1,012 research outputs found

    The impact of music on cognitive processes

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    Рассматривается влияние музыки на человека и его жизнедеятельность. Раскрывается механизм восприятия музыкальной информации разными областями головного мозга человека. Отмечается зависимость предпочтения жанров музыки от типа темпераментаThe article discusses the work of authors studying the impact of music on people and their livelihoods. Studied work according to the mechanism of perception of music information in different areas of the human brain. It is noted the dependence of the preferences of music genres from the type of temperamen

    Степное сообщество пауков (Aranei) в балке с типчаково-ковыльной петрофильной растительностью

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    В степной балке в окрестностях с. Осокоровка (Нововоронцовский район Херсонской области, Украина) почвенными ловушками Барбера собрано 40 видов пауков, относящихся к 13 семействам. Наибольшим количеством видов характеризуются семейства Gnaphosidae (14 видов), Lycosidae (10 видов) и Thomisidae (7 видов). Максимальное видовое богатство, количество специфических видов и уловистость пауков отмечены в тальвеге балки. Этот биотоп служит рефугиумом для мезофильных видов, значительно отличаясь по составу аранеокомплекса от окружающих степных местообитаний

    Начальный этап изучения пауков (Aranei) урочища Грабовое (Пятихатский район Днепропетровской области)

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    В урочище Грабовое (с. Беленщина, Пятихатский район, Днепропетровская область) отмечено 18 видов пауков, относящихся к 9 семействам. Наибольшим видовым богатством и относительной численностью характеризуются семейства Lycosidae (5 видов, 84,1 % общего обилия) и Thomisidae (3 вида, 7,3 %). Наибольшее количество видов пауков отмечено в нижней трети склона южной экспозиции (11 видов), наибольшее значение динамической плотности – в средней трети склона южной экспозиции (154,4 экземпляра на 100 ловушко-суток). В средней трети северного склона найдено наименьшее количество видов пауков (5 видов). Наиболее низкие значения динамической плотности зарегистрированы в нижней трети склона северной экспозиции (39,4 экземпляров на 100 ловушко-суток)

    Financial engineering of infrastructure projects : the concessional mechanism

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    Purpose: The article considers the model of financial engineering, in which financial resources for an infrastructure project are formed based on syndicated loans. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on modern concepts of uncertainty and risk management theories and the concept of digital economy. It includes a system and diagnostic analysis, methods of financial analytics as well as quantitative and qualitative risk assessment methods. Findings: Authors analyzed the investment in the infrastructure projects development in the Russian Federation. The railways' export potential is analyzed and determined to depend on coal and container terminals. Authors highlighted the need for business consolidation and new infrastructure projects based on technologies of digitalization in the transport industry, reviewed the strategic importance of concession agreement for the construction of “Northern Latitudinal Railway”. Practical Implications: The research findings revealed that implementation of large infrastructure projects is capable to render breakthrough effect on GDP and economic growth rates of the Russian Federation. The adjusted experience could be introduced in the transport framework of the Russian Federation and abroad. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is in the highlighting features of concessional mechanism in the framework of large infrastructure projects.peer-reviewe

    Subcutaneous cardioverter-defibrillator, patient selection, implantation, postoperative management in the Krasnoyarsk

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    This article describes the patient selection procedure for subcutaneous cardioverter-defibrillator implantation, the implantation technique, and the features of postoperative follow-up of patients, the features of programming at all stages of patient treatment

    Capacity of spring barley in long-term application of fertilizers in field crop rotation

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    The impact of long-term application of different rates of fertilizers and fertilizer systems in field crop rotation as well as other factors on capacity of spring barley is analyzed. A strong effect of the change of characteristics of soil fertility under the influence of fertilization and crop rotation on the level and dynamics of capacity of spring barley is grounded. Main linear models of fertilizer effects during different testing periods on capacity of spring barley are developed on grounds of researches. Mathematical data analysis of capacity of spring barley in different variants of fertilization showed that low rates of fertilizers (N45P45K45) didn’t keep capacity on the fixed level though it was higher than in the non-fertilized plots. High rates of fertilizers in time showed decrease in the annual average crop capacity that is primarily accounted for concentration of abile soil nutrients in soil and optimal nutrition of crops. That is the nutritive regime of soil is no more the limitative factor of crop capacity of spring barley. Further increase in capacity is possible due to such factor as a cultivar

    The compаrisоn of inсlusіve eduсаtion in Cаnаdа, developing countries and Ukraine

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    The aim: to raise an issue about the elaboration of inclusіve educаtіоn and socialization in Ukraine,to collate the methodology аnd exреrienсе оf successful socialization and to fіnd оut thе leading trends in this practice. Materials Internеtionаl journаl of specіаl educatіоn Vol25#1 2010“Inclusive еducation in developing countrіеs іn thе subSаhаran Afrіса''-J. Chаrema Polісу dеvеlopmеnt fоr inсlusіve schools: Guidebook/J.Blaise, .Chornoboy, S.Crocker.-K.: PalivodaAV,2012.-46p. Methods: theoretical analysis; logistic methods (comparison). Results and Discussion:Inclusiveness is an action that enables each individual to feel involved and useful.This is achieved through appreciation and interaction with each student as a person

    The role of digital consciousness in change management

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    The article deals with the problems of change management in the new conditions of superfragility of the BANI-world. Interpretations of the concepts of “transcendental thinking”, “digital consciousness”, “immersiveness” are given. The prerequisites substantiating the idea that transcendental thinking needs to be cultivated in the organisation in order to achieve effective management flexibility are presented. The latter is formed in the broader context of the digital consciousness organisational culture, without which it is impossible to set up the organisation’s staff for a positive perception of immersive management practices and the digital technologies productive use. Barriers to the transformation of organisational processes have been identified. It has been shown that the digital transformation of the organisation increases the resistance on the part of the staff by digital resistance plane, when aversion to any change correlates with a lack of ­understanding of digital opportunities. The relationship between the conceptual methodologies of digital consciousness and metacognition and the effectiveness of the formation of a change management strategy has been established