381 research outputs found

    Физико-химические исследования карбонатов Сафьяновского медно-колчеданного месторождения (Средний Урал)

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    Carbonate mineralization of ore-bearing rocks of the Safianovskoe massive copper sulphide deposit (Middle Urals) is presented by calcite, Fe-magnesite, dolomite and siderite. The types of carbonate mineralization and their spatial distribution in vicinity of the orebody are distinguished. Calcite, dolomite and scattered siderite mineralization is concentrated in quartz-plagioclase-carbonate-chlorite rocks. Siderite-magnesite mineralization is located just on a contact of the solid copper-zinc ore in association with kaolin, barite and mica. Magnesite mineralization is located in quartz-sericite-chlorite metasomatites of the South-Eastern part and is a natural extension of the post ore transformation of the host rocks and their tectonic fracturing associated with internal stress relaxation. Vein aragonite was discovered in near-wall metasomatites at the depth 240 m. The newly formed calcite was found in the hydrothermally changed limestones at the depth 275 m. Carbonates differ in content and distribution of rare-earth elements (REE), the isotopy, and in the intensity EPR of spectrum Mn2+ in the carbonates. As a whole, the zones of the carbonates distribution in the wallrocks of the Safyanovskoe deposit corresponds to the Urals typical zonation noted on some other copper massive deposits of the South Urals.Рассмотрена карбонатная жильная минерализация в породах Сафьяновского медно-колчеданного месторождения (Средний Урал), представленная кальцитом,  железистыми разностями магнезита и доломита, сидеритом, арагонитом. Кальцитовая, доломитовая и рассеянная сидеритовая минерализация сосредоточена в кварц-плагиоклаз-карбонат-хлоритовых породах надрудной зоны. Сидерит-магнезитовая прожилковая минерализация развита в околорудных метасоматитах на контакте с массивной медно-цинковой рудой в ассоциации с баритом, каолинитом и гидрослюдой. Рассеянная и прожилковая магнезитовая минерализация встречается в кварц-каолинит-серицит-хлоритовых подрудных метасоматитах. Жильный арагонит обнаружен в околорудных метасоматитах на глубине 240 м, новообразованный кальцит – в гидротермально-измененных известняках на глубине 275 м. Карбонаты отличаются по содержанию и распределению РЗЭ, С-О изотопии, по интенсивности ЭПР спектра Mn2+ в карбонатах. В целом зональность распределения карбонатов в околорудных породах Сафьяновского месторождения соответствует зональности уральского типа, отмеченной на некоторых колчеданных месторождениях Южного Урала, в околорудной части карбонаты представлены более железистыми разностями по сравненю с надрудной частью. Исследования показали, что карбонатная минерализация на Сафьяновском месторождении является естественным продолжением пострудных преобразований вмещающих пород и их тектонического разрушения при релаксации внутренних напряжений


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    Relevance of the work is due to the possibility of a detailed study of Devonian foraminifers with apatite shells and the reconstruction of specific conditions for their formation. Foraminifer shells are morphologically similar to Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, the Eifelian-the Givetian, which were found in thin sections of samples of carboniferous and chiselly aleuropelites of the ore-bearing strata of the Safyanovsky copper-sulphide deposit (Middle Urals) for the first time. Purpose of work. Detailed study of the shells of Devonian foraminifers similar to Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, as well as reconstruction of sedimentation conditions for carboniferous and chiselly rocks of the ore-bearing strata of the Safyanovsky copper-sulphide deposit. Research methodology. Shells were studied in thin sections of carboniferous and chiselly aleuropelite samples. The detailed study of morphology and composition of the shells was carried out using a scanning electron microscope JSM-6390LV (JEOL) with an energy-dispersive spectrometer Inca Energy 450, an electron microscope Tescan and an electron probe microanalyzer Cameca SX100. Results. Size and morphology of the shells were determined; it was also found that the walls of the shells of the studied foraminifers were represented by fluorapatite. It was assumed that initially they were calcareous, and subsequently were replaced by apatite and quartz. However, more detailed studies did not reveal traces of substitution of carbonate rock for apatite. Conclusions. Compared with Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, shells have a reduced size and a smaller number of fauces, which can be explained by unfavorable habitats in a shallow sea basin, where carbonate sedimentation was suppressed by a significant influx of volcanic material. The presence of sulfide minerals in nucleus of shells may indicate to the specific habitat (pH of the environment, salinity of supra-bottom water) of foraminifers. Findings of fossils of green, siphon algae together with studied foraminifers indicate that formation of the original substrate took place in near-surface layers (up to 200 m) of the photic zone of seas


