104 research outputs found

    Situation in Oil Industry on Eve of World War II: Achievements and Miscalculations

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    The question of the reasons for the failure to fulfill the oil production plans on the eve of the Great Patriotic War is considered. The relevance of study is determined by the topicality of discussions concerning various aspects of the country’s history in the pre-war years, the importance of learning lessons from historical experience in developing a further strategy for the country’s socioeconomic development. Particular attention is paid to identifying the factors that determined the slow development of the Ural-Volga oil region in the 1930s, and the circumstances that led to the change in the government course. It was concluded that the recommendations of I. M. Gubkin and his supporters were considered, but by the beginning of the war, the second oil base had not been created. It has been proven that invaluable experience in production and oil refining in the climatic conditions of the Volga region led to the discovery of new deposits during the war years, an increase in the importance of the region in providing fuel to the front. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, on the basis of a significant array of previously unpublished archival documents, other reasons for the very difficult situation that developed in the oil industry in the pre-war years are more accurately identified. It has been proven that among them: insufficiently effective management of the industry, poorly organized geological exploration, weak material and technical base, shortage of personnel, repression of prominent oil workers

    On History of Construction of Oil Refineries Supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease (1941—1945)

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    On the basis of archival materials, the issue of the construction of oil refineries set up in the USSR under lend-lease in accordance with the agreement signed with the United States in 1942 is examined, which is very relevant in the context of heightened discussions about the problems related to the history of World War II. The novelty of the research is determined not only by the introduction of new archival documents into scientific circulation, but also by an attempt to determine more precisely the reasons for the failure of the planned dates of commissioning of oil refineries. The results of the analysis of reports by American specialists are presented, which allowed to objectively consider the problems that arose during construction. Special attention is paid to the attempts of the authors of these documents to determine the main reasons for the construction slowdown. The changes in the attitude of Americans to construction managers, the management system during 1944 are commented. It is shown that their dissatisfaction with the position of consultants was expressed in the reports. It is concluded that our own production of fuel for the active army in our country was constantly growing and largely provided the front. It is proved that the commissioning of oil refineries supplied by the United States after the end of the war could not influence its outcome, but later became the basis for the creation of the refining industry in the lower Volga region

    Decline in Innovation Activity in Fuel and Energy Complex of Russian Federation in 1990s and Its Consequences

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    The relevance of the study is due to the importance of digitalization of the country's fuel and energy complex. On the basis of archival data and a study of the assessments of leading experts, the author considers the problem of the decline in innovative activity in the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of the Russian Federation in the context of liberal reforms implemented in the 1990s. As a result of the analysis of documents, statistical data and other materials, it was proved that investment programs were cur-tailed, drilling in the oil and gas industry was reduced to a minimum, and social problems were growing. Particular attention is paid to identifying the reasons for the decline in innovative activity. The conclusion is made that the crisis situation in the fuel and energy complex, the lack of adequate funding has deprived scientists of the opportunity to develop at a level adequate to the requirements of the modern world energy market. The question is raised about the interaction of the heads of the fuel and energy complex with the central state bodies, which were increasingly complicated due to the increasing tax pressure. It is proved that in the conditions of a general crisis of non-payments, enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, having no free funds, practically stopped provisions to the fund for financing re-search and development work (R&D). The stake on the emergence of “effective managers”, attraction of foreign capital, and a system of unaddressed budgetary support for R&D has not justified itself. Import dependence grew, which has not yet been fully overcome

    H. Baldwin’s Memorandum for the US Government “On Military Cooperation of Russia in the Pacific War” (1942) as a Historical Source

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    Issues related to US attempts to engage the USSR in a direct clash with Japan during the Second World War are examined. The relevance of the study is due to the fierce ongoing debate regarding a number of aspects of the history of the war years. Particular attention is paid to the study of a document sent by the Soviet intelligence agencies to I. V. Stalin in 1942. The novelty of the study is seen, first of all, in the fact that the document under study was declassified only at the present time and has not been published before. Meanwhile, the document testifies to the strategies proposed to the US government by a number of very influential and informed representatives of the American elite, aimed at drawing the Soviet Union into the war with Japan. It is shown in this document that the role of the USSR in the Pacific theater of operations is rightly defined as very significant. Of particular interest is the list of recommendations cited in the article by H. Baldwin, the author of the document studied, recommendations designed to ensure the involvement of the USSR in the war with Japan. The conclusion is formulated that the studied “Memorandum” confirms the readiness of the Allies to do a lot to achieve the desired. At the same time, it demonstrates the temporary nature of a community of interests and is by no means an allied attitude towards our country

    The Beginning of the Development of Oil Fields in Ural-Volga Region in 1930s—1940s

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the significance of the accumulation of everything positive from the historical experience of implementing national projects, including the formation of the country’s oil and gas complex. On the basis of archival documents, issues related to the evolution of state policy in the field of searching for new oil fields in the Ural-Volga region on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War are considered. The novelty of the study is determined not only by the introduction of previously unpublished documents into scientific circulation, but also by an attempt to analyze the ongoing discussions about the prospects of this oil region, very contradictory decisions of the government in this regard. Attention is focused on such a miscalculation of the Soviet government in the pre-war period as a stake on the development of oil production, primarily in Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus. It has been proven that as a result, the oil workers of the Second Baku felt a lack of funds, equipment, and qualified personnel. It is concluded that as a result, only the first half of 1944 was marked by the largest event in the oil industry of our country: scientists confirmed the assumptions that there are multilayer oil fields in the area between the Volga and the Urals. The authors of the article argue that the discovery of new deposits was of strategic importance for the industrialization of the country, and later for the supply of oil products to the rear and front. It is emphasized that the development of the Devonian deposits of the Ural-Volga region, which began in 1944, became the basis for a sharp increase in oil production in this region


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    The study of problems related to the modernization of the oil industry at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries allows asserting that the rapid technical re-equipment of oil refineries was due to the targeted state scientific and technical policy that was being implemented at that time, as well as to the highly effective system of privileges (patents) and mass promotion of technical knowledge and achievements. Besides, the role of entrepreneurs that supported individual inventors and research companies providing "brain gain" and investment in Russia was also significant. This contributed to the rapid introduction of technical innovations in production. Thus, the transition to extensive use of oil as industrial fuel contributed to a more intensive development of the factory industry. Modernization of the oil industry became a powerful incentive and, at the same time, a part of Russian industrialization. One of the most successful and quickly implemented innovations that were at the same time crucial for the changing nature of the Russian energy sector and the economy in general was the invention of "Nobel burner". It seemed that this solved the problem of oil residues. However, it proved to be extremely uneconomical to burn large amounts of oil fuel under the boilers of steam engines. Thus, "oil" energetics formed. The "oil imbalance" resulted in the suppression of the coal industry of the country. At the same time identifying the causes of the fuel crisis as one of the most important factors that led to the collapse of the Russian Empire allowed us to formulate a conclusion that the decline in oil production and increased demand for fuel oil in the First World War by the military and metallurgical industries, railways, the shortage of fuel and rising prices led to the disorganization of the whole economy, disruptions in the supply of food, raw materials and weapons.Изучение проблем, связанных с модернизацией нефтяной отрасли в конце ХIХ - начале ХХ вв., дает возможность утверждать, что быстрое техническое перевооружение нефтеперерабатывающих предприятий в указанный период было вызвано целенаправленной государственной политикой, весьма эффективной системой привилегий (патентов), массовой пропагандой технических знаний и достижений. Значительна и роль предпринимателей, поддерживающих отдельных изобретателей и научные общества, обеспечивших «приток умов» и инвестиций в Россию, способствовавших быстрому внедрению в производство технических новшеств. Так, переход к широкому использованию нефти в качестве промышленного топлива, благодаря изобретению «нобелевской форсунки», способствовал более интенсивному развитию фабрично-заводской промышленности. Однако сжигание нефтяного топлива под котлами паровых машин в огромных объемах оказалось крайне неэкономичным. Тем не менее, «нефтяной перекос» определил подавление угольной отрасли страны. Одновременно выявление причин топливного кризиса как одного из важнейших факторов, обусловивших крушение Российской империи, позволило заключить, что снижение нефтедобычи и увеличение спроса на мазут в годы Первой мировой войны при дефиците топлива и росте цен на него вызвало дезорганизацию всей экономики, сбои в поставках продовольствия, сырья и вооружений

    Диагностика эмфиземы у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких

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    The aim of the research was comparison of clinical symptoms, respiration biomechanics indices of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. It was revealed that respiration biomechanics indices are the earliest emphysema signs of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in the period when the structure of total lung capacity is not changed.Исследовано, насколько общепринятое скрининговое выявление больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) по снижению объема форсированного выдоха за первую секунду соответствует ранней диагностике обструктивных нарушений и хронической обструктивной эмфиземы легких. Установлено, что показатели биомеханики дыхания являются самыми ранними признаками эмфиземы у больных ХОБЛ в период, когда структура общей емкости легких не изменена


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    A method of producing melted composites by low-frequency treatment is presented. Some distinctive features of the process and the results of vibration treatment are unevident and require theoretical explanation. The factors, which hinder powder introduction into the melt, as well as the factors that influence the change in sizes of structural components in the process of low-frequency treatment have been examined. A new interpretation of the grinding and coagulation mechanism at low-frequency treatment followed by mathematical description and experimental verification is presented.Представлен метод получения литых композитов низкочастотным воздействием на расплав. Некоторые особенности процесса и результатов виброобработки не очевидны и требуют теоретического объяснения. Рассмотрены факторы, препятствующие введению порошков в объем расплава, и факторы, влияющие на изменение размеров структурных компонентов расплава в процессе низкочастотной обработки. Предложено новое толкование механизмов измельчения и коагуляции при низкочастотной обработке с математическим описанием и экспериментальным подтверждением