474 research outputs found

    «Ethics of responsibility» as nonclassical ethics

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    К характеристикам «этики ответственности» относятся: обоснование морали через живое индивидуальное бытие человека; консеквенционализм; идея индивидуальной ответственности за бытие конкретного живого.Characteristics of «ethics of responsibility» is: a substantiation of morals by the living individual human existence; consequencionalism; the idea of individual responsibility for the being of concrete living

    The role of cultural factors in the formation of stone tools in the early Paleolith

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    Introduction. The original stone industries of the Early Paleolithic, produced by the earliest hominins and known as the Oldowan (~2.6-1.0 Ma), are characterized by rather primitive stone-working techniques and a very simple set of tools that show the intentional design of only workers and accommodators. elements. These industries have changed little in time and space and are not subdivided into variants due to cultural factors.Materials and Methods: The main sources of the work were massive historical documents related to the development of technology and protodesign in the early Paleolithic.Results. The Acheulean industries, which were made more advanced by early people, are distinguished by the appearance of more complex technologies and a whole range of tools of various shapes and purposes. Throughout the Acheulian era (~2.0-0.2 million years ago), these industries gradually developed, and also divided into local groups with specific technological repertoire and tool forms, which were almost completely modeled by ancient craftsmen according to their preferences and reproduced over time. This means the emergence of proto-design and cultural traditions, which are most reflected in the forms of the most important large tools, primarily the axe.Conclusion. Persistent tool patterns in different Acheulean industries can be seen as cultural types that mark distinct traditions. There are also individual samples of axes, the anomalous dimensions of which, along with extremely careful processing and some peculiarities of the form, suggest that they were not so much tools as some kind of symbolic objects that played a certain role in the cultural practices of different populations of the Acheulean people

    The conceptual model of sustainable development of the rubal sector

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    On the one hand, the relevance of the studied issue is determined by growing lag of rural territorial units in socioeconomic development, and one the other by their significance in such important aspects of the country, as ensuring food supply security, preservation of the available land, production, ecological, demographic and human potential. The aim of the article is to develop the conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas, which is based on the system of indicators of quality of living of rural population. The leading method for studying this issue is modeling, which allows to consider it as a targeted and organized process of formation of the concept of sustainable development of the rural sector of the regional economy using the example of the studies of experience of sustainable development of the Kinel-Cherkassky municipal district of the Samara region. The results: the analysis of consistence and tendencies of development of agrarian potential of rural areas of the Samara region was carried out for the purpose of implementation of the conceptual model of sustainable development and assessment of further prospects in the production sphere of the village; the main reasons for disproportion in sustainable development of rural areas of the Samara region are identified. The materials of this article can be used for theoretical conclusions, methodological developments and working knowledge in activities of bodies of the regional government and local self-government when developing the concept and programs of sustainable development of rural municipalities. © 2016 Belyaeva et al

    Cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activity in the presence of medicinal preparations with various pharmacological effects

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    The studies of cardiac fibroblasts mitochondria activity using fluorescence probe MitoTracker Red CMXRos (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) and proliferation capacity with MTT assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) were carried out under the influence of antihypoxant (trimetazidine) and anticancer (doxorubicin, cytosar) medicinal preparations. It was revealed that medicinal preparations from the antitumor antibiotics group decreased mitochondria activity regardless of the cell state unlike antitumor metabolites. Medicinal preparation trimetazidine increases cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activit

    Polymorphism of gene glutathion-s-transferase pi in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group living in the Irkutsk region

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    Background. Human glutathione-S-transferases play an important role in phase II detoxification process. But polymorphism in the GSTP1 gene has not been studied in certain populations. Aim: to determine the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of GSTP1 gene in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. Materials and methods. Blood samples were obtained from 55 teenagersfrom Buryat ethnic group. There were 28 males and 27 females with an age of 14.05 ± 0.99 years over the range of 13 to 16. DNA was isolated from blood samples. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify A313G and C341T markers of the GSTP1 gene. Chi-square testing was used to evaluate the significant difference of the GSTP1 genotype frequencies between observed and expected values. Results. Allele and genotype frequencies of A313G and C341T markers GSTP1 were determined in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. The study showed that the frequencies of A and G alleles at the A313G marker were 0.809 and 0.191 while those of C and T alleles at the C341T marker were 0.973 and 0.027, respectively. The distribution of the genotype frequencies at the A313G marker were consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.77; d.f. = 1; p > 0.05). However, the distribution of the genotype frequencies at the C341T marker were not consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.043; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). It was because the homozygous of T allele was not found in the ethnic group of Buryat

    Factors influencing Chinese students' motives for teaching in Russian universities in the context of a post-global educational space formation

