the United States and abroad. Standard studies of this period emphasize the inauguration of the commercial electric utility industry at the Pearl Street central station. Edison and his associates, however, audaciously operated on a global scale, not just focusing on the major cities of North America and Europe but reaching simultaneously from Appleton, Wisconsin, to Australia, through the Indian subcontinent and East Asia, to Central and South America.Praise for The Papers of Thomas A. Edison:"A mine of material . . . Scrupulously edited . . . No one could ask for more . . . A choplicking feast for future Edison biographers—well into the next century, and perhaps beyond."—Washington Post“What is most extraordinary about the collection isn't necessarily what it reveals about Edison's inventions . . . It's the insight into the process.”—Associated Press"Those interested in America's technological culture can eagerly look forward to the appearance of each volume of the Edison Papers."—Technology and Culture"His lucidity comes through everywhere . . . His writing and drawing come together as a single, vigorous thought process."—New York Times"A triumph of the bookmaker's art, with splendidly arranged illustrations, essential background information, and cautionary reminders of the common sources on which Edison's imagination drew."—New York Review of Books"In the pages of this volume Edison the man, his work, and his times come alive . . . A delight to browse through or to read carefully."—Science"Beyond its status as the resource for Edison studies, providing a near inexhaustible supply of scholarly fodder, this series . . . will surely become a model for such projects in the future . . . The sheer diversity of material offered here refreshingly transcends any exclusive restriction to Edisonia."—British Journal for the History of Scienc

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    This newest volume in the acclaimed Papers of Thomas A. Edison covers one year in the life of America's greatest inventor—1878. That year Edison, whom a New York newspaper in the spring first called "the Wizard of Menlo Park," developed the phonograph, one of his most famous inventions; made a breakthrough in the development of telephone transmitters, which made the instrument commercially viable; and announced the advent of domestic electric lighting, with only a few weeks' worth of tinkering necessary to complete its design (the announcement sent gas-company stocks plummeting; the research and development went on for four years).These inventions brought Edison financial support for his work and attention from the public. In January investors in the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company agreed to fund development work on the phonograph. The invention made Edison internationally famous and in May he traveled to Washington, D.C., to show the phonograph at the National Academy of Sciences, to Congress, and to President Rutherford B. Hayes at the White House. That same month Western Union agreed to pay Edison an annual salary of $6,000 for his telephone inventions, although other support from the company declined following the death of its president, William Orton. The stress of unceasing public attention, including a trans-Atlantic dispute over the question of who invented the microphone, led an exhausted Edison to travel west during the summer to witness a solar eclipse but also to seek rest. His six-week trip took him to San Francisco and the Yosemite region of California. Edison began working on electric lighting after his return and in October the Edison Electric Light Company was formed to support his research

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    The fifth volume of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison covers Edison's invention and development of the first commercial incandescent electric light and power system. In the process he turned his famed Menlo Park laboratory into the first true research and development facility. This also enabled him to develop a new telephone for the British market in the midst of his herculean efforts on electric lighting.In the face of daunting technical challenges and skepticism from leading scientists and engineers, Edison and his team of experimenters and machinists found the solution to the decades-old problem of creating a practical incandescent lamp. By focusing on the characteristics of the entire system Edison reconceptualized the requirements of a successful lamp design. While rivals worked primarily on lamps, Edison developed other parts of a complete system as well. This approach was most notable in his revolutionary work on generator technology, one of the highlights of this volume. Successful exhibitions of the system in December 1879 drew crowds to Menlo Park to witness the softly glowing lamps. These spectacles gratified his financial backers but Edison realized the importance of following experimental demonstrations with the hard work of commercial development. He needed to make each component work effectively in daily use and to improve the designs so that they were easy to use and inexpensive to manufacture. To create a daytime market for electricity he also developed electric motors for a variety of uses, including electric railways, for which he built a small demonstration line at Menlo Park. To accomplish all this Edison greatly enlarged his staff to as many as sixty experimenters, machinists, carpenters, and office workers. He began manufacturing lamps at a factory in Menlo Park. At the end of 1880, Edison was ready to move his system into commercial production and made plans to produce other components in New York. He also invited New York officials to a demonstration in order to win their approval for running underground lines in lower Manhattan where he planned to put his first commercial central station. In March 1881, he moved to the Edison Electric Light Company's headquarters on Fifth Avenue and began the hard work of introducing the new electric light and power technology

