1,608 research outputs found

    An infinite family of superintegrable Hamiltonians with reflection in the plane

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    We introduce a new infinite class of superintegrable quantum systems in the plane. Their Hamiltonians involve reflection operators. The associated Schr\"odinger equations admit separation of variables in polar coordinates and are exactly solvable. The angular part of the wave function is expressed in terms of little -1 Jacobi polynomials. The spectra exhibit "accidental" degeneracies. The superintegrability of the model is proved using the recurrence relation approach. The (higher-order) constants of motion are constructed and the structure equations of the symmetry algebra obtained.Comment: 19 page

    The Dunkl oscillator in the plane I : superintegrability, separated wavefunctions and overlap coefficients

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    The isotropic Dunkl oscillator model in the plane is investigated. The model is defined by a Hamiltonian constructed from the combination of two independent parabosonic oscillators. The system is superintegrable and its symmetry generators are obtained by the Schwinger construction using parabosonic creation/annihilation operators. The algebra generated by the constants of motion, which we term the Schwinger-Dunkl algebra, is an extension of the Lie algebra u(2) with involutions. The system admits separation of variables in both Cartesian and polar coordinates. The separated wavefunctions are respectively expressed in terms of generalized Hermite polynomials and products of Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials. Moreover, the so-called Jacobi-Dunkl polynomials appear as eigenfunctions of the symmetry operator responsible for the separation of variables in polar coordinates. The expansion coefficients between the Cartesian and polar bases (overlap coefficients) are given as linear combinations of dual -1 Hahn polynomials. The connection with the Clebsch-Gordan problem of the sl_{-1}(2) algebra is explained.Comment: 25 pages; Added references; Added appendix on anti-Hermicity of the Dunkl derivativ

    Generalized squeezed-coherent states of the finite one-dimensional oscillator and matrix multi-orthogonality

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    A set of generalized squeezed-coherent states for the finite u(2) oscillator is obtained. These states are given as linear combinations of the mode eigenstates with amplitudes determined by matrix elements of exponentials in the su(2) generators. These matrix elements are given in the (N+1)-dimensional basis of the finite oscillator eigenstates and are seen to involve 3x3 matrix multi-orthogonal polynomials Q_n(k) in a discrete variable k which have the Krawtchouk and vector-orthogonal polynomials as their building blocks. The algebraic setting allows for the characterization of these polynomials and the computation of mean values in the squeezed-coherent states. In the limit where N goes to infinity and the discrete oscillator approaches the standard harmonic oscillator, the polynomials tend to 2x2 matrix orthogonal polynomials and the squeezed-coherent states tend to those of the standard oscillator.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    The Dunkl oscillator in the plane II : representations of the symmetry algebra

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    The superintegrability, wavefunctions and overlap coefficients of the Dunkl oscillator model in the plane were considered in the first part. Here finite-dimensional representations of the symmetry algebra of the system, called the Schwinger-Dunkl algebra sd(2), are investigated. The algebra sd(2) has six generators, including two involutions and a central element, and can be seen as a deformation of the Lie algebra u(2). Two of the symmetry generators, J_3 and J_2, are respectively associated to the separation of variables in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Using the parabosonic creation/annihilation operators, two bases for the representations of sd(2), the Cartesian and circular bases, are constructed. In the Cartesian basis, the operator J_3 is diagonal and the operator J_2 acts in a tridiagonal fashion. In the circular basis, the operator J_2 is block upper-triangular with all blocks 2x2 and the operator J_3 acts in a tridiagonal fashion. The expansion coefficients between the two bases are given by the Krawtchouk polynomials. In the general case, the eigenvectors of J_2 in the circular basis are generated by the Heun polynomials and their components are expressed in terms of the para-Krawtchouk polynomials. In the fully isotropic case, the eigenvectors of J_2 are generated by little -1 Jacobi or ordinary Jacobi polynomials. The basis in which the operator J_2 is diagonal is then considered. In this basis, the defining relations of the Schwinger-Dunkl algebra imply that J_3 acts in a block tridiagonal fashion with all blocks 2x2. The matrix elements of J_3 in this basis are given explicitly.Comment: 33 page

