590 research outputs found


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    Equine anesthesia has a high mortality rate compared to other animal species and human beings, partly due to the widespread use of inhalation agents as the only anesthetic agent, developing major cardiovascular and respiratory depression. Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA), with the use of intravenous anesthetics and analgesics exclusively, has propofol as the main agent and may be a good option for the use of volatile anesthetics. The pharmacokinetic properties of propofol allow rapid recovery after intravenous bolus or when administered by continuous infusion, with coordinated and calm attempts to achieve sternal decubitus, quadrupedal position and minimal ataxia. However, it is considered an insufficient anesthetic agent when used alone, as it has an unsatisfactory analgesic effect, moderate to severe respiratory depression and hypotension, unpredictability in induction such as arousal, and the high volumes required for induction and maintenance. Thus, combining propofol with various sedative and analgesic drugs may provide an alternative method for improving the quality and safety of anesthesia in horses and potentially decreasing the total required drug dose. The aim of this literature review is to approach the use of propofol in total intravenous anesthesia in horses, considering the importance of a better knowledge of the technique in this species, since the data in the literature are still few when compared to other animal species.A anestesia equina apresenta elevada taxa de mortalidade em comparação com outras espécies animais e seres humanos, em parte devido à ampla utilização de agentes inalatórios como único agente anestésico, promovendo importante depressão cardiovascular e respiratória. A anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA), com uso de anestésicos e analgésicos exclusivamente pela via intravenosa, possui o propofol como principal agente e pode ser uma boa opção ao uso dos anestésicos voláteis. As propriedades farmacocinéticas do propofol permitem rápida recuperação após bolus intravenoso ou quando administrado em infusão contínua, com tentativas coordenadas e calmas para alcançar decúbito esternal, posição quadrupedal e com mínima ataxia. Contudo, é considerado um agente anestésico insuficiente quando utilizado de forma isolada, visto que apresenta efeito analgésico insatisfatório, moderada a acentuada depressão respiratória e hipotensão, imprevisibilidade na indução, como excitação, além dos altos volumes necessários para indução e manutenção. Dessa forma, a combinação de propofol com vários fármacos sedativos e analgésicos pode fornecer um método alternativo para melhorar a qualidade e a segurança da anestesia em equinos e, potencialmente, diminuir a dose total de fármaco necessária. Objetivou-se realizar essa revisão de literatura abordando o uso do propofol na anestesia intravenosa total em equinos, considerando a importância de um maior conhecimento acerca da técnica na referida espécie, visto que os dados na literatura ainda são poucos quando comparados a outras espécies animais

    Thiahelicene-grafted halloysite nanotubes: Characterization, biological studies and pH triggered release

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    A novel drug delivery nanosystem was here designed, linking thiahelicenes to halloysite nanotubes. Tetrathia[7]helicenes are very promising DNA intercalators, whose usage in biomedical field has been so far limited by their poor bioavailability. The study of appropriate drug delivery systems is needed to exploit helicenes as therapeutics. In this work, imine chemistry was adopted to covalently attach the bioactive compound and release it in acidic environments such as those surrounding tumour cells. To this aim, halloysite nanotubes were functionalized with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane. The latter acted as linker providing NH2 groups to react with the formyl moiety of the thiahelicene derivative. The nanoconstruct preparation was studied in depth by surface-sensitive spectroscopies and angle-resolved X-ray absorption, to investigate the attachment mode, surface coverage and molecular orientation of the thiahelicene units. Release tests were carried out also in vitro on two tumour cell lines with different extracellular pH values. Mildly acidic pH conditions catalyzed the hydrolysis of the imine bond and promoted the cytotoxic compound release, which proved selective to slight pH differences, confirming the potential of this novel nanoconstruct

    Seychelles Lagoon Provides Corals with a Refuge from Bleaching

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    An extensive bleaching event in the summer of the year 1997-1998 affected most reefs along East Africa's shores. In the aftermath of that episode, the reefs of Île Alphonse in the Seychelles were examined and it was found that reefs along the seaward slopes of the island lost >95% of their branching coral colonies, with considerably higher survival of massive species. Île Alphonse features a nearly circular shallow lagoon, with steep seaward slopes. Contrary to our expectations, mortality in the warmer lagoon was far lower than of coral colonies on the surrounding slopes, bathed in deeper and cooler waters. We suggest that corals in the lagoon were protected from UV radiation by leachate stemming from seagrass leaves steeped in the lagoon. Our measurements in the lagoon showed a strong attenuation of ultraviolet radiation, not observed in the waters outside the lagoon, and laboratory examination confirmed that the strong UV absorption of substances leached into seawater from decomposing leaves of the seagrass Thalassodendron (=Cymodocea) testudinaceum. Our findings demonstrate the synergism between elevated seawater temperature and UV radiation in triggering bleaching on shallow reefs

    Direct comparison of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and amino-terminal proBNP in a large population of patients with chronic and symptomatic heart failure: the Valsartan Heart Failure (Val-HeFT) data

