30 research outputs found

    Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging

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    Social entrepreneurship is usually understood as an economic activity which focuses at social values, goals, and investments that generates surpluses for social entrepreneurs as individuals, groups, and startups who are working for the benefit of communities, instead of strictly focusing mainly at the financial profit, economic values, and the benefit generated for shareholders or owners. Social entrepreneurship combines the production of goods, services, and knowledge in order to achieve both social and economic goals and allow for solidarity building. From a broader perspective, entities that are focused on social entrepreneurship are identified as parts of the social and solidarity economy. These are, for example, social enterprises, cooperatives, mutual organizations, self-help groups, charities, unions, fair trade companies, community enterprises, and time banks. Social innovation is a key element of social entrepreneurship. Social innovation is usually understood as new strategies, concepts, products, services, and organizational forms that allow for the satisfaction of needs. Such innovations are created in particular in the contact areas of various sectors of the social system. For example, these are spaces between the public sector, the private sector, and civil society. These innovations not only allow the solving of problems but also extend possibilities for public action

    Femtosecond pulse shaping directly in the mid-IR using acousto-optic modulation

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    Pulse shaping directly in the raid-IR is accomplished by using a germanium acousto-optic modulator (Ge AOM) capable of programmable phase and amplitude modulation for IR light between 2 and 18 ??m. Shaped waveforms centered at 4.9 ??m are demonstrated in both the frequency and the time domains. With a 50% throughput efficiency, the Ge AOM can generate much more intense pulses with higher resolution than can indirect shaping methods. Furthermore, the phase stability of the shaped pulse proved sufficient for cross correlation with unshaped mid-IR pulses. Thus, phase- and amplitude-tailored pulses can now be readily incorporated into phase-sensitive experiments, such as heterodyned 2D IR spectroscopy.close797

    \u201cIs Our Daughter Crazy or Bad?\u201d: A Case Study of Therapeutic Assessment with Children

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    In this paper we present a new model of intervention with documented efficacy that combines psychological tests and assessment methods with therapeutic techniques to promote change in clients. We will discuss Therapeutic Assessment of Children and their families (TA-C) through the case of a 4-year-old girl, Clara, and her family. Clara\u2019s parents were distressed by her uncontrollable rage outbursts and feared she might be \u201ccrazy\u201d. The treatment helped to shift the narrative the parents had about Clara and give new meanings to her behaviors. We describe in detail the steps of the assessment and provide a theoretical discussion of the therapeutic processes involved