17 research outputs found

    Nanoscale analysis of the oxidation state and surface termination of praseodymium oxide ultrathin films on ruthenium(0001)

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    The complex structure and morphology of ultrathin praseodymia films deposited on a ruthenium(0001) single crystal substrate by reactive molecular beam epitaxy is analyzed by intensity-voltage low-energy electron microscopy in combination with theoretical calculations within an ab initio scattering theory. A rich coexistence of various nanoscale crystalline surface structures is identified for the as-grown samples, notably comprising two distinct oxygen-terminated hexagonal Pr2O3(0001) surface phases as well as a cubic Pr2O3(111) and a fluorite PrO2(111) surface component. Furthermore, scattering theory reveals a striking similarity between the electron reflectivity spectra of praseodymia and ceria due to very efficient screening of the nuclear charge by the extra 4f electron in the former case

    Low-Energy Electron Microscopy contrast of stacking boundaries: comparing twisted few-layer graphene and strained epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide

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    Stacking domain boundaries occur in Van der Waals heterostacks whenever there is a twist angle or lattice mismatch between subsequent layers. Not only can these domain boundaries host topological edge states, imaging them has been instrumental to determine local variations in twisted bilayer graphene. Here, we analyse the mechanisms causing stacking domain boundary contrast in Bright Field Low-Energy Electron Microscopy (BF-LEEM) for both graphene on SiC, where domain boundaries are caused by strain and for twisted few layer graphene. We show that when domain boundaries are between the top two graphene layers, BF-LEEM contrast is observed due to amplitude contrast and corresponds well to calculations of the contrast based purely on the local stacking in the domain boundary. Conversely, for deeper-lying domain boundaries, amplitude contrast only provides a weak distinction between the inequivalent stackings in the domains themselves. However, for small domains phase contrast, where electrons from different parts of the unit cell interfere causes a very strong contrast. We derive a general rule-of-thumb of expected BF-LEEM contrast for domain boundaries in Van der Waals materials. Quantum Matter and Optic

    Origin of inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect detected at the Cu/Bi interface using lateral spin valves

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    The spin transport and spin-to-charge current conversion properties of bismuth are investigated using permalloy/copper/bismuth (Py/Cu/Bi) lateral spin valve structures. The spin current is strongly absorbed at the surface of Bi, leading to ultrashort spin-diffusion lengths. A spin-to-charge current conversion is measured, which is attributed to the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect at the Cu/Bi interface. The spin-current-induced charge current is found to change direction with increasing temperature. A theoretical analysis relates this behavior to the complex spin structure and dispersion of the surface states at the Fermi energy. The understanding of this phenomenon opens novel possibilities to exploit spin-orbit coupling to create, manipulate, and detect spin currents in two-dimensional systems

    Imaging moiré deformation and dynamics in twisted bilayer graphene

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    In twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) a moiré pattern forms that introduces a new length scale to the material. At the 'magic' twist angle of 1.1°, this causes a flat band to form, yielding emergent properties such as correlated insulator behavior and superconductivity [1-4]. In general, the moiré structure in TBG varies spatially, influencing the local electronic properties [5-9] and hence the outcome of macroscopic charge transport experiments. In particular, to understand the wide variety observed in the phase diagrams and critical temperatures, a more detailed understanding of the local moiré variation is needed [10]. Here, we study spatial and temporal variations of the moiré pattern in TBG using aberration-corrected Low Energy Electron Microscopy (AC-LEEM) [11,12]. The spatial variation we find is lower than reported previously. At 500°C, we observe thermal fluctuations of the moiré lattice, corresponding to collective atomic displacements of less than 70pm on a time scale of seconds [13], homogenizing the sample. Despite previous concerns, no untwisting of the layers is found, even at temperatures as high as 600°C [14,15]. From these observations, we conclude that thermal annealing can be used to decrease the local disorder in TBG samples. Finally, we report the existence of individual edge dislocations in the atomic and moiré lattice. These topological defects break translation symmetry and are anticipated to exhibit unique local electronic properties. NWOQuantum Matter and Optic

    Nonuniversal transverse electron mean free path through few-layer graphene

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    In contrast to the in-plane transport electron mean-free path in graphene, the transverse mean-free path has received little attention and is often assumed to follow the 'universal' mean-free path (MFP) curve broadly adopted in surface and interface science. Here we directly measure transverse electron scattering through graphene from 0 to 25 eV above the vacuum level both in reflection using Low Energy Electron Microscopy and in transmission using electron-Volt Transmission Electron Microscopy. From this data, we obtain quantitative MFPs for both elastic and inelastic scattering. Even at the lowest energies, the total MFP is just a few graphene layers and the elastic MFP oscillates with graphene layer number, both refuting the 'universal' curve. A full theoretical calculation taking the graphene band structure into consideration agrees well with experiment, while the key experimental results are reproduced even by a simple optical toy model

    Topology of spin polarization of the 5d states on W 110 and Al W 110 surfaces

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    The spin polarization of W 110 and Al W 110 surfaces is studied by spin and angle resolved photoemission. On both surfaces distinct E k dispersions are identified with an unusual topology A single spectral branch is spin polarized antisymmetrically relative to the Gammabar point, and two spin polarized branches cross at Gammabar . The crossing branches disperse linearly but this similarity to a Dirac cone is lost after deposition of the Al, where they acquire a parabolic dispersion. Based on ab initio one step photoemission theory, we show that the measured spin polarization is a property of the ground state and identify the effect as the counterpart of the recently discovered Rashba polarization of bulk states at the surface, but with a distinct non Rashba topolog