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    Background: The B-type or brain natriuretic peptides (BNP) and the amino-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) are good markers of prognosis and diagnosis in chronic heart failure (HF). It is unclear, however, whether differences in their biological characteristics modify their clinical correlates and prognostic performance in HF. This work aimed to provide a direct comparison of the prognostic value of BNP and NTproBNP in patients with chronic and stable HF. Methods: We measured BNP and NT-proBNP at baseline in 3916 patients enrolled in the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial. To identify the variables associated with both peptides, we conducted simple and multivariable linear regression analyses. We used Cox multivariable regression models to evaluate the independent prognostic value for all-cause mortality, mortality and morbidity, and hospitalization for HF. Prognostic performance was assessed by pairwise comparisons of the area under the curve of receiver-operator characteristic curves. Results: NT-proBNP and BNP had similar relationships with age, left ventrical ejection fraction, and internal diameter and creatinine clearance. Either peptide ranked as the first independent predictor of outcome after adjustment for major confounding clinical characteristics. ROC curves were almost superimposable for all-cause mortality (area under the curve (SE): BNP 0.665 (0.011) vs NT-proBNP 0.679 (0.011); P 0.0734), but NT-proBNP was superior to BNP for predicting mortality and morbidity (P 0.032) or hospitalization for HF (P 0.0143). Overall sensitivity and specificity ranged from 0.590 to 0.696. Conclusions: The natriuretic peptides BNP and NTproBNP showed subtle differences in their relation to clinical characteristics and prognostic performance in a large population of patients with chronic and stable HF. They were the most powerful independent markers of outcome in HF


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    Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the epidermal cells, being considered the second most common neoplasm in the eyes and ocular annexes of horses. The occurrence of the tumor intensifies mainly in animals that have depigmented and hairless regions subjected to solar radiation. Lesions may be isolated or multiple, with varying sizes and ulcerated. The treatment depends on the size, degree of invasion, equipment available and financial condition of the owner. As a treatment, besides surgical excision, topical and intralesional chemotherapeutic agents have been considered. The aim of this study was to report squamous cell carcinoma in the cornea of an equine. An 11-year-old, stallion horse, with a rosy mass in the right eye cornea that evolved for four months, was referred to the Rancho Clinic. Upon clinical suspicion of squamous cell carcinoma, surgical excision of the mass was indicated, followed by histopathological evaluation. The test result confirmed the diagnosis of the neoplasm. Postoperative therapy consisted of administration of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and atropine eye drops, in addition to the anti-inflammatory flunixin meglumine. As adjuvant treatment was the topical 5-Fluorouracil chemotherapy for 12 days. Two months after the surgical procedure, the patient showed no signs of neoplasia at the site, nor possible metastases in other regions. Given the above, it is concluded that the histopathological examination is essential for the definitive diagnosis of the neoplasia and that surgical exeresis associated with adjuvant treatment based on 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy was effective for the eradication of squamous cell carcinoma.O carcinoma de células escamosas é uma neoplasia maligna das células epidérmicas, considerado a segunda neoplasia mais comum nos olhos e anexos oculares de equinos. A ocorrência intensifica-se, principalmente, nos animais com regiões despigmentadas e desprovidas de pelos e sujeitas à radiação solar. As lesões podem se apresentar isoladas ou múltiplas, com tamanhos variados e ulceradas. O tratamento depende do tamanho, grau de invasão, equipamento disponível e condição financeira do proprietário. Como tratamento, tem sido utilisados a excisão cirúrgica, quimioterápicos de uso tópico e intralesional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um carcinoma de células escamosas na córnea de um equino. Foi encaminhado para a Clínica do Rancho um equino, macho, não castrado, 11 anos de idade, apresentando uma massa rósea na córnea do olho direito com evolução de quatro meses. Mediante suspeita clínica de carcinoma de células escamosas, foi indicada exérese cirúrgica da massa, seguida de avaliação histopatológica. O resultado do exame confirmou o diagnóstico da neoplasia. A terapia pós-cirúrgica consistiu na administração de colírios antibiótico, anti-inflamatório e atropina, além do anti-inflamatório flunixin meglumine. Como tratamento adjuvante foi feito o quimioterápico 5-Fluorouracil tópico durante 12 dias. Após dois meses do procedimento cirúrgico, o paciente não apresentava qualquer sinal de neoplasia no local, nem possíveis metástases em outras regiões. Diante do exposto, conclui se que o exame histopatológico é essencial para o diagnóstico definitivo da neoplasia e que a exérese cirúrgica associada com tratamento adjuvante a base do quimioterápico 5-fluorouracil foi eficaz para a erradicação do carcinoma de células escamosas

    Mindfulness and Behavior Change

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    Initiating and maintaining behavior change is key to the prevention and treatment of most preventable chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses. The cultivation of mindfulness, involving acceptance and nonjudgment of present-moment experience, often results in transformative health behavior change. Neural systems involved in motivation and learning have an important role to play. A theoretical model of mindfulness that integrates these mechanisms with the cognitive, emotional, and self-related processes commonly described, while applying an integrated model to health behavior change, is needed. This integrative review (1) defines mindfulness and describes the mindfulness-based intervention movement, (2) synthesizes the neuroscience of mindfulness and integrates motivation and learning mechanisms within a mindful self-regulation model for understanding the complex effects of mindfulness on behavior change, and (3) synthesizes current clinical research evaluating the effects of mindfulness-based interventions targeting health behaviors relevant to psychiatric care. The review provides insight into the limitations of current research and proposes potential mechanisms to be tested in future research and targeted in clinical practice to enhance the impact of mindfulness on behavior change