185 research outputs found


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    In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism.In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism

    Phase-change nonlocal metasurfaces for dynamic wavefront manipulation

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    Recent advances in nonlocal metasurfaces have enabled unprecedented success in shaping the wavefront of light with spectral selectivity, offering new solutions for many emerging nanophotonics applications. The ability to tune both the spectral and spatial properties of such a novel class of metasurfaces is highly desirable, but the dynamic nonvolatile control remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate active narrowband wavefront manipulation by harnessing quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs) in phase-change nonlocal metasurfaces. The proof-of-principle metasurfaces made of Sb2_2S3_3 allow for nonvolatile, reversible, and tunable spectral control over wavefront and switchable spatial response at a given wavelength. The design principle mainly builds upon the combination of the geometry phase of quasi-BICs and the dynamic tunability of phase-change meta-atoms to tailor the spatial response of light at distinct resonant wavelengths. By tuning the crystallization level of Sb2_2S3_3 meta-atoms, the dynamic nonlocal wavefront-shaping functionalities of beam steering, 1D, and 2D focusing are achieved. Furthermore, we demonstrate tunable holographic imaging with active spectral selectivity using our phase-change nonlocal metasurface. This work represents a critical advance towards developing integrated dynamic nonlocal metasurface for future augmented and virtual reality wearables

    Cascaded four-wave mixing in tapered plasmonic nanoantenna

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    We study theoretically the cascaded four-wave mixing (FWM) in broadband tapered plasmonic nanoantennas and demonstrate a 300-fold increase in nonlinear frequency conversion detected in the main lobe of the nanoantenna far-field pattern. This is achieved by tuning the elements of the nanoantenna to resonate frequencies involved into the FWM interaction. Our findings have a potentially broad application in ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy, sensing, on-chip optical frequency conversion, nonlinear optical metamaterials and photon sources

    Antibiotic resistance of infectious agents associated with prior hospitalization

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    One of the frequent causes of re-hospitalization is infectious complications due to previous colonization of patient loci by microorganisms circulating in the hospital environment. In the conditions of real clinical practice among hospital-acquired infections (HAI), it is advisable to distinguish a special group of diseases - infections associated with previous hospitalization (IPAH

    Интегративные процессы как содержательно-процессуальное ядро метапроектного обучения

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    Integrative processes are one of the leading global trends of the development of modern education in modern educational theory and educational practice, comparable with informatization, humanization, and humanitarization. K. Yu. Kolesina (2013) describes them as “new paradigms of the educational process” and “one of the most promising innovative directions that can solve many problems of fragmentededucation”. Integrative processes are among the most promising directions of innovative activities in the field of pedagogical theory and educational practice. The educational field of integration is expanded. The above stated means not only the integration of the content, but also the integration of organizational forms, educational technologies, and work methods of learners. The concept of metaproject education, which focuses on the search for innovative ways and meansof harmonisation of strategic and tactical goals of modern education, gives a new impulse to the development of integrative processes in modern education, as well as the technology of project-based learning. The authors considered a metaproject approach to education as a systemic generalization, fusion of interconnected andinteracting types of integration (substantive, procedural, emotional-imaginative, etc.) aimed at achieving meta-subject results.Project-based learning has gained a considerable attention today. The proposed concept of metaproject education significantly expands the educational potential of project-based learning and creates conditions for active acquisition of socio-cultural experience. The paper discusses key aspects of mutual enrichment of integrative and metaproject education.Одной из ведущих мировых тенденций развития современного образования, сравниваемых с тенденциями информатизации, гуманизации, гуманитаризации, в современной педагогической теории и образовательной практике считаются интегративные процессы. Их относят к «парадигмам нового образовательного процесса», считают «одним из перспективнейших инновационных направлений, способных решать многие из проблем современного предметно-разобщенного образования» [7, с. 5]. Интегративные процессы относят к наиболее перспективным направлениям инновационной деятельности в области педагогической теории и образовательной практики. Расширяется образовательное поле интеграции. Речь идет не только об интеграции содержания, но и интеграции организационных форм, педагогических технологий, способов деятельности обучающихся.Новый импульс в развитии, с одной стороны, интегративных процессов в современном образовании, а с другой – в технологии проектного обучения, придает концепция метапроектного образования, ориентированного на поиск инновационных путей и средств гармонизации стратегических и тактических целей современного образования. С этих позиций метапроектный подход к образованию мы рассматриваем как системное обобщение, слияние взаимосвязанных и взаимодействующих видов интеграции (содержательной, процессуальной, эмоционально-образной и др.), ориентированных на достижение метапредметных результатов. Наряду с этим, большое внимание сегодня уделяется проектному обучению. Предлагаемая нами концепция метапроектного образования в значительной степени расширяет образовательный потенциал проектного обучения, создавая условия для активного освоения социокультурного опыта. Метапроектное обучение способно придать новый стимул к развитию, с одной стороны, интегративных процессов, а с другой, значительно усилить позиции технологии проектного обучения. Метапроектный подход к образованию рассматривается нами как системное обобщение, слияние взаимосвязанных видов интеграции, ориентированных на достижение метапредметных результатов. В данной статье рассматриваются ключевые аспекты взаимообогащения интегративного и метапроектного обучения

    Reconstruction and preservation of holding structures of pelvic floor at the operations on account of rectal cancer

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    The aim. of the work was to create universal protocol of realization, of some restorative method, depending on the type of trauma of holding structure at surgical treatment of rectal cancer. The researched group of patients included. 1499 patients with rectal tumors who had. radical surgical interventions during 2006-2010 years. All patients after the operations were divided into the groups depending on the severity of pelvic diaphragm injury. Consequence of methods of reconstruction of holding structures depending on the degree of injury of anorectum was developed. The choice of method of operative intervention and. way of reconstruction of elements of pelvic floor is the result of introduction of complex of individual navigation surgery when the surgeon at preoperative stage offers use of consequence of technical approaches that was developed individually for each patient taking into account anatomical features, localization and stage of tumorous proces

    Geomagnetic storm dependence on the solar flare class

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    Content. Solar flares are often used as precursors of geomagnetic storms. In particular, Howard and Tappin (2005) recently published in A&A a dependence between X-ray class of solar flares and Ap and Dst indexes of geomagnetic storms which contradicts to early published results. Aims. We compare published results on flare-storm dependences and discuss possible sources of the discrepancy. Methods. We analyze following sources of difference: (1) different intervals of observations, (2) different statistics and (3) different methods of event identification and comparison. Results. Our analysis shows that magnitude of geomagnetic storms is likely to be independent on X-ray class of solar flares.Comment: 3 pages, 1 tabl