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    Epidemiological and clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction based upon the data collected in Regional Vascular Centre of Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Care n. a. I. I. Dzhanelidze in 2009-2012 years. In the article, 4697 cases have been analyzed. Specific features of epidemiology and clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction at the present stage have been considered.В статье представлена эпидемиологическая и клиническая картины острого инфаркта миокарда (ОИМ) по данным регионального сосудистого центра на базе СПбНИИ скорой помощи им. И. И. Джанелидзе за период с 2009 по 2012 г. Проанализированы 4697 случаев. Рассмотрены особенности эпидемиологии и клинической картины ОИМ на современном этапе

    Estimation of local strength and damageability of brittle materials on experimental data distribution of statistical parameters

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    Проведен статистический анализ результатов испытаний листового стекла и алюмокерамики при царпании со скалыванием индентором Роквелла. Определены параметры распределения Вейбулла для экспериментальных результатов. Получены статистически обоснованные значения параметра повреждаемости при вероятности разрушения от 0,01 до 0,99, что позволило уточнить характеристики локальной прочности стекла и керамики и повысить достоверность прогноза работоспособности материала при заданной вероятности разрушения ответственных изделий. Показана неприемлемость линейной аппроксимации зависимости разрушающей нагрузки P от расстояния разрушения L при локальном нагружении хрупких материалов. Для листового стекла в области малых нагрузок обнаруженa аномально высокая повреждаемость, характеризующаяся возможными размерами скола до 0,520 мм, что в три раза превышает предельные размеры сколов для керамики Al2О3-1. Результаты могут быть использованы при выборе и оптимизации технологии изготовления оптического стекла, дентокерамики и режущего керамического инструмента.Local strength and the edge damageability of amorphous and crystalline brittle materials are estimated by the methods of statistical analysis. The Weibull distribution is used to analyze experimental data of scratching with edge chipping for the samples of float glass and dense ceramics Al2О3-1. The shape and the scale parameters of the Weibull distribution for the experimental results on the edge destruction, depending on the distance from the edge are determined. A fundamental difference in the mechanical behavior of amorphous and crystalline brittle materials under the local loading is detected. Statistically valid values of damageability parameter L for the fracture probability in the interval 0.01...0.99 are obtained. This allowed specifying the characteristics of the local strength of glass and ceramics, and improving the reliability of the forecast performance of the material at a given probability of failure. It is obtained, that dense ceramic is characterized by non-linear S-shaped form of the plot of the fracture load P versus fracture distance L. In the range of high loads of glass, a similar to ceramic S-shaped dependence P = f (L) is observed. Abnormally high damageability for float glass in the range of small loads characterized by chipping to the possible size of 0.520 mm, which is three times the size for chipping of ceramic Al2O3-1, is detected. It is shown that the estimation error in the parameter of fracture resistance to chipping FRS at the failure probability of 1% as an average value of the ratio P/L was 64% and 391% for ceramics and glass, respectively, compared with the predicted resistance to chipping, defined on the basis of a probabilistic approach. This proves the unacceptability of the linear approximation of the dependence P = f (L), which has been adopted in literature, especially for critical parts made of the brittle materials. The results are the basis for a focused selection of brittle materials, depending on their function. The results can be used for selecting and optimizing the manufacturing technology of optical glass, dental ceramics and ceramic cutting tool

    Quantum superposition of three macroscopic states and superconducting qutrit detector

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    Superconducting quantum coherent circuits have opened up a novel area of fundamental low-temperature science since they could potentially be the element base for future quantum computers. Here we report a quasi-three-level coherent system, the so-called superconducting qutrit, which has some advantages over a two-level information cell (qubit), and is based on the qutrit readout circuit intended to measure individually the states of each qubit in a quantum computer. The designed and implemented radio-frequency superconducting qutrit detector (rf SQUTRID) with atomic-size ScS-type contact utilizes the coherent-state superposition in the three-well potential with energy splitting Delta E_01/k_B=1.5 K at the 30th quantized energy level with good isolation from the electromagnetic environment. The reason why large values of Delta E_01 (and thus using atomic-size Nb-Nb contact) are required is to ensure an adiabatic limit for the quantum dynamics of magnetic flux in the rf SQUTRID.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, in v.3: text extended, inset in figure 1 (the device design) adde

