62 research outputs found

    Surface Deposition and Imaging of Large Ag Clusters Formed in He Droplets

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    The utility of a continuous beam of He droplets for the assembly and surface deposition of Ag clusters, ~ 300 - 6 000, is studied with transmission electron microscopy. Images of the clusters on amorphous carbon substrates obtained at short deposition times have provided for a measure of the size distribution of the metal clusters. The average sizes of the deposited clusters are in good agreement with an energy balance based estimate of Ag cluster growth in He droplets. Measurements of the deposition rate indicate that upon impact with the surface the He-embedded cluster is attached with high probability. The stability of the deposited clusters on the substrate is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure


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    The inflammatory periodontal diseases (IPD) take the second place after caries of teeth therefore the questions of treatment and prevention of IPD are especially actual. In the IPD treatment are the most effective, it is possible to allocate the surgical methods. In the present article questions of improvement of traditional techniques of surgical treatment, and also development and deployment of the new are considered.Воспалительные заболевания пародонта (ВЗП) по своей распространенности занимают 2-е место после кариеса зубов, поэтому вопросы лечения и профилактики ВЗП являются особенно актуальными. В лечении ВЗП как наиболее эффективные можно выделить хирургические методы. Рассматриваются вопросы совершенствования традиционных методик хирургического лечения, а также разработка и внедрение новых методик


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    Degradation of glaciers in Dzungarian (Zhetisu) Alatau in the second half of the XX century

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    The features of spatial and temporal changes of glaciation in Djungarian Alatau for 44 years (1956–2000) are discussed in the paper. The evaluation of the glacier evolution based on the comparison of their morphometric characteristics, obtained by cataloging in 1956, 1990 and 2000. The aerial photographs are used for the first two periods, and Landsat satellite imageries with resolution of 15 m – for 2000. In addition the maps of glaciation in scale 1:25 000 were used for 1990 and 2000. The result of this work showed that during 44 years 341 glaciers melted, 227 glaciers dissolved, and their total number decreased from 1412 to 1298. The area of glaciers reduced from 841 to 528 km² (37.2%, to 0.85 %/year). The altitude of the firn line lifted by 65 m, from 3550 m up to 3615 m. Total ice volume diminished from 39.3 down to 20.2 km³ (39.2%, to 0.89 %/year). The average value of the glacier mass balance now equals –37,6 g/cm². The total area of glaciers in the region in 2010 is estimated at 465 km². According to the author’s forecast, glaciers in Djungarian Alatau may disappear to 2090

    Dynamics of glaciation in the Kazakh part of Altai during 60 years

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    Rates of degradation of glacierization шт the Kazakh part of Altai are considered in this paper. Analysis was performed on the basis of the degradation state (condition) in two reference years - 1950 and 2011. For year 1950, materials of aerial surveys were used while for 2011 we took the satellite LandSat pictures with resolution of 15 m. The pictures were processed by GIS-technologies (software packages МарInfo, АгсGIS, and others). At the beginning of second half of 19th century (1950-1955) 241 glaciers were counted on the territory under investigation. Area of bare ice (without moraines in the fernau stage with total area of 14.3 km2) was equal to 60.3 km2, and the ice volume – to 2.2524 km3. By 2011, quantity of small glaciers with areas less 0.1 km2 reduced, especially on extreme west sides of the ranges. Since second half of 19th century the Altai glaciers are at a stage of reducing, and the total quantity of glaciers decreased by 207 ones or by 64%. Area of the glaciers reduced from 71.4 down to 38.19 km2, i.e. by 33.2 km2.Thus, for the last 60 years the total melting of many small glaciers and disintegration of large ones, reduction of areas of open parts of the glaciers, lowering of their surfaces, and, as the consequences, a contraction of ice volumes and resources were noticed in all glacier basins in the Kazakh part of Altai. And this took place due to the changes of climate conditions. As a whole for the Kazakh Altai, since middle of 1950s till the present time quantity of glaciers reduced by 64%, total area of glacierization - by 52%. If the present-day rates of degradation remain the glacierization here may disappear by end of 21st – beginning of 22nd centuries. At the same time, even if the current tendencies will retain there is no reasons to believe that degradation of the glacierization can result in significant reduction of river run-off as well as water resources of the Irtysh River

    Деградация оледенения Джунгарского (Жетысу) Алатау во второй половине ХХ в.

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    The features of spatial and temporal changes of glaciation in Djungarian Alatau for 44 years (1956–2000) are discussed in the paper. The evaluation of the glacier evolution based on the comparison of their morphometric characteristics, obtained by cataloging in 1956, 1990 and 2000. The aerial photographs are used for the first two periods, and Landsat satellite imageries with resolution of 15 m – for 2000. In addition the maps of glaciation in scale 1:25 000 were used for 1990 and 2000. The result of this work showed that during 44 years 341 glaciers melted, 227 glaciers dissolved, and their total number decreased from 1412 to 1298. The area of glaciers reduced from 841 to 528 km² (37.2%, to 0.85 %/year). The altitude of the firn line lifted by 65 m, from 3550 m up to 3615 m. Total ice volume diminished from 39.3 down to 20.2 km³ (39.2%, to 0.89 %/year). The average value of the glacier mass balance now equals –37,6 g/cm². The total area of glaciers in the region in 2010 is estimated at 465 km². According to the author’s forecast, glaciers in Djungarian Alatau may disappear to 2090.Рассматриваются пространственно-временные изменения оледенения Джунгарского (Жетысу) Алатау за 44 года (1956–2000 гг.). Основой для суждения о направленности эволюции ледников послужило сравнение их морфометрических характеристик, полученных при каталогизации в 1956, 1990 и 2000 гг. Установлено, что за 44 года площадь оледенения сократилась на 313 км2 (37,2%). Объём ледников стал меньше на 13,1 км3 (39,2%). Среднее значение баланса массы оледенения составило −37,6 г/см2. Безвозвратная потеря массы со всей площади ледников равна 17 м в слое воды. В 2010 г. площадь оледенения в регионе оценивалась в 465 км2. По прогнозу, основанному на экстраполяции выявленных тенденций сокращения площади, ледники Джунгарского Алатау могут исчезнуть через 80 лет, т.е. к 2090 г