45 research outputs found

    Practices of forest exploitation in priority investment projects: Benefits and implications

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    The paper discusses the topical issues of investment activities enhancement in the forest sector of the Russian economy by implementing the mechanism of priority investment projects in the field of forest exploitation - economic model of public-private partnership proposed by the forest owner (the State) for the private sector. The aim of the considered investment projects is the development of a timber-processing infrastructure, which is reliably provided with wood raw materials. It becomes possible to ensure certain preferences for businessmen that encourage them to invest money into the forest sector. Thus, the other objective is to develop recommendations for attracting investments into the forest sector of the Russian economy in the framework of priority investment projects. The paper analyzes a ten-year experience in the practice of applying priority investment projects in forest exploitation using an integrated approach to studying project management issues and method of comparison. The research identifies positive moments and a number of organizational and methodological shortcomings related to the development and implementation of investment projects in the forest sector of the Russian Federation. A number of areas contributing to the development of investment activities in forest exploitation is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Practices of forest exploitation in priority investment projects: Benefits and implications

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    The paper discusses the topical issues of investment activities enhancement in the forest sector of the Russian economy by implementing the mechanism of priority investment projects in the field of forest exploitation - economic model of public-private partnership proposed by the forest owner (the State) for the private sector. The aim of the considered investment projects is the development of a timber-processing infrastructure, which is reliably provided with wood raw materials. It becomes possible to ensure certain preferences for businessmen that encourage them to invest money into the forest sector. Thus, the other objective is to develop recommendations for attracting investments into the forest sector of the Russian economy in the framework of priority investment projects. The paper analyzes a ten-year experience in the practice of applying priority investment projects in forest exploitation using an integrated approach to studying project management issues and method of comparison. The research identifies positive moments and a number of organizational and methodological shortcomings related to the development and implementation of investment projects in the forest sector of the Russian Federation. A number of areas contributing to the development of investment activities in forest exploitation is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Клиническое наблюдение ганглионевромы у пациента с патологией верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта

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    In view of the rare occurrence, the small spectrum of clinical manifestations and the non-specificity of changes in instrumental and laboratory data, the diagnosis of ganglioneuroma at the moment is a very difficult task for the routine of a doctor. Ganglioneuromas have a slow growth, which leads to a long asymptomatic course and, as a result, complicates its early diagnosis. In most cases, ganglioneuroma is random. Complaints in these patients are non-specific and are directly dependent on localization.One of the available methods for imaging retroperitoneal tumors is ultrasound (ultrasound)., which makes preventive and regular ultrasound an indispensable method for early detection of extraorgan formations. This article describes the clinical case of ganglioneroma in a young man with the pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract.Ввиду редкой встречаемости, малого спектра клинических проявлений и неспецифичности изменений инструментально-лабораторных данных диагностика ганглионевром в настоящий момент представляет собой сложнейшую задачу в рутинной практике врача. Ганглионевромы имеют медленный рост, что приводит к длительному бессимптомному течению и, как следствие, затрудняет ее своевременную диагностику. В большинстве случаев ганглионеврома является случайной находкой. Жалобы у данных пациентов носят неспецифический характер и имеют прямую зависимость от локализации процесса. Одним из доступных методов ранней визуализации забрюшинных опухолей является ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ), что делает профилактическое и регулярное УЗИ актуальным методом своевременного выявления внеорганных новообразований. В статье приводится описание клинического наблюдения выявления ганглионевромы у молодого мужчины с патологией верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта

    Neuromuscular disorders in chronic alcohol intoxication

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    The paper reviews the present-day Russian and foreign literature on neuromuscular disorders in chronic alcohol intoxication. The most common manifestations of alcohol disease include alcoholic polyneuropathy (PNP) and alcohol-induced skeletal muscle injury. The clinical polymorphism of alcoholic PNP is discussed. The paper considers a chronic sensory automatic form due to the direct toxic effects of ethanol and its metabolites during long-term alcohol intoxication, as well as acute/subacute sensorimotor neuropathy, the basis for the pathogenesis of which is B group vitamins, predominantly thiamine, deficiency that develops in the presence of drinking bouts concurrent with malnutrition and/or alcohol-related gastrointestinal tract diseases. In addition to nonuse of alcohol and a properly balanced diet, antioxidant therapy with alphalipoic acid and neurotropic B group vitamins is considered to be pathogenetic therapy for neuropathy. The most common and least studied clinicalform of alcohol-induced musculoskeletal injury is chronic alcoholic myopathy (AM), the diagnostic standard for which is morphometricand immunohistochemical examination of a muscle biopsy specimen. The morphological base for this form of myopathy is predominantly type 2 muscle fiber atrophy caused by impaired protein synthesis and a decreased regenerative potential of muscle fiber. The efficacy of antioxidants and leucine-containing amino acid mixtures in the treatment of chronic AM is discussed

    Анализ состояния рынка ипотечного жилищного кредитования в Уральском федеральном округе

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    Received December 7, 2019; accepted March 05, 2020.Дата поступления 7 декабря 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 5 марта 2020 г.The relevance of this study stems from the fact that it analyzes the current situation on the mortgage market in Russia: the influence of macro-economic factors causes a fall in collateral value, dramatic increase in mortgage default and poor performance of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML). The study is aimed at investigating the current state of residential mortgage lending on the regional level in Russia by focusing on the case of the Ural Federal District. The study considers the interests of all the participants of this market: individual borrowers, state authorities, financial and credit institutions engaged in mortgage lending. The study analyzes statistical data on the primary residential mortgage market in the Ural Federal District provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Federal State Statistics Service and the AHML. Modern approaches to mortgage system evaluation are compared in order to identify and systematize the key criteria and statistical indicators characterizing the current state of this form of lending relationships. The analysis also brings to light the negative trends in mortgage lending in the Ural Federal District. As a part of our further research, we are going to develop a procedure for evaluating the performance of a mortgage system.Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что макроэкономическая ситуация последних лет оказала самое серьезное влияние на быстроразвивающуюся систему ипотечного кредитования в Российской Федерации, обнажив целый комплекс проблем – падение стоимости залога, резкий рост просроченной задолженности по выданным ипотечным кредитам, низкая эффективность работы Агентства по ипотечному и жилищному кредитованию. Цель исследования – проанализировать состояние ипотечного жилищного кредитования в региональном разрезе на примере Уральского федерального округа, учитывая интерес всех участников: населения, государства и финансово-кредитных институтов, имеющих в распоряжении временно свободные денежные средства и предоставляющие их во временное пользование. Исследование базируется на аналитическом обзоре статистической информации, характеризующей первичный рынок ипотечного жилищного кредитования в Уральском федеральном округе. Информационно-эмпирическую базу исследования составили статистические материалы Центрального банка Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы государственной статистики, официальные отчетные данные Агентства по ипотечному и жилищному кредитованию. По итогам сравнительного анализа многообразия подходов к оценке эффективности функционирования системы ипотечного кредитования определены и систематизированы основополагающие критерии и статистические показатели, характеризующие качество данной формы кредитных отношений; выявлены негативные тенденции, характерные для системы ипотечного кредитования Уральского федерального округа. В рамках дальнейшего исследования будет предложен алгоритм функционирования системы ипотечного кредитования

    Вопросы диагностики и патогенеза хронической алкогольной миопатии

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    Peripheral neuromuscular apparatus lesion is a common complication of chronic alcohol intoxication. Alcohol-induced skeletal muscle diseaseis least studied now. A comprehensive clinical, neurophysiological, and morphological examination was made in 42 patients with chronic alcoholintoxication during this study. All the patients underwent skeletal muscle biopsy followed by muscle fiber morphometry. There was both selective type 2 muscle fiber atrophy and diffuse types 1 and 2 muscle fiber atrophic changes. The clinical manifestations of skeletal muscle disease corresponded to the degree of an atrophic process. There was impairment in the main components of protein synthesis at both intracellular and systemic regulation levels.Поражение периферического нервно-мышечного аппарата – частое осложнение хронической алкогольной интоксикации. Наименее изучено в настоящее время поражение скелетных мышц алкогольного генеза. В ходе настоящего исследования проведено комплексное клиническое, нейрофизиологическое, морфологическое обследование 42 пациентов с хронической алкогольной интоксикацией. Всем пациентам проводилась биопсия скелетной мышцы с последующей морфометрией мышечных волокон. Отмечались как селективная атрофия мышечных волокон 2-го типа, так и диффузные атрофические изменения мышечных волокон 1-го и 2-го типов. Клинические проявления поражения скелетных мышц соответствовали выраженности атрофического процесса. Выявлено нарушение основных звеньев синтеза белка как на внутриклеточном, так и на системном уровне регуляции

    LIN-44/Wnt Directs Dendrite Outgrowth through LIN-17/Frizzled in C. elegans Neurons

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    Nervous system function requires proper development of two functional and morphological domains of neurons, axons and dendrites. Although both these domains are equally important for signal transmission, our understanding of dendrite development remains relatively poor. Here, we show that in C. elegans the Wnt ligand, LIN-44, and its Frizzled receptor, LIN-17, regulate dendrite development of the PQR oxygen sensory neuron. In lin-44 and lin-17 mutants, PQR dendrites fail to form, display stunted growth, or are misrouted. Manipulation of temporal and spatial expression of LIN-44, combined with cell-ablation experiments, indicates that this molecule is patterned during embryogenesis and acts as an attractive cue to define the site from which the dendrite emerges. Genetic interaction between lin-44 and lin-17 suggests that the LIN-44 signal is transmitted through the LIN-17 receptor, which acts cell autonomously in PQR. Furthermore, we provide evidence that LIN-17 interacts with another Wnt molecule, EGL-20, and functions in parallel to MIG-1/Frizzled in this process. Taken together, our results reveal a crucial role for Wnt and Frizzled molecules in regulating dendrite development in vivo

    A Wnt-Frz/Ror-Dsh Pathway Regulates Neurite Outgrowth in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    One of the challenges to understand the organization of the nervous system has been to determine how axon guidance molecules govern axon outgrowth. Through an unbiased genetic screen, we identified a conserved Wnt pathway which is crucial for anterior-posterior (A/P) outgrowth of neurites from RME head motor neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. The pathway is composed of the Wnt ligand CWN-2, the Frizzled receptors CFZ-2 and MIG-1, the co-receptor CAM-1/Ror, and the downstream component Dishevelled/DSH-1. Among these, CWN-2 acts as a local attractive cue for neurite outgrowth, and its activity can be partially substituted with other Wnts, suggesting that spatial distribution plays a role in the functional specificity of Wnts. As a co-receptor, CAM-1 functions cell-autonomously in neurons and, together with CFZ-2 and MIG-1, transmits the Wnt signal to downstream effectors. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified DSH-1 as a binding partner for CAM-1, indicating that CAM-1 could facilitate CWN-2/Wnt signaling by its physical association with DSH-1. Our study reveals an important role of a Wnt-Frz/Ror-Dsh pathway in regulating neurite A/P outgrowth

    The Homeobox Protein CEH-23 Mediates Prolonged Longevity in Response to Impaired Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in C. elegans

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    Recent findings indicate that perturbations of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (METC) can cause extended longevity in evolutionarily diverse organisms. To uncover the molecular basis of how altered METC increases lifespan in C. elegans, we performed an RNAi screen and revealed that three predicted transcription factors are specifically required for the extended longevity of mitochondrial mutants. In particular, we demonstrated that the nuclear homeobox protein CEH-23 uniquely mediates the longevity but not the slow development, reduced brood size, or resistance to oxidative stress associated with mitochondrial mutations. Furthermore, we showed that ceh-23 expression levels are responsive to altered METC, and enforced overexpression of ceh-23 is sufficient to extend lifespan in wild-type background. Our data point to mitochondria-to-nucleus communications to be key for longevity determination and highlight CEH-23 as a novel longevity factor capable of responding to mitochondrial perturbations. These findings provide a new paradigm for how mitochondria impact aging and age-dependent diseases