    Measurement of Muon Capture on the Proton to 1% Precision and Determination of the Pseudoscalar Coupling g_P

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    The MuCap experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute has measured the rate L_S of muon capture from the singlet state of the muonic hydrogen atom to a precision of 1%. A muon beam was stopped in a time projection chamber filled with 10-bar, ultra-pure hydrogen gas. Cylindrical wire chambers and a segmented scintillator barrel detected electrons from muon decay. L_S is determined from the difference between the mu- disappearance rate in hydrogen and the free muon decay rate. The result is based on the analysis of 1.2 10^10 mu- decays, from which we extract the capture rate L_S = (714.9 +- 5.4(stat) +- 5.1(syst)) s^-1 and derive the proton's pseudoscalar coupling g_P(q^2_0 = -0.88 m^2_mu) = 8.06 +- 0.55.Comment: Updated figure 1 and small changes in wording to match published versio

    Measurement of the Rate of Muon Capture in Hydrogen Gas and Determination of the Proton's Pseudoscalar Coupling gPg_P

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    The rate of nuclear muon capture by the proton has been measured using a new experimental technique based on a time projection chamber operating in ultra-clean, deuterium-depleted hydrogen gas at 1 MPa pressure. The capture rate was obtained from the difference between the measured μ\mu^- disappearance rate in hydrogen and the world average for the μ+\mu^+ decay rate. The target's low gas density of 1% compared to liquid hydrogen is key to avoiding uncertainties that arise from the formation of muonic molecules. The capture rate from the hyperfine singlet ground state of the μp\mu p atom is measured to be ΛS=725.0±17.4s1\Lambda_S=725.0 \pm 17.4 s^{-1}, from which the induced pseudoscalar coupling of the nucleon, gP(q2=0.88mμ2)=7.3±1.1g_P(q^2=-0.88 m_\mu^2)=7.3 \pm 1.1, is extracted. This result is consistent with theoretical predictions for gPg_P that are based on the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Coherent Rabi response of a charge-phase qubit under microwave irradiation

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    We report on radio-frequency measurements of the charge-phase qubit being under continuous microwave irradiation in the state of weak coupling to a radio-frequency tank circuit. We studied the rf impedance dependence on the two important parameters such as power of microwave irradiation whose frequency is close to the gap between the two lowest qubit energy levels, and temperature of the internal heat bath. We have found that backaction effects of the qubit on the rf tank, and vice versa, tank on the qubit, lead to a negative as well as a positive real part of the qubit impedance ReZ(ω)Z(\omega) seen by the tank. We have implemented noise spectroscopy measurements for direct impedance readout at the extreme points corresponding to maximum voltage response and obtained absolute values of about 0.017 Ω\Omega for the negative and positive ReZ(ω)Z(\omega). Our results demonstrate the existence and persistence of the coherent single- and multi-photon Rabi dynamics of the qubit with both negative and positive dynamic resistance inserted into the tank in the temperature range of 10 to 200 mK.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Исследование влияния вакуум-плазмовых покрытий на логарифмический декремент колебаний

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    В роботі наведенo результати експериментального дослідження впливу вакуум-плазмових покриттів на характеристики розсіювання енергії в матеріалі зразків, виконаних з інструментальної сталі Р6М5. Виявлено зниження декремента коливань зразків з модифікованою поверхнею.Отримані результати відповідають представленням про те, що логарифмічний декремент коливань є характеристикою, що залежить від стану поверхні зразків.The results of the experimental investigation of the PVD-films at the dissipation characteristics of stainless steel Р6М5. That surface coating leads to the decreasing of logarithmic decrement of the samples oscillation it is shown. The results agree with notion that logarithmic decrement oscillation depends on surface state of the samples is obtained.В работе приведены результаты экспериментального исследования влияния вакуум-плазменных покрытий на характеристики рассеяния энергии в материале образцов, выполненных из инструментальной стали Р6М5. Обнаружено снижение декремента колебаний образцов с модифицированной поверхностью. Полученные результаты соответствуют представлениям о том, что логарифмический декремент колебаний является характеристикой, зависящей от состояния поверхности образцов