68 research outputs found

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe

    Partial level density of the n-quasiparticle excitations in the nuclei of the 39< A <201 region

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    Level density and radiative strength functions are obtained from the analysis of two-step cascades intensities following the thermal neutrons capture. The data on level density are approximated by the sum of the partial level densities corresponding to n quasiparticles excitation. The most probable values of the collective enhancement factor of the level density are found together with the thresholds of the next Cooper nucleons pair breaking. These data allow one to calculate the level density of practically any nucleus in given spin window in the framework of model concepts, taking into account all known nuclear excitation types. The presence of an approximation results discrepancy with theoretical statements specifies the necessity of rather essentially developing the level density models. It also indicates the possibilities to obtain the essentially new information on nucleon correlation functions of the excited nucleus from the experiment.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких от воздействия производственных аэрозолей

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    Summary. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease that could lead to death. Pathogenesis of COPD involves both genetic and environmental factors. The latter include tobacco smoking and exposure of aerosols in the workplace (dusts, gases, fumes and noxious particles). According to world experts' opinion, work-related aerosol exposure in combination with tobacco smoking could lead to 6–8-fold increase in the risk of COPD. These facts provided the inclusion COPD in a list of occupational respiratory diseases approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation in 2012. Nevertheless, it is rather difficult to confirm work-related etiology of COPD due to the absence of specific markers. An extended analysis of published national and world data for the last decade and the authors' own findings is introduced in this article. Factors involved in the pathogenesis of work-related COPD, interacting with tobacco smoking and aerosol exposure in the workplace, affecting lung function and contributing to bronchial obstruction are discussed in the article. For 15 years we have investigated 1,013 workers exposed to dust in various industries. Wу also found a statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and the length of work. A dispersion analysis has shown the crucial role of kind of work and length of pollutant exposure for occurrence of work-related COPD. We proposed criteria to determine occupational pertinence of the disease and the principal preventive measures. Further researches of predictors for development work-related COPD are thought to be of great importance

    Условия труда и развитие легочной патологии у работников мясокомбината

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    To study a rate and a character of respiratory and allergic pathology in subjects engaged in industrial production of sausages and other meat foods, this prospective longitudinal trial was performed in workers of one of the leading meat processing factories at Moscow. The trial involved 110 subjects (53 females and 57 males) aged 20 to 73 yrs with mean length of service of 11.7 yrs. There were 56 current smokers (50.9 %) with smoking history of 21.5 pack-yrs in average. The authors used the specialized SWORD questionnaire, clinical and ENT examination, spirometry and bronchodilating test with Ventolin, peak flowmetry to detect specific bronchial hyperreactivity, measured serum cytokine levels (TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6). According to the questionnaire results, 38 workers (34.5 %) had respiratory symptoms (cough, sputum production, breathlessness, asthma attacks) and 17 workers (15.5 %) had allergic symptoms (skin itch, urticaria, tearing, eyelid itch and hyperemia, rhinorrea, nasal congestion). Clinical respiratory signs were found only in 13 (11.8 %) of the workers. Lung function disorders were found in 40 (36.4 %) of the workers. The degree of FEV1  and PEF decrease significantly correlated with the length of service (r = –0.26 and r = –0.29, respectively). Av inverse correlation was found between FEV1 and cytokine levels (r = –0.3; r = –0.31 and r = –0.26 for IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-α, respectively). Therefore, the results show the actuality of healthcare problems in subjects involved in meat processing.С целью изучения частоты развития и характера легочной патологии и аллергических реакций у лиц, занятых в промышленном производстве колбасных и других мясных изделий, проведено продольное проспективное исследование среди работников одного из ведущих мясокомбинатов Москвы. Обследовано 110 человек (53 женщины и 57 мужчин) в возрасте от 20 до 73 лет с профессиональным стажем в среднем 11,7 года. Курящих было 56 человек (50,9 %), средний стаж курения – 21,5 пачки / лет. Проводились анкетный скрининг с помощью специализированного вопросника SWORD, физикальное обследование, спирометрия и бронходилатационный тест с сальбутамолом, пикфлоуметрия для выявления специфической гиперреактивности бронхов, определение уровня цитокинов (фактора некроза опухоли α – TNF-α, интерлейкинов – IL-4, IL-6) в сыворотке крови, осмотр ЛОР-органов. По результатам анкетного скрининга у 38 человек (34,5 %) зарегистрированы респираторные жалобы (кашель, продукция мокроты, затрудненное дыхание, приступы удушья), у 17 работников (15,5 %) – жалобы на кожный зуд, уртикарную сыпь, слезотечение, зуд и покраснение кожи век, риноррею, заложенность носа. Объективные признаки респираторной патологии обнаружены только у 13 (11,8 %) человек. Нарушения функции внешнего дыхания выявлены у 40 (36,4 %) человек. Степень снижения объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю с (ОФВ1) и пиковой скорости выдоха достоверно коррелировала с профессиональным стажем (r = –0,26 и r = –0,29 соответственно). Выявлена обратная корреляция между ОФВ1 и уровнем IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α (r = –0,3, r = -0,31 и r = –0,26 соответственно). Таким образом, результаты подтверждают актуальность проблемы состояния здоровья лиц, занятых в производстве мясных продуктов

