290 research outputs found

    Flow-based approach for holistic factory engineering and design

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    The engineering of future factories requires digital tools along life cycle phases from investment planning to ramp-up. Manufacturers need scientific-based integrated highly dynamic data management systems for the participative and integrated factory planning. The paper presents a new approach for the continuously integrated product design, factory and process planning, through a service-oriented architecture for the implementation of digital factory tools. A first prototype of the digital factory framework has been realised by a comprehensive scenario for factory, equipment and process planning. The phases of factory operation and equipment maintenance are integrated, as well. The enabling technologies, grid computing and workflow management, which supports the comprehensive and integrated engineering of products, factory and processes are shortly introduced

    Material reutilization cycles across industries and production lines

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    The concept of Industrial Symbiosis aims at organizing industrial activity like a living ecosystem where the by-product outputs of one process are used as valuable raw material input for another process. A significant method for the systematic planning of Industrial Symbiosis is found in input–output matching, which is aimed at collecting material input and output data from companies, and using the results to establish links across industries. The collection and classification of data is crucial to the development of synergies in Industrial Symbiosis. Public and private institutions involved in the planning and development of Industrial Symbiosis rely however on manual interpretation of information in the course of creating synergies. Yet, the evaluation and analysis of these data sources on Industrial Symbiosis topics is a tall order. Within this chapter a method is presented which describes value creation activities according to the Value Creation Module (VCM). They are assessed before they are integrated in Value Creation Networks (VCNs), where alternative uses for by-products are proposed by means of iterative input-output matching of selected value creation factors

    Evaluierung des Fachbereiches Maschinenbau an vier österreichischen Universitäten. Bericht und Empfehlungen der internationalen Kommission

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    Ausgehend von der Aufgabenstellung des Österreichischen Universitätenkuratoriums und den Ergebnissen der Evaluation einzelner Universitäten, Fachgruppen und Institute des Maschinenbaus in Wien, Graz, Leoben und Linz hat die Evaluierungskommission umfangreiche grundlegende Empfehlungen zur Strukturentwicklung erarbeitet. Die folgenden Vorschläge stützen sich auf Erörterungen der Kommission und den Berichten der Kommissionsmitglieder nach der Auswertung der Selbstevaluation der Fakultäten, der Besichtigung der Institute und der Einschätzung der Entwicklungen auf den jeweiligen Fachgebieten. Die Empfehlungen sollen beteiligten Fakultäten Anregungen zur strukturellen Entwicklung in Forschung und Lehre geben