14 research outputs found

    Laser Magnetic Resonance Measurement Of The 3p1-3p0 Fine-structure Separation Of P+

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    The far-infrared laser magnetic resonance spectrum associated with the J = 1 ← 0 fine-structure transition of 31P+ in its ground 3P state has been recorded. This is the first laboratory observation of this magnetic dipole transition, and its frequency has been measured 2 orders of magnitude more accurately than the previous, indirect determination from optical spectroscopy. The frequency is ΔE10 = 4944433.0 ± 1.7 MHz. A small nuclear hyperfine splitting was also observed for the J = 1 level.4642 PART IIL203L206Brown, J.M., Evenson, K.M., Zink, L.R., (1993) Phys. Rev. A, 48, p. 3761(1994) ApJ, 431, pp. L147Brown, J.M., Varberg, T.D., Evenson, K.M., Zink, L.R., (1994) ApJ, 428, pp. L37Brown, J.M., Zink, L.R., Evenson, K.M., (1994) ApJ, 423, pp. L151Cooksy, A.L., Hovde, D.C., Saykally, R.J., (1986) J. Chem. Phys., 84, p. 6101Guélin, M., Cernicharo, J., Paubert, G., Turner, B.E., (1990) A&A, 230, pp. L9Haas, M.R., Hollenbach, D.J., Erickson, E.F., (1991) ApJ, 374, p. 555Lugten, J.B., Genzel, R., Crawford, J.K., Townes, C.H., (1986) ApJ, 306, p. 691Martin, W.C., Zalubas, R., Musgrove, A., (1985) J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 14, p. 751Moore, C.E., (1949) Atomic Energy Levels as Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra, 1. , (Circ. Natl. Bur. Stand. 467) (Washington: NBS)Svendenius, N., Magnusson, C.E., Zetterberg, P.O., (1983) Phys. Scr., 27, p. 339Tielens, A.G.G.M., Hollenbach, D.J., (1983) ApJ, 291, p. 722Turner, B.E., Bally, J., (1987) ApJ, 321, pp. L75Varberg, T.D., Brown, J.M., Evenson, K.M., (1994) J. Chem. Phys., 100, p. 2487Vasconcellos, E.C.C., Zerbetto, S.C., Holecek, J.C., Evenson, K.M., (1995) Opt. Lett., 20, p. 1Veseth, L., (1980) Phys. Rev. A, 22, p. 803Wright, E.L., (1991) ApJ, 381, p. 200Ziurys, L.M., (1987) ApJ, 321, pp. L8

    Far Infrared Laser Lines From Ch3oh And Isotopes: A Review

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    Methyl Alcohol is the most prolific and one of the most efficient molecules for the production of optically pumped FIR laser lines. We present a review of nearly 2000 CO2 pumped FIR laser wavelengths, and frequencies of about fifteen percent of those, measured in CH3OH and its isotopes.2104515

    Far Infrared Laser Lines Produced By Methanol And Its Isotopic Species: A Review

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    Methanol (CH3OH) is considered today one of the most important active media for the generation of laser radiation in the far-infrared (FIR) spectral region. Together with ten of its other isotopic species, it is responsible for the major part of the laser lines generated by the optical pumping technique. Due to the extreme importance of those molecules as laser generators, we understood that there was a necessity of a comprehensive work which would include as much pratical information as possible about each line. Chang et al(1) early recognized methanol as a source of strong FIR laser lines. Since then, more than 100 papers were published containing information about new laser emission. Recently, Moruzzi et al(114) presented a review of 575 lines produced by12CH3OH. In the present paper, we have extended the review to the various isotopic modifications of this molecule (namely13CH3OH, CD3OH,13CD3OH, CD3OD,13CD3OD, CH3OD, CH318OH, CH2DOH, CH2DOD and CHD2OH), a total of nearly 2000 lines with wavelengths ranging from 19 μm to 3030 μm. © 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation.15588993

    Women As Students And Scientists At Unicamp [presença Feminina No Estudo E No Trabalho Da Ciência Na Unicamp]