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    This richly illustrated volume explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges.Thomas A. Edison was received at the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle—the World's Fair—as a conquering hero. Extravagantly fêted and besieged by well-wishers, he was seen, like Gustave Eiffel's iron tower, as a triumphal symbol of republicanism and material progress. The visit was a high-water mark of his international fame.Out of the limelight, Edison worked as hard as ever. On top of his work as an inventor, entrepreneur, and manufacturer, he created a new role as a director of research. At his peerless laboratory in Orange, New Jersey, he directed assistants working in parallel on multiple projects. These included the "perfected" phonograph; a major but little-recognized effort to make musical recordings for sale; the start of work on motion pictures; and improvements in the recovery of low-grade iron ore. He also pursued a public "War of the Currents" against electrical rival George Westinghouse. Keenly attuned to manufacturing as a way to support the laboratory financially and control his most iconic products, Edison created a new cluster of factories. He kept his manufacturing rights to the phonograph while selling the underlying patents to an outside investor in a deal he would regret. When market pressures led to the consolidation of Edison lighting interests, he sold his factories to the new Edison General Electric Company. These changes disrupted his longtime personal and professional relations even as he planned an iron-mining project that would take him to the New Jersey wilderness for long periods.The ninth volume of the series, Competing Interests explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges. The book includes 331 documents and hundreds of Edison's drawings, which are all revealing and representative of his life and work in these years. Essays and notes based on meticulous research in a wide range of sources, many only recently available, provide a rich context for the documents

    Characterization and Potential Utility of Porcine Trophoblast-Derived Stem-Like Cells

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    In mammals, the trophoblast lineage of the embryo is specified before implantation. It is restricted to become the fetal portion of the placenta. We have isolated and cultured trophoblast-derived cells from day 10 and day 13 porcine embryos. These cells demonstrate morphological and biological characteristics that make them unique. We have demonstrated that these cells can grow in vitro in a defined, serum-replacement medium for over a year without showing any signs of senescence. Trophoblast-derived cells placed into serum-containing medium, however, rapidly senesce and fail to proliferate. Gene expression analysis by RT-PCR and Fluidigm analysis of cells in culture from 0-30 days confirmed expression of genes involved in trophoblast function (CDX2, TEAD4, CYP17A1, HSD17B1, FGFR2, PLET, HAND1) as well as some genes known to mediate pluripotency (POU5F1, KLF4, CMYC). These experiments revealed changes in gene expression over time and in response to serum-containing medium. We have demonstrated that these trophoblast-derived cells are easily stably transfected with an exogenous transgene (eGFP) by a variety of methods, and show the ability to survive and to be passaged repeatedly after transfection. Also, immunofluorescence analysis results demonstrated that these cells do not only demonstrate epithelial characteristics by the expression of KRT18, but also they show expression of VIMENTIN which is a protein found in mesenchymal cells. These findings contradict studies done by Ramsoondar in 1993 and Flechon in 1995 which reported the negative expression of VIMENTIN in similar cells. In summary, early embryonic porcine trophoblast-derived cells have demonstrated unique characteristics which have taken us to the conclusion that they could be used as valuable tools for laboratory work. Anticipated applications include the study of trophoblast physiology as well as possible solutions for improving efficiency of transgenesis by somatic cell nuclear transfer and for pluripotency reprogramming of cells

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAhatani Karet Petani yang Menjual Kepasar Lelang dan Luar Pasar Lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran pendapatan petani karet rakyat di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi danuntuk mengetahui komparasi pendapatan petani karet rakyat yang menjual ke pasar lelang dan menjual di luar pasar lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Metode analisa data yang di gunakan dalam analisis ini adalah analisis uji beda dua rata-rata yaitu untuk melihat perbandingan antara pendapatan petani karet yang menjual bokar pada pasar lelang dengan petani karet yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan USAha tani karet yang menjual kepasar lelang adalah sebesar Rp. 4.803.128/ bulan sedangkan pendapatan rata-rata petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang adalah Rp. 6.272.850/ bulan.Terlihat bahwa petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang lebih besar Rp. 1.469.736/ bulan di bandingkan dengan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan luas lahan sehingga adanya perbedaan produksi dan selanjutnya menyebabkan perbedaan penerimaan dan pendapatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbedaan (komparasi) pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan diluar pasar lelang dengan analisis uji beda dua rata-rata di dapat t hitung (2,059) lebih besar dari t tabel (1,668) pada tingkat signifikansi 95%. Dengan demikian tolak Ho, artinya terdapat perbedaan pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang

    Kajian Kemunduran Mutu Ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus Hoevenii) Segar dengan Perendaman dalam Larutan Kitosan

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    This research was intended to evaluate the deterioration of fresh mad barb (Leptobarbus hoevenii) with soaking in chitosan solution. The method used in this study was the experimental method, with concentration of chitosan solution was 0%; 0.1%; 0.3% and 0.5%. The fresh mad barb (Leptobarbus hoevenii) was evaluated for organoleptic tested; including eye visually, gills, mucous, meat (color and visually), odor and texture; total plate count and total volatile base.The highest concentration of chitosan solution could increased the fish quality of fresh mad barb (Leptobarbus hoevenii). The concentration with 0,5% of chitosan solution was the best treatment; could defend the fish quality on eye parameter for 15 h with value 7.08; gills 12 h (6.72), mucous 15 h (7.00); meat 15 h (7.11); odor 21 h (7.04); texture 15 h (7.12); total plate count 12 h (4.04x105 colony/gram) and total volatile base 21 h (33.07 mg/100 gram)
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