    Tridiagonalization of the hypergeometric operator and the Racah-Wilson algebra

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    The algebraic underpinning of the tridiagonalization procedure is investigated. The focus is put on the tridiagonalization of the hypergeometric operator and its associated quadratic Jacobi algebra. It is shown that under tridiagonalization, the quadratic Jacobi algebra becomes the quadratic Racah-Wilson algebra associated to the generic Racah/Wilson polynomials. A degenerate case leading to the Hahn algebra is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages; Section 3 revise

    An Algebraic Model for the Multiple Meixner Polynomials of the First Kind

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    An interpretation of the multiple Meixner polynomials of the first kind is provided through an infinite Lie algebra realized in terms of the creation and annihilation operators of a set of independent oscillators. The model is used to derive properties of these orthogonal polynomials

    The algebra of dual -1 Hahn polynomials and the Clebsch-Gordan problem of sl_{-1}(2)

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    The algebra H of the dual -1 Hahn polynomials is derived and shown to arise in the Clebsch-Gordan problem of sl_{-1}(2). The dual -1 Hahn polynomials are the bispectral polynomials of a discrete argument obtained from a q-> -1 limit of the dual q-Hahn polynomials. The Hopf algebra sl_{-1}(2) has four generators including an involution, it is also a q-> -1 limit of the quantum algebra sl_{q}(2) and furthermore, the dynamical algebra of the parabose oscillator. The algebra H, a two-parameter generalization of u(2) with an involution as additional generator, is first derived from the recurrence relation of the -1 Hahn polynomials. It is then shown that H can be realized in terms of the generators of two added sl_{-1}(2) algebras, so that the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of sl_{-1}(2) are dual -1 Hahn polynomials. An irreducible representation of H involving five-diagonal matrices and connected to the difference equation of the dual -1 Hahn polynomials is constructed.Comment: 15 pages, Some minor changes from version #

    LISACode : A scientific simulator of LISA

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    A new LISA simulator (LISACode) is presented. Its ambition is to achieve a new degree of sophistication allowing to map, as closely as possible, the impact of the different sub-systems on the measurements. LISACode is not a detailed simulator at the engineering level but rather a tool whose purpose is to bridge the gap between the basic principles of LISA and a future, sophisticated end-to-end simulator. This is achieved by introducing, in a realistic manner, most of the ingredients that will influence LISA's sensitivity as well as the application of TDI combinations. Many user-defined parameters allow the code to study different configurations of LISA thus helping to finalize the definition of the detector. Another important use of LISACode is in generating time series for data analysis developments

    The Dynamics of Sustained Reentry in a Loop Model with Discrete Gap Junction Resistance

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    Dynamics of reentry are studied in a one dimensional loop of model cardiac cells with discrete intercellular gap junction resistance (RR). Each cell is represented by a continuous cable with ionic current given by a modified Beeler-Reuter formulation. For RR below a limiting value, propagation is found to change from period-1 to quasi-periodic (QPQP) at a critical loop length (LcritL_{crit}) that decreases with RR. Quasi-periodic reentry exists from LcritL_{crit} to a minimum length (LminL_{min}) that is also shortening with RR. The decrease of Lcrit(R)L_{crit}(R) is not a simple scaling, but the bifurcation can still be predicted from the slope of the restitution curve giving the duration of the action potential as a function of the diastolic interval. However, the shape of the restitution curve changes with RR.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Ab initio study of the thermodynamic properties of rare-earthmagnesium intermetallics MgRE (RE=Y, Dy, Pr, Tb)

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    We have performed an ab initio study of the thermodynamical properties of rare-earth-magnesium intermetallic compounds MgRE (RE=Y, Dy, Pr, Tb) with CsCl-type B2-type structures. The calculations have been carried out the density functional theory and density functional perturbation theory in combination with the quasiharmonic approximation. The phonon-dispersion curves and phonon total and partial density of states have been investigated. Our results show that the contribution of RE atoms is dominant in phonon frequency, and this character agrees with the previous discussion by using atomistic simulations. The temperature dependence of various quantities such as the thermal expansions, bulk modulus, and the heat capacity are obtained. The electronic contributions to the specific heat are discussed, and found to be important for the calculated MgRE intermetallics.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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