81 research outputs found


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    An. original method of intracardiac sanation of infection nidus with use of the preparation of bacterial proteinases immobilized on polymeric matrix was offered and proved on the resulta of surgical treatment of 226 patients with infectious endocarditis. The results of treatment were analysed and. the effectiveness of the method was proved


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    Cardiac tumors are extremely rare pathologies with polymorphic clinical presentation, mainly founded in autopsy, and accidentally in cardiac surgery. Primary tumors of the heart are detected in 0.002-0.05 cases of autopsies, and 75 % of the tumors are the benign ones. Cardiac myxoma is the most frequent tumor of the heart. It can be localized in any chamber, but more often occurs in the left atrium. A pedunculated myxomas prolapse into mitral orifice, obstructing outflow from left atrium and inflow to left ventricle in diastole. Microscopically myxomas can have slimy, rigid, lobed or loose structure. Myxomas with loose consistency are most dangerous in occurrence of systemic embolism. Also, tumors can locate in ventricle or in several heart chambers. Most of tumors has a peduncle, a fibrous-vascular stalk from 4 to 8 cm in diameter. In 93 % cases myxomas are the single chamber tumors, but they can be biatrial, and grow in several chambers of the heart, thus, are the multiple primary tumors. The symptoms are of widely varied character and depend on the size and localization of the tumor. Now, because of advances in diagnostic, the frequency of myxoma detection is annually increasing, counting from 0.5 to 2.3 cases per 1 million people. The group of 70 patients aged from 19 to 77 with morphologically confirmed myxomas was analyzed. Surgical intervention is the only way to treat myxoma. The case described in the article presents a large myxoma, almost completely filling left atrium with mitral orifice occlusion. Routine echocardiography facilitated a timely diagnosis, and required treatment was performed

    Quantum fluids of light

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    This article reviews recent theoretical and experimental advances in the fundamental understanding and active control of quantum fluids of light in nonlinear optical systems. In presence of effective photon-photon interactions induced by the optical nonlinearity of the medium, a many-photon system can behave collectively as a quantum fluid with a number of novel features stemming from its intrinsically non-equilibrium nature. We present a rich variety of photon hydrodynamical effects that have been recently observed, from the superfluid flow around a defect at low speeds, to the appearance of a Mach-Cherenkov cone in a supersonic flow, to the hydrodynamic formation of topological excitations such as quantized vortices and dark solitons at the surface of large impenetrable obstacles. While our review is mostly focused on a class of semiconductor systems that have been extensively studied in recent years (namely planar semiconductor microcavities in the strong light-matter coupling regime having cavity polaritons as elementary excitations), the very concept of quantum fluids of light applies to a broad spectrum of systems, ranging from bulk nonlinear crystals, to atomic clouds embedded in optical fibers and cavities, to photonic crystal cavities, to superconducting quantum circuits based on Josephson junctions. The conclusive part of our article is devoted to a review of the exciting perspectives to achieve strongly correlated photon gases. In particular, we present different mechanisms to obtain efficient photon blockade, we discuss the novel quantum phases that are expected to appear in arrays of strongly nonlinear cavities, and we point out the rich phenomenology offered by the implementation of artificial gauge fields for photons.Comment: Accepted for publication on Rev. Mod. Phys. (in press, 2012

    Social status and satisfaction of the phlebosurgical patient

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    The purpose of the study is to give a medical and social characteristic of patients treated for chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities in an outpatient phlebological center.Цель исследования – дать медико-социальную характеристику пациентов, лечившихся по поводу хронических заболеваний вен нижних конечностей в амбулаторном флебологическом центре


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    The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by ecological components such as: conditions of pastures and water reservoirs, weather and climate especially in current pasture season; therefore it is necessary to conduct the antiparasitic treatment. Наблюдения с 1990 по 2014 года за эпизоотической ситуацией в Российской Федерации по основным гельминтозам у животных позволяют сделать заключение, что на течение эпизоотического процесса при гельминтозах влияют экологические компоненты внешней среды: состояние пастбищ и водоемов, погодные и климатические условия, особенно в текущем пастбищном сезоне, что вызывает необходимость проведения противопаразитарных обработок

    Chronic vein diseases in the population in the Ural federal district. Statistics and trends

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    The aim of the work is to evaluate the indicators and determine the epidemiological trends of the primary incidence of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities in the population of the Ural federal district over the past 11 years.Цель работы – оценить показатели и определить эпидемиологические тренды первичной заболеваемости хроническими заболеваниями вен нижних конечностей у населения Уральского федерального округа за последние 11 лет

    Ultrasonic measurements in liquid helium

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