6 research outputs found

    Classical Particle in Presence of Magnetic Field, Hyperbolic Lobachevsky and Spherical Riemann Models

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    Motion of a classical particle in 3-dimensional Lobachevsky and Riemann spaces is studied in the presence of an external magnetic field which is analogous to a constant uniform magnetic field in Euclidean space. In both cases three integrals of motions are constructed and equations of motion are solved exactly in the special cylindrical coordinates on the base of the method of separation of variables. In Lobachevsky space there exist trajectories of two types, finite and infinite in radial variable, in Riemann space all motions are finite and periodical. The invariance of the uniform magnetic field in tensor description and gauge invariance of corresponding 4-potential description is demonstrated explicitly. The role of the symmetry is clarified in classification of all possible solutions, based on the geometric symmetry group, SO(3,1) and SO(4) respectively

    Spin 1/2 Particle with Two Masses in External Magnetic Field

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    Equation for spin 1/2 particle with two mass states is investigated in presence of magnetic field. The problem reduces to a system of 4 linked 2-nd order differential equations. After diagonalization of the mixing term, separate equations for four different functions are derived, in which the spectral parameters coincide with the roots of a 4-th order polynomial. Solutions are constructed in terms of confluent hyper-geometric functions; four series of energy spectrum are found. Numerical study of the spectra is performed. Physical energy levels for the two mass fermion differ from those for the ordinary Dirac fermion

    Оn describing bound states for a spin 1 particle in the external coulomb field

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    Исследуется система из 10 радиальных уравнений для векторной частицы в кулоновском поле. С использованием оператора пространственной четности система разбивается на две, по 4 и 6 уравнений каждая. Система из 4 уравнений решается в гипергеометрических функциях, приводя к известному спектру энергий. Комбинированием 6 уравнений удается получить для некоторых радиальных функций дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка. В частности, одно из уравнений оказывается уравнением Гойна, это позволило на основе выделения так называемых трансцендентных вырожденных функций Гойна получить условие квантования и соответствующий спектр энергий. Система 6 уравнений после исключения недифференциальных соотношений приведена к связанным уравнениям 1-го порядка для функций 1234. f fff Выведены уравнения 4-го порядка для каждой из этих функций, описаны их сингулярности. Предложен метод описания проекций векторов решений – линий в 4-мерном пространстве 1234 {()()()()} f rfrfrfr на различные плоскости 0.The system of 10 radial equationsfor a spin 1 particle in the external Coulomb field, is studied. With the use of the space reflection operator, the system is split to subsystems, consisted of 4 and 6 equations respectively. The system of 4 equations is solved in terms of hypergeometric functions, which gives the known energy spectrum. Combining the 6-equation system, we derive several equations of the 2-nd order for some separate functions. On of them may be recognized as a confluent Heun equation. A series of bound states is constructed in terms of the so calledtranscendental confluent Heun functions, which provides us with solutions for the second class of bound states, with corresponding formula for energy levels. The subsystem of 6 is equations reduced to the system of the 1-st order equations for 4 functions , 1,2,3,4.i fi We derive explicit form of a corresponding of the 4-th order equation for eachfunction. From four independent solutions of each 4-th order equation, only two solutions may be referred to series of bound states

    Majorana–Oppenheimer Approach to Maxwell Electrodynamics. Part I. Minkowski Space

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