43 research outputs found

    Current Approaches, Typologies and Predictors of Deviant Work Behaviors: A Scoping Review of Reviews

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    This study provides a scoping review of the recent conceptual developments about the deviant work behavior and counterproductive work behavior constructs. It also examines the specific types of deviant work behavior that have been more consistently investigated in the last decade, and whether they cover the interpersonal or organizational type of deviant behavior. In addition, individual, group, and organizational predictors of deviant work behaviors are examined. A scoping review of reviews was conducted on Scopus and Web of Science databases and 54 studies published from 2010 to June 2021 were taken into account. Results show that more recent conceptualizations are based on well established models in the literature and consider the hierarchical structure of these two constructs. Recent reviews examine the relationships of deviant work behavior with job performance and ethical behavior constructs, the multilevel nature of deviant work behavior, and the consequences for the actor of the deviance. The specific types of deviant work behavior more frequently reviewed in the last decade are workplace abuse, incivility, ostracism, bullying and sexual harassment, and abusive and destructive leadership; this evidence suggests a much greater attention to interpersonal, rather than organizational, forms of deviant work behavior. Regarding antecedents, results show the continuing prevalence of personality factors antecedents. Limitations of the study and theoretical and practical implications for the field are also provided

    Prospects For the Use of Loop Isothermal Amplification in the Diagnosis of Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases Caused by the Viruses of the Pathogenicity Group I

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    Dangerous viral infectious diseases pose a serious threat to human life and health, as their uncontrolled spread leads to the development of major outbreaks and epidemics. Rapid and accurate detection of the pathogen is an essential component of the fight against infectious diseases. This review is devoted to loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), which is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of molecular-genetic research that meets modern requirements. The simplicity of the analysis and registration of the obtained results, which is necessary under conditions with minimal laboratory capacities, makes it possible to consider this type of diagnostic technology as the most promising, which allows us to identify genetic markers (DNA or RNA) of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases in the shortest possible time. Objective of the review is to summarize and systematize the data available to date on the use of LAMP for detecting RNA of dangerous infectious diseases caused by the Ebola,Marburg and Lassa viruses. The paper discusses the basic principles of the loop isothermal amplification reaction, the components that make up the reaction mixture and are used for the analysis, as well as methods for detecting the results obtained. When studying the information available in the literature sources about the advantages and disadvantages of LAMP, it is shown that in many cases, isothermal amplification is not inferior in sensitivity and specificity to the main molecular-genetic diagnostic methods currently used. Modifications that can be used for accelerated diagnostics of RNA-containing viruses are also considered

    Highly Effective xMAP Multiplex Assay for the Detection and Identification of Hemorrhagic Fever Agents, Including Ebola Virus

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    Developed has been the oligonucleotide liquid biochip based on xMAP technology, designed for the laboratory detection of particularly dangerous viral pathogens such as Ebola and Marburg filoviruses, and Machupo , Junin, and Lassa arenaviruses. The suggested approach allows for the detection of up to 100 viral genome equivalents in a sample. The sensitivity and specificity of oligonucleotide biochip is 100 % when the laboratory panels of positive and negative samples are used. These results indicate that the xMAP multiplexing for the detection and identification of tropical hemorrhagic fever agents, including Ebola virus, is not inferior to the conventional method such as real-time RT-PCR and can be applied for evaluation of viral load, and further on can easily be expanded for both the analysis of new viral agents and for the detection of critical mutations in viral genomes

    Genotypes and Subtypes of Hepatitis B Virus Isolates in the Territory of Siberia

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    Identified are the occurrence, serotypic and genotypic variations of Hepatitis B virus isolates (HBV) among the Novosibirsk region inhabitants (n=2000), native population of the Alarsk District of the Irkutsk Region (n=487) and Shuryshkarsk Township of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (n=657). Occurrence rate of hepatitis В surface antigen (HBsAg) among different groups of the Novosibirsk Region population varied within the limits of 3,6-35,0 %. It was 8,2 % in Alarsk District, and 3,2 % in Shuryshkarsk Township. HBV isolates of D genotype (92-97 %) prevail among the population of Siberia; few are the cases of A (1,7 %) and C (1,2-8 %) genotypes. The identified varying occurrence of HBV sub-genotypes and HBsAg subtypes in two aboriginal groups of Siberia (D3 sub-genotype and ayw2 subtype - in the Alarsk District, D2 and ayw3 - in Shuryshkarsk Township) suggests the existence of, at least, two isolated HBV virus populations, circulating among different groups of Siberia native population

    Dry and Humid Periods Reconstructed from Tree Rings in the Former Territory of Sogdiana (Central Asia) and Their Socio-economic Consequences over the Last Millennium

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    One of the richest societies along the Silk Road developed in Sogdiana, located in present-day Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. This urban civilisation reached its greatest prosperity during the golden age of the Silk Road (sixth to ninth century ce). Rapid political and economic changes, accelerated by climatic variations, were observed during last millennium in this region. The newly developed tree-ring-based reconstruction of precipitation for the pastmillennium revealed a series of dry and wet stages. During the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), two dry periods occurred (900–1000 and 1200–1250), interrupted by a phase of wetter conditions. Distinct dry periods occurred around 1510–1650, 1750–1850, and 1920–1970, respectively. The juniper tree-ring record of moisture changes revealed that major dry and pluvial episodes were consistent with those indicated by hydroclimatic proxy data from adjacent areas. These climate fluctuations have had longand short term consequences for human history in the territory of former Sogdiana