    Impact of graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis on immune reconstitution in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    The graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is among the most common complications after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). The main tools for GVHD prevention remain calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporin A, tacrolimus), methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil. Upon implementation of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens, antithymocyte globulin was widely introduced. However, negative effects upon reconstitution of T-cell immunity have been noted, thus increasing risk of severe infectious complications and disease relapse. With extended practice of HSCT from alternative (partially matched or haploidentical) donors, cyclophosphamide was increasingly used. Our aim was to study reconstitution of immune cell subpopulations in the patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT), when using different GVHD prophylaxis regimens, including the schedules with post-transplant CP usage. The study concerned 44 cases classified into 2 groups. The first one included patients with standard immunosuppressive therapy, antithymocyte therapy, cyclosporine A, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil. The second group included the patients who received CP as immunosuppressive drug combined with other treatments (cyclosporine A, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil). At specified control terms, (D+14, +30, +60, +90) the blood leukocyte subpopulations were assayed by means of multicolor flow cytometry. Absolute counts of CD4+ cells in HSCT recipients treated with CP post-BMT proved to be sufficiently lower at D+14 and +30, than in those treated with classical immunosuppressive therapy. However, at later terms, (D+60, +90), these differences were not observed. Moreover, in CP-treated bone marrow recipients, absolute numbers of CD8+ cells was significantly higher, compared to the patients who received conventional GVHD prophylaxis. Reconstitution of the studied lymphocyte populations in hematopoietic cell recipients did not depend on the GVHD prophylaxis regimen. Usage of CP combined with bone marrow as a source of stem cells, brings about sufficient decrease of some cell populations (CD4+; CD8+; NK cells) at early terms post-transplant. Administration of CP combined with hematopoietic stem cells as the source of hematopoietic graft seems to be more reasonable

    Изменения в легких у ребенка с болезнью Гоше: дифференциальная диагностика с диссеминированным туберкулезом

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    The article describes a clinical case of a rare combination of hereditary pathology – Gaucher disease and latent tuberculosis infection in an 8-year-old child. The child was examined for tuberculosis due to disseminated small foci and calcination in the lung tissue detected by chest computed tomography. The particular parameter of latent tuberculosis infection of this case was the positive results of IGRA tests (T-SPOT TB and QuantiFERON) with a negative response to the intradermal test with recombinant tuberculosis allergen. According to the examination results, the disseminated tuberculosis was not confirmed, diffuse lung damage was regarded as a manifestation of Gaucher disease, which was a rare sign of this pathology according to the published data.Представлено клиническое наблюдение редкого случая сочетания наследственной патологии – болезни Гоше и латентной туберкулезной инфекции у ребенка 8 лет. Поводом обследования на туберкулез было обнаружение на компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки мелкоочаговой диссеминации и кальцинатов в легочной ткани. Особенностью латентной туберкулезной инфекции в данном случае были положительные тесты IGRA (T-SPOT TB и QuantiFERON) при отрицательной реакции на внутрикожную пробу с аллергеном туберкулезным рекомбинантным. На основании обследования диагноз диссеминированного туберкулеза был отвергнут, диффузное поражение легких расценено как проявление болезни Гоше, что является, по данным литературы, редким при данной патологии