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    The main objective of this work is to help overcome obstacles which prevent a more efficient scientific production and improvement of the work conditions and cooperation among men and women scientists in knowledge creation. The preliminary results of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) case study indicate no real differences by sex concerning the students learning abilities and academic commitment in careers considered to be male dominated - the hard sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc). In fact, at Unicamp where differently from other universities there is a predominance of hard science courses, female students have outperformed their male counterparts in the majority of Unicamp's courses. Thus, the little interest shown by female candidates in the choice of hard science careers when applying for the university's entrance exam, is certainly biased by cultural habits and prejudices intrinsic to the different ways of raising girls and boys.32215265Baker, E.F., (1966) Technology and Women's Work, , 2a ed. Nova, York e Londres, Columbia University PressBarret, M., (1980) Woman's Oppression Today - Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis, , Londres, Verso Editions and NLBBrisolla, S.N., O Trabalho da Mulher, Ainda Discriminado Jornal O Correio Popular, , Campinas-SP, 03/05/1992Brisolla, S.N., Participação da Mulher na Constituição do Mercado de Trabalho Urbano: Estudo de Caso em Dois Municípios do Estado de São Paulo (1986), X Encontro Anual da ANPOCS, Campos de Jordão-SPBrisolla, S.N., (1983) Formas de Inserção da Mulher no Mercado de Trabalho - O caso do Brasil, , Tese de doutoramento, Departamento de Economia e, Planejamento Econômico, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Estadual de CampinasBrisolla, S.N., (1983) A Crise e o Comportamento Sexuado do Mercado de Trabalho, , Anais da 35a Reunião da SBPC, São PauloBrisolla, S.N., (1982) O Emprego não é Assexuado. Comunicação Coordenada, , Anais da 34a Reunião Anual da SBPC, São PauloCardoso, I., O mito de Sísifo Jornal Folha de São Paulo, , Folhetim, 13/12/1981Dach, J., Norberto, W., Maia, P.R., (2006) Subsídios quantitativos para repensar as políticas de acesso à Universidade, , Caderno no 74, Núcleo de Estudos de Políticas Públicas (NEPP/Unicamp), janDavidson, M.J., Cooper, C.L., (1992) Shattering the Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manager, , London, Paul ChapmanDedecca, C.S., Tempo, Trabalho e Gênero (2005) Reconfiguração das Relações de Gênero e Trabalho, , In COSTA, A. A.OLIVEIRA, E. M.LIMA, M. E. B. & SOARES, V., São Paulo, CUTEngels, F., (1979) A origem da família, da propriedade privada e do Estado, , São Paulo, Civilização BrasileiraFausto-Sterling, A., Dualismos em duelo (2001) Cadernos Pagu, , (17/18), Campinas-SP, Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero - Pagu/UnicampGitahy, L., Hirata, H., Lobo Garcia, E., Moysés, R.L., (1981) Trabalho assalariado, Sindicalização e Reivindicações das Operárias (1970/1980), , 1o Congresso da Associação de Sociólogos, do Estado de São Paulo -ASESP, São PauloGuilbert, M., (1966) Les fonctions des femmes dans ĺindustrie, , França, The Hague, MoutonHirata, H., Vie Réproductive et Production: Famille et Entreprise au Japon (1982), X Congresso Mundial de Sociologia, grupo ad-hoc Articulation, du système productif et structures familiales: méthodologie des approches comparatives hommes-femmes, Cidade do México, DFKergoat, D., Procès de Travail et Mobilisation Ouvrière: Procès de Travail, Sexe et Classe Sociale (1980), Conferencia sobre la Internacionalización del Capital y el Proceso de Trabajo, México, DF, Universidade Nacional Autônoma do MéxicoLeta, J., As mulheres na ciência brasileira: Crescimento, contrastes e um perfil de sucesso (2004), São Paulo, Instituto de Estudos, Avançados da Universidade de São PauloMadeira, F.R., Bruschini, M.C.A., (1981) A família, estrutura social e as formas de participação na produção social, , 1o Congresso da ASESP, USP, São Paulo(2003) As novas fronteiras da desigualdade - Homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho, São Paulo, , MARUANI, Margaret & HIRATA, Helena. (org.), Editora SenacMorrison, A.M., White, R.P., van Velsor, E., Center for Creative Leadership. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Can Women Reach the Top of America's Largest Corporations? (1992) Reading, Mass, , Addison-WesleySalm, C.L., (1980) Escola e Trabalho, , São Paulo, Livraria Brasiliense, Editora S.A(2006) Ciência, Tecnologia e Gênero: Desvelando o feminino na construção do conhecimento, , SANTOS, Lucy Woellner dosICHIKAWA, Elisa Yoshie & CARGANO, Doralice de Fátima. (orgs.), Londrina, IAPARTabak, F., (2002) Mulheres Públicas - Participação Política & Poder, , Rio de, Janeiro, Editora Letra CapitalVelho, L., León, E., A Construção Social da Produção Científica por Mulheres (1998) Cadernos Pagu, 10. , Campinas-SP, Núcleo de Estudos, de Gênero-Pagu/Unicam

