8 research outputs found

    Choice engineering profession: the gender dimension

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    The paper analyzes the issues of profession choice through the prism of gender approach. It addresses the problem of attracting and retaining women in engineering. On the one hand, fixed persistence of gender stereotypes, on the other hand, a certain «dilution» of gender stereotypes in the professional field, which is especially noticeable among women at the «input» into the profession. The findings are based on data from formal interviews with masters of technical training areasПроанализированы вопросы выбора профессии сквозь призму гендерного подхода. Рассмотрены проблемы привлечения и удержания женщин в инженерной области. Зафиксировано сохранение гендерных стереотипов в этой профессиональной сфере и определенное их «размывание

    A woman in the man’s culture of engineering education

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    The study is aimed at identifying barriers to the research career of women in the academic environment of a technical university. The authors present the results of their study of the women’s status in the academic community. The study is based on a quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (biographical interviews) analysis of the opinions of students and teachers of STEM disciplines of a technical university about the features and problems of women’s professional careers. It is established that women of the same university evaluate the presence and degree of influence of barriers to the research careers differently. In some cases, women assessing their professional status note that they do not feel professional discrimination on the basis of gender. In general, the analysis revealed that women who received a STEM education use a strategy of avoiding a research career and choosing alternative career options: either outside the academic environment, or by transitioning to teaching as a way to circumvent gender barriers in grant and publication activities. © 2019 Moscow Polytechnic University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-011-00252in the framework of the project «Comparative analysis of social effects and the impact of institutional conditions on the professional training of engineering specialists», implemented with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research – RFBR (grant № 19-011-00252)

    A Woman in the Man’s Culture of Engineering Education

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    The study is aimed at identifying barriers to the research career of women in the academic environment of a technical university. The authors present the results of their study of the women’s status in the academic community. The study is based on a quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (biographical interviews) analysis of the opinions of students and teachers of STEM disciplines of a technical university about the features and problems of women’s professional careers. It is established that women of the same university evaluate the presence and degree of influence of barriers to the research careers differently. In some cases, women assessing their professional status note that they do not feel professional discrimination on the basis of gender. In general, the analysis revealed that women who received a STEM education use a strategy of avoiding a research career and choosing alternative career options: either outside the academic environment, or by transitioning to teaching as a way to circumvent gender barriers in grant and publication activities

    Organization and Self-Organization in Managing Student Science and Scientific Mentoring

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 23.08.2023 г.В статье рассматриваются организация и самоорганизация как принципы управления студенческой наукой и научным наставничеством в вузе. Студенческая наука и научное наставничество трактуются как два взаимосвязанных вида деятельности студентов и преподавателей-наставников. Показано, что управление ими предполагает, с одной стороны, организационные формы, с другой — процессы самоорганизации. Цель статьи состоит в выявлении значения принципов организации и самоорганизации для университетского управления студенческой наукой и научным наставничеством. Задачами являются обобщение вузовских практик организации студенческой науки и связанных с ними практик научного наставничества, а также характеристика проявлений самоорганизации в деятельности студентов-исследователей и их научных наставников. Эмпирической основой статьи являются результаты исследования, реализованного в 2023 г. с помощью методов систематического анализа литературы, всероссийского опроса студентов (n = 3032). На основе результатов систематического обзора выделены пять организационных форм студенческой науки и соответствующие им практики научного наставничества. Данные опроса показывают равное значение организационного начала и самоорганизации в развитии студенческой науки и научного наставничества в российских университетах. Подчеркивается важность программ научного наставничества, которые способствуют самоорганизации и инициативности студентов в научном плане. Практическое значение исследования заключается в обосновании важности совмещения организационного и самоорганизационного подходов в управлении студенческой наукой, которое повышает продуктивность исследовательской деятельности студентов и их научных наставников.The article examines organization and self organization as two principles of managing student science and scientific mentoring in a university. Student science and scientific mentoring are treated as two interrelated activities involving students and mentor instructors. It is demonstrated that their management relies on both organizational forms and processes of self organization. The aim of the article is to uncover the significance of organizational and self organizational principles for university management in student science and scientific mentoring. The tasks involve summarizing university practices of organizing student science and related scientific mentoring practices, as well as characterizing manifestations of self organization in the activities of student researchers and their scientific mentors. The empirical basis of the article comprises the results of a study carried out in 2023 using methods of systematic literature analysis, a nationwide student survey (n = 3032). Based on the results of the systematic review, five organizational forms of student science are identified, each associated with corresponding scientific mentoring practices. The equal importance of organizational and self organizational aspects in the development of student science and scientific mentoring in Russian universities is substantiated. The significance of mentoring programs is emphasized, as they contribute to students’ self-organization and initiative in the realm of scientific endeavors. The practical value of the research lies in advocating the integration of organizational and self organizational approaches in managing student science, which enhances the productivity of both student researchers and their scientific mentors.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (№ 23-28-01291, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-01291/).The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (№ 23-28-01291, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-01291/)

    Resource Capacity of Academic Staff of Ural Federal District Universities: Qualitative Research

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    The article presents an analysis of the resource capacity of academic community of Ural Federal District universities based on qualitative research data. The main method was conducting 40 semi-structured interviews with Ural universities academic staff. The study used a quota sample, in which informants were differentiated into groups by age (under and over 40) and by the field of scientific knowledge in which they work. The study included an analysis of statistical data reflecting the main indicators of the development of the RPC of the universities of Ural Federal District in the period 2014–2023. As sources of statistical data, databases of monitoring the effectiveness of higher education organizations, data of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and «Indicators of Education» statistical collection were used. The main results covered five resource blocks of the RPC: socio-demographic, research, pedagogical, the resource of interaction of the RPS and research teams, moral and symbolic. In aggregate and interrelation, 11 types of RPS resources were disclosed. It was concluded that the results of a comprehensive study of the resourcing of the RPC can serve as a basis for management decisions on staffing strategies of universities in new conditions. The strengths and resource deficits of the RPC were shown. The study allowed us to draw conclusions about those resources that have a cross-cutting character (temporal, moral and ideological) and are necessary as predictors of the actualization of other resources (research, publication, pedagogical)

    Research Culture of Russian University Students

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    The article is devoted to the summarizing results of the sociological study of the re- search culture of students (February-April 2023, n=3,032 people). The aim of the article was to iden- tify its features and contradictions in the conditions of modern Russian universities. The productivity of the theoretical and methodological framework for studying this problem, developed on the basis of L.N. Kogan’s approach, is argued. The article proposes to consider the research culture as a way of developing the essential forces of students and to identify its structural elements such as cognitive, axiological and praxeological. In accordance with the theoretical and methodological approach, the characteristic of the research culture of students is given. The results of the survey allowed us to conclude that the majority of students have an interest in science and scientific knowledge as values, and at the same time – about the formation of a critical assessment of the risks that research produces among students who are active in scientific terms. The problem areas of students’ research competencies that prevent the “seamless” integration of student and “adult” science, including meth- odological and organizational ones, have been identified. Such problematic features of the praxe- ological block of students’ research culture as their low involvement in publication practices and tol- erance to unethical research practices are shown. The significant influence of teachers and scientific mentors performing activating and socializing functions on the formation of the research culture of students is substantiated. The practical significance of the research lies in a comprehensive under- standing of the state of the research culture of students of Russian universities, identifying factors that influence (positively or negatively) its formation and development. On this basis, it is possible to develop scientifically based programs for the academic development of students, especially in terms of its scientific track

    Postgraduate Study and Womens’ Academic Career

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    In the modern conditions of the development of the sphere of science and education, the effectiveness of the post-graduate studies activity as an instrument for the reproduction of higher education personnel is actualized. The results of the survey of post-graduate students, as well as the data of expert interviews, are presented in the research. The results are devoted to the study of the motivation for admission to postgraduate studies, professional plans, as well as the opportunities that the post-graduate school opens. The subjects of the article are women who are studying at the post-graduate school of the Ural Federal University (UrFU), as well as women who have recently graduated from the UrFU graduate school. The presented results of the post-graduate questionnaire and the expert interview of women allow to identify the main results of the study: 1) increase the value of self-realization, but at the same time, the decline in the significance of material values; 2) women are more likely to express interest in learning; 3) when leaving the educational field, the girls start to think more often and understand that they will have difficulty in finding a job; 4) graduate student in the case of non-demand in the labor market gives one more opportunity to gain a foothold in her professional environment; 5) in women, a little more often the desire to gain in the academic environment, to receive the teaching experience; 6) women are more likely to think that postgraduate studies will help them in scientific academic mobility; 7) Graduate graduation is attractive for women in the way that is required as a career development step in a university; 8) According to women, career in the educational environment is more accessible than in the enterprise; 9) women are consciously going to graduate school. The results show that women evaluate post-graduate studies as a career prospect in the academic labor market.В современных условиях развития сферы науки и образования актуализируется эффективность деятельности аспирантуры как инструмента для воспроизводства кадров высшей квалификации. В рамках исследования представлены результаты опроса аспирантов, а также данные экспертного интервью. Результаты посвящены исследованию мотивации поступления в аспирантуру, профессиональным планам, а также возможностям, которые открывает аспирантура. Объектом исследования статьи являются женщины, обучающиеся в аспирантуре Уральского федерального университета (УрФУ), а также женщины, недавно окончившие аспирантуру УрФУ. Представленные результаты опроса аспирантов и экспертное интервью женщин позволяет выделить основные результаты исследования: 1) повышение ценности самореализации, но при этом падение значимости материальных ценностей; 2) женщины чаще мужчин выражают интерес к обучению; 3) при выходе из образовательного поля, девушки чаще начинают задумываться и понимать, что при поиске работы им придется сложно; 4) аспирантура женщине в случае не востребованности на рынке труда дает еще одну возможность закрепиться в ее профессиональной среде; 5) у женщин чуть чаще встречается желание закрепиться в академической среде, получить опыт преподавания; 6) женщины чаще задумываются о том, что аспирантура поможет им в научной академической мобильности; 7) аспирантура привлекательна для женщин тем, что необходима как ступенька карьерного развития в вузе; 8) по мнению женщин, карьера в образовательной среде доступнее, чем на предприятии; 9) женщины осознанно идут в аспирантуру. Полученные результаты говорят о том, что женщины оценивают аспирантуру как шанс для карьеры на академическом рынке труда

    Gender peculiarities of social management

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    Рассмотрена роль женщины как социального менеджера в условиях конфликта двух разнонаправленных тенденций: глобализации и глокализации. Рассмотрена хронология и география профессиональной деятельности женщин – первых лиц государств в странах современного мира. Проанализирована эффективность антикризисного менеджмента, осуществляемого женщинами-руководителями.Discuss the role of women as a social Manager in conflict of two divergent trends: globalization and glocalisation. Considered the chronology and geography of professional activity of women–heads of States in the countries of the modern world. Analyzed the effectiveness of crisis management, carried out by women-leaders