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    Research problem. To expand international dialogue, increase competitiveness in the Russian and foreign educational markets, to deepen educational cooperation and increase the share of students from China, a comprehensive sociological study was conducted. The aim of the study is to identify the motives of Chinese students to study at Russian universities in the conditions of the formation of the post-global education space. Materials and methods of research. In March-May 2022, we conducted a sociological study in the universities of Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, and Moscow (Russian Federation). The study used a quantitative and qualitative strategy. The quantitative study involved 500 Chinese students studying at Russian universities (N=500). The study was supplemented by in-depth interviews (N=30) with heads of international services and university departments. Results. In the course of the study, the main key motives for the choice of Russian universities by Chinese students were found. Among them, pragmatic motives that consist of a group (the cost of education; the territorial convenience of the location of the university; the convenience of accommodation in hostels; the availability of airports in the host city); socio-psychological motives (national relations, the presence of acquaintances of students from the PRC studying at the chosen university, the availability of adaptation programs for Chinese students at the university, the convenience of the university infrastructure), procedural (to make a career progress after graduation; the opportunity to continue education after graduation from the Russian university; the prestige of the university in world rankings) were fixed. Conclusions. The leading factors influencing the motives of Chinese students' choice of Russian universities are as follows: the success of adaptation programs at the university, the compliance of the educational program with the expectations of students, the presence of the Confucius Institute, which supports the relationship with Chinese students and teachers. Demotivating factors were identified in the course of the study. They are: difficulty in mastering the Russian language (76%), difficulty in communication with teaching staff (54%), difficulties in communicating with Russian students (46%). © 2023 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Bargaining inequality: ways to overcome it in international commercial law and in private international law

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    The basic tenet of contract law is freedom of contract, including the freedom to negotiate and the autonomy of the will of the parties. However, practice and doctrine show that many international commercial contracts are formed in conditions of actual inequality of counterparties. The present work is the first comprehensive study of the problem of cross-border bargaining inequality among professional merchants. The aim of the study is to systematize and critically evaluate the effectiveness of legal conditions formulated in the unified acts of international commercial law and private international law to overcome inequality of counterparties at the pre-contractual stage. The study is based on logical, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods. The results and conclusions may be formulated as follows: (1) The set of legal means to resolve the problem of unequal position of the contracting parties is represented by a complex of complementary spheres of unified normative regulation - substantive norms and conflict-of-law norms. (2) Universal conventional legal regulation of the pre-contractual stage has not been developed. (3) Recommendatory acts of substantive unification of commercial law enshrine developed models of regulation of the parties’ conduct in cross-border negotiations. The main legal means to balance the position of the counterparties is the institution of the pre-contractual liability based on the principle of good faith. (4) Both in European law and in Russian law, the conflict-of-law issue is resolved through a combination of non-contractual qualification of the pre-contractual relations and the complex nature of regulation involving the consecutive use of contractual and tort-based connecting factors. (4) Where there is inequality, conflict-of-laws must provide for an equitable solution to situations where the choice of law applicable to each of the contracting parties is not truly free, including permitting a deviation from the principle of autonomy of will. (5) In the absence of parties’ choice of applicable law, the list of criteria for establishing the closest connection between the pre-contractual legal relation and the competent legal order should be expanded: the court should be able to consider the law of the future contractual obligations’ place of performance and the law governing other related contracts


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    The results of genotyping of blood samples of russian and buryat children on I/D polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes by polymerase chain reaction are given. Absence of ethnic particularities in frequency deletion genotypes of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes is shown in this article

    La libertad de expresión en el contexto de la seguridad nacional

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    This article considers the versions of the constitutional consolidation of freedom of speech in the post-Soviet space in conjunction with the restrictive reasons for national security. Given that the latter is inherent in all the states, the authors, based on an analysis of their constitutional texts and doctrinal discussions about the divide between rights and freedoms, identified two of their principal groups. The first includes constitutions in which the freedom of speech is considered through the law and the second - where freedom of speech is considered through its guaranteeing. The article concludes that freedom is an independent, recognized as the legal ability of a person to choose the measure of his behavior, which in this case is outlined by the requirements of the norms of morality, religion, law, national security.Este artículo considera las versiones de la consolidación constitucional de la libertad de expresión en el espacio postsoviético junto con las razones restrictivas de la seguridad nacional. Dado que este último es inherente a todos los estados, los autores, basándose en un análisis de sus textos constitucionales y discusiones doctrinales sobre la división entre derechos y libertades, identificaron dos de sus grupos principales. El primero incluye las constituciones en las que la libertad de expresión se considera a través de la ley y el segundo, donde la libertad de expresión se considera a través de su garantía. El artículo concluye que la libertad es una capacidad independiente, reconocida como la capacidad legal de una persona para elegir la medida de su comportamiento, que en este caso está delineado por los requisitos de las normas de moralidad, religión, ley y seguridad nacional