    12ch2f2 And 13ch2f2far-infrared Lasers: New Lines And Frequency Measurements

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    We report here the discovery of 13 new far-infrared laser lines from 12CH2F2 and seven new lines from 13CH2F2. Most of the new lines were pumped by high-J lines of the 9R branch of a cw-CO2 laser. Wavelengths range from 97.6 to 616.18 μm. Frequency, pump offset, relative polarization, and relative intensity were measured for most of the new lines.181223012306Douglas, N.G., Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelength Lasers (1989) Springer Series in Optical Sciences, , Springer-VerlagDeroche, J.C., Benichou, E.K., Guelachvili, G., Assignments of submillimeter emissions in difluoromethane pumped by 12C16O2 and 12C18O2 lasers (1986) Int. J. IR & MM Waves, 7, pp. 1653-1675Suzuki, I., Shimanouchi, T., Vibration-rotation spectra and molecular force field of methylene fluoride and methylene fluoride - d2 (1973) J. Mol. Spectrosc., 46, pp. 130-145Scalabrin, A., Tomaselli, J., Pereira, D., Vasconcellos, E.C.C., Evenson, K.M., Petersen, F.R., Jennings, D.A., (1986) Int. J. of IR & MM Waves, 6 (10), pp. 973-979Evenson, K.M., Chou, C.C., Bach, B.W., Bach, K.G., New CW CO2 laser lines: The 9 μm hot band (1994) IEEE J. Quantum Electron., QE-30, pp. 1187-1188Inguscio, M., Strumia, F., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Scalabrin, A., Stein, S.R., Far-infrared CH3F laser (1979) Opt. Lett., 4, pp. 9-11Adam, B., Kneubuhl, F., Transversely excited 337 μm HCN waveguide laser (1975) Appl. Phys., 8, p. 281Petersen, F.R., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Wells, J.S., Goto, K., Jimenez, J.J., Far-infrared frequency synthesis with stabilized CO2 lasers: Accurate measurements of the water vapor and methyl alcohol laser frequencies (1975) IEEE J. Quantum Electron., QE-11, pp. 838-84

    Optically Pumped Far-infrared Laser Lines Of Methanol Isotopomers: 12cd3oh, 12ch3od, And 12ch2doh

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    Twenty-seven new FIR, far-infrared, laser lines from the isotopomers of methanol: 12CD3OH, 12CH3OD, and 12CH2DOH, were obtained by optically pumping the molecules with an efficient cw CO2 laser. The CO2 laser provided pumping from regular, sequence, and hot-band CO2 laser transitions. The 2 m long far-infrared cavity was a metal-dielectric waveguide closed by two, flat end mirrors. Several short-wavelength (below 100 μm) lines were observed. The frequencies of 28 laser lines observed in this cavity (including new lines and already known lines) were measured with a fractional uncertainty limited by the fractional resetability of the far-infrared laser cavity, of 2 parts in 107.214477483Zerbetto, S.C., Vasconcellos, E.C.C., Far-infrared laser lines produced by methanol and its isotopic species: A review (1994) Int. J. IR and MM Waves, 15, pp. 889-993Pereira, D., Moraes, J.C.S., Telles, E.M., Scalabrin, A., Strumia, F., Moretti, A., Carelli, G., Massa, C.A., A review of optically pumped farinfrared laser lines from methanol isotopes (1994) Int. J. IR and MM Waves, 15, pp. 1-44Inguscio, M., Strumia, F., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Scalabrin, A., Stein, S.R., Far-infrared CH3F Stark Laser (1979) Opt. Lett., 4, pp. 9-11Petersen, F.R., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Wells, J.S., Goto, K., Jimenez, J.J., Far-infrared Frequency Synthesis with Stabilized CO2 Lasers: Accurate Measurements of the Water Vapor and Methyl Alcohol Laser Frequencies (1975) IEEE J. Quantum Electronics QE-11, pp. 838-84