    Markov model of data measurement complex for track geometry car

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    A stochastic model of a nonadjustable data measurement complex platform for track geometry cars is introduced. A state vector evaluation algorithm based on the approximation of a posteriori probability density by the system of a posteriori moments is also offered


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    Визначено предметну галузь управління проектами редевелопменту як засобу якісного перетворення міської території. Проаналізовано напрями сучасних досліджень у редевелопменті, що дало змогу виділити їх переваги та недоліки. Визначено необхідність проектування та реалізації інформаційно-аналітичної системи (ІАС) підтримки рішень "Редевелопмент" щодо проекту редевелопменту, зважаючи на багатокритеріальність, багатоваріантність задач редевелопменту, потребу оброблення та зберігання великих масивів кількісної та якісної інформації. Розроблено інфологічну модель ІАС "Редевелопмент", яка містить множину функцій оброблення даних, обчислювальних функцій та функцій забезпечення інтерфейсу з користувачем, що передбачають використання як високорівневої мови програмування C#, так і переваг відомого інструментального засобу MATLAB, необхідні функції якого імплементовано в програму на C#. Представлено схему бази даних, що дозволило здійснювати зберігання та обмін інформацією між користувачами системи, а саме стейкхолдерами проекту: інвестором, замовником, підрядником, управляючою компанією. Базовими функціями аналітичного блоку розробленої системи є такі: автоматизація процедури експертного оцінювання характеристик проекту редевелопменту, прогнозування попиту та пропозиції щодо певного функціонального призначення проекту редевелопменту.Today, researchers and practitioners working in the field of commercial and residential real estate management should pay significant attention to the construction of information and analytical systems that provide an opportunity to form an information environment for decision-making support concerning the optimal functional purpose of the product of the redevelopment project. Such publications are practically absent among publications on various aspects of redevelopment which is an tool for qualitative transformation of urban space. The given work constructed an infological model of the information-analytical system "Redevopment", which consists of the user interface, the block of expert information processing, the block of data presentation, module of input and correction of data being considered, analytical block, database, as well as the block of normative documentation. Such a construction of the information system allows to consider, compile and analyze significant amount of weakly formalized heterogeneous information and to apply it when constructing a forecast of the characteristics for particular segment of the real estate market. This information system is focused on working with the major stakeholders of the redevelopment project, such as an investor, customer, contractor, authorized representative of the management company. In the context of the presentation of the information and analytical system structure, a database schema is presented, which is filled in by open sources or by visual observation of the considered urban territory. The system part and functional system are implemented in a high-level programming language C# with the inclusion of the necessary functions of the MATLAB toolkit, which are implemented in the program on C#.Определена предметная область управления проектами редевелопмента как средства качественного преобразования городской территории. Проанализированы направления современных исследований в редевелопменте, что дало возможность выделить их преимущества и недостатки. Учитывая многокритериальность, многовариантность задач редевелопмента, необходимость обработки и хранения больших массивов количественной и качественной информации, определена необходимость проектирования и реализации информационно-аналитической системы (ИАС) "Редевелопмент". Разработана инфологическая модель ИАС "Редевелопмент", содержащая множество функций обработки данных, вычислительных функций и функций обеспечения интерфейса с пользователем, которые предусматривают использование как высокоуровневого языка программирования C#, так и преимуществ программного продукта MATLAB, необходимые функции которого имплементированы в программу на C#. Представлена схема базы данных для хранения и обмена информацией между пользователями системы, а именно стейкхолдерами проекта: инвестором, заказчиком, подрядчиком, управляющей компанией. Базовыми функциями аналитического блока разработанной системы являются: автоматизация процедуры экспертного оценивания характеристик проекта редевелопмента, прогноз спроса и предложения по искомому функциональному назначению проекта редевелопмента


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    Antigenic profiles of envelope glycoproteins of hepatitis C virus presented by three genotypes 1b, 2a/2c and 3a, which are most widespread in the territory of Russia and, in particular, in Novosibirsk, were studied using a panel of overlapping synthetic peptides. It was shown that highly immunogenic peptide epitopes of Е1 and Е2 proteins common for all HCV genotypes, are located in amino acid positions 250-260, 315-325 (Е1 protein), 390-400 (hypervariable region 1), 430-440, and 680-690 (Е2 protein). The greatest inter-genotypic differences were recorded in positions 280-290, 410-430 and 520-540. A novel antigenic determinant was detected in the region of aa 280-290 of the Е1 protein which was typical only for HCV 2a/2c genotype. A broad variation in the boundaries for the most epitopes suggests a high variability of the Е1 and Е2 viral proteins; however, a similar repertoire of antibodies induced by different HCV genotypes indicates to an opportunity of designing a new generation of cross-reactive HCV vaccines based on mapping of the E1 and E2 antigenic regions


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    Ebola virus disease is dangerous viral infection, occurring in the form of hemorrhagic fever, characterized by acute clinical symptoms and high mortality rate due to multiple organ failure. Ebola virus natural foci are located in forested areas of the central and western parts of Africa. It was believed for many years, the incidence of Ebola virus disease has been sporadic and the burden of it is true only in endemic areas. However, the unprecedented Ebola epidemic caused by Zaire virus in 2013 — 2016, has significantly changed our understanding of this disease and the patterns of its distribution. We have also identified weaknesses in the organization of anti-epidemic measures, the effectiveness of which was not very effective at the onset of the epidemic, in particular due to weak development of in vitro diagnostics (IVD). However, during the elimination of the epidemic in West Africa, anti-epidemic system has been modified substantially, largely due to quickly developed IVD kits. This review is devoted to analysis of trends in IVD for Ebola virus disease based on the experience obtained in the course of the West-African epidemic in 2013 — 2016