16 research outputs found

    Logopedic intervention aimed at correction of neurogenic dysphagia in pareses and paralyses of the larynx of peripheral genesis

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    The article deals with one of the urgent areas of complex rehabilitation - logopedic correction of dysphagia in acquired disorders of verbal communication. The study highlights the problