944 research outputs found

    Regulators of Rho GTPases in neuronal development

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    The formation and elaboration of axonal and dendritic morphologies are fundamental aspects of neuronal polarization critical for information processing. In general, developing CNS neurons elaborate one axon and multiple dendrites in response to intracellular and extracellular cues, so as to transmit and receive information, respectively. The molecular mechanisms underlying axon-dendrite polarity are complex and involve the integration of numerous signaling pathways that impinge on the cytoskeleton. One group of proteins, the Rho GTPases, has emerged as key integrators of environmental cues to regulate the underlying axonal and dendritic cytoskeletons. Here, we discuss the role of regulators of the Rac1 GTPase in axon development and highlight the importance of both actin and microtubule remodeling in this process

    Reflection and Refraction of Bose-condensate Excitations

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    We investigate the transmission and reflection of Bose-condensate excitations in the low energy limit across a potential barrier separating two condensates with different densities. The Bogoliubov excitation in the low energy limit has the incident angle where the perfect transmission occurs. This condition corresponds to the Brewster's law for the electromagnetic wave. The total internal reflection of the Bogoliubov excitation is found to occur at a large incident angle in the low energy limit. The anomalous tunneling named by Kagan et al. [Yu. Kagan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 130402 (2003)] can be understood in terms of the impedance matching. In the case of the normal incidence, comparison with the results in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids is made.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    A Search for Near-Infrared Emission From the Halo of NGC 5907 at Radii of 10 kpc to 30 kpc

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    We present a search for near-infrared (3.5-5 micron) emission from baryonic dark matter in the form of low-mass stars and/or brown dwarfs in the halo of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5907. The observations were made using a 256 by 256 InSb array with a pixel scale of 17" at the focus of a liquid-helium-cooled telescope carried above the Earth's atmosphere by a sounding rocket. In contrast to previous experiments which have detected a halo around NGC 5907 in the V, R, I, J and K bands at galactic radii 6kpc < r < 10kpc, our search finds no evidence for emission from a halo at 10kpc < r < 30kpc. Assuming a halo mass density scaling as r^(-2), which is consistent with the flat rotation curves that are observed out to radii of 32kpc, the lower limit of the mass-to-light ratio at 3.5-5 microns for the halo of NGC 5907 is 250 (2 sigma) in solar units. This is comparable to the lower limit we have found previously for NGC 4565 (Uemizu et al. 1998). Based on recent models, our non-detection implies that hydrogen- burning stars contribute < 15% of the mass of the dark halo of NGC 5907. Our results are consistent with the previous detection of extended emission at r < 10kpc if the latter is caused by a stellar population that has been ejected from the disk because of tidal interactions. We conclude that the dark halo of NGC 5907, which is evident from rotation curves that extend far beyond 10kpc, is not comprised of hydrogen burning stars.Comment: 12 pages, LateX, plus 6 ps figures. Accepted by ApJ. minor changes, added references, corrected typo

    ELISA: a cryocooled 10 GHz oscillator with 10-15 frequency stability

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    This article reports the design, the breadboarding and the validation of an ultra-stable Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator operated in an autonomous cryocooler. The objective of this project was to demonstrate the feasibility of a frequency stability of 3x10-15 between 1 s and 1,000 s for the European Space Agency deep space stations. This represents the lowest fractional frequency instability ever achieved with cryocoolers. The preliminary results presented in this paper validate the design we adopted for the sapphire resonator, the cold source and the oscillator loop.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Epidemiological study of E. coli O157:H7 isolated in Northern Ireland using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

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    In Northern Ireland over the last 7 years, there is a mean of 41.9 laboratory reports per annum of human gastrointestinal infection (range 19-54) caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7. In the preceding years 1992-1996, reports were 5.4 per annum, whereas in 1997-2000, reports increased from 30 to 54 per annum. This high level has continued on an annual basis to date. The aim of this study was therefore to retrospectively examine this period of exponential increase in reports to help ascertain the genetic relatedness of strains employing pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), as no data on the molecular epidemiology of E. coli O157:H7 in Northern Ireland has yet been published. Clinical isolates (n=84) were PFGE typed employing Xba I digestion and resulting band profiles demonstrated the presence of 13, 9 and 16 clonal types, for 1997, 1998 and 1999, respectively. In 1998, five clonal types remained from 1997 with the introduction of 4 new clonal types, whereas in 1999, 10 new clonal types were observed, accounting for over half (58%) of the E. coli O157 isolates for that year. These data suggest that, unlike gastrointestinal infections due to thermophilic campylobacters, there was considerable genetic evolution of PFGE clonal types of E. coli O157, through the displacement and emergence of genotypes. Further studies are now required to find the environmental reservoirs of these common clonal types of clinical E. coli O157:H7 in Northern Ireland to help define sources and routes of transmission of this infection locally

    Do we expect light flavor sea-quark asymmetry also for the spin-dependent distribution functions of the nucleon?

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    After taking account of the scale dependence by means of the standard DGLAP evolution equation, the theoretical predictions of the chiral quark soliton model for the unpolarized and longitudinally polarized structure functions of the nucleon are compared with the recent high energy data. The theory is shown to explain all the qualitative features of the experiments, including the NMC data for F2p(x)−F2n(x)F_2^p (x) - F_2^n (x), F2n(x)/F2p(x)F_2^n (x) / F_2^p (x), the Hermes and NuSea data for dˉ(x)−uˉ(x)\bar{d}(x) - \bar{u}(x), the EMC and SMC data for g1p(x)g_1^p(x), g1n(x)g_1^n(x) and g1d(x)g_1^d(x). Among others, flavor asymmetry of the longitudinally polarized sea-quark distributions is a remarkable prediction of this model, i.e., it predicts that Δdˉ(x)−Δuˉ(x)=Cxα[dˉ(x)−uˉ(x)]\Delta \bar{d}(x) - \Delta \bar{u}(x) = C x^{\alpha} [ \bar{d}(x) - \bar{u}(x)] with a sizable negative coefficient C≃−2.0C \simeq -2.0 (and α≃0.12\alpha \simeq 0.12) in qualitative consistency with the recent semi-phenomenological analysis by Morii and Yamanishi.Comment: 14pages, including 5 eps_figures with epsbox.sty, late
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