    New Far Infrared Laser Lines And Frequency Measurements In N2h4 And 13cd3oh Molecules Pumped By A Conventional Co2 Laser

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    We measured 63 laser frequencies of optically pumped N2H4 and 13CD3OH, 45 of which are new lines. The wavelengths range from 61.7 to 542.7 μm. Two frequency stabilized CO2 lasers were used as standards for the heterodyne measurements.192924624

    Optically-pumped Far-infrared Laser Lines Of Methanol Isotopomers: 12ch3oh, 12ch3od, And 12ch2doh

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    Twenty-seven new far-infrared laser lines from the isotopomers of methanol: 12CD3OH, 12CH3OD, and 12CH2DOH, were obtained by optically-pumping the molecules with an efficient cw CO2 laser. The CO2 laser provided pumping from regular, sequence, and hot-band CO2 laser transitions. The 2-m long far-infrared cavity was a metal-dielectric waveguide closed by two, flat end mirrors. Several short-wavelength (below 100 μm) lines were observed. The frequencies of 28 laser lines observed in this cavity (including new lines and already known lines) were measured with a fractional uncertainty limited by the fractional resetability of the far-infrared laser cavity, of 2 parts in 107.215731738Zerbetto, S.C., Vasconcellos, E.C.C., Far-Infrared laser lines produced by methanol and its isotopic species: A review (1994) Int. J. IR and MM Waves, 15, pp. 889-993Pereira, D., Moraes, J.C.S., Telles, E.M., Scalabrin, A., Strumia, F., Moretti, A., Carelli, G., Massa, C.A., A review of optically pumped far-infrared laser lines from methanol isotopes (1994) Int. J. IR and MM Waves, 15, pp. 1-44Inguscio, M., Strumia, F., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Scalabrin, A., Stein, S.R., Far-Infrared CH3F Stark Laser (1979) Opt. Lett., 4, pp. 9-11Petersen, F.R., Evenson, K.M., Jennings, D.A., Wells, J.S., Goto, K., Jimenez, J.J., Far-Infrared Frequency Synthesis with Stabilized CO2 Lasers: Accurate Measurements of the Water Vapor and Methyl Alcohol Laser Frequencies (1975) IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, QE-11, pp. 838-84

    Rotational And Hyperfine Constants Of Vibrationally Excited Nh (a1Δ; V = 1)

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    [No abstract available]1221242245Leopold, Evenson, Brown, (1986) J. Chem. Phys., 85, pp. 324-330Peterson, Scalabrin, Evenson, Frequencies of cw FIR laser lines from optically pumped CH2F2 (1980) International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1, pp. 111-115Hall, Adams, Kasper, Curl, Tittel, Color-center laser kinetic spectroscopy: observation of the a^1Δ NH vibrational fundamental (1985) Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2, pp. 781-784Gordy, Cook, (1970) Microwave Molecular Spectra, p. 518. , Wiley-Interscience, New Yor

    New Fir Laser Lines From Chd2oh Optically Pumped By A Cw Co2 Laser

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    This work reports 83 new optically pumped far infrared laser lines, using deuterated methyl alcohol, CHD2OH, as active medium. For each line we list the measured wavelength, its polarization relative to the pump line, the optimum gas pressure and the CO2 laser pump power at the maximum absorption. © 1989 Springer-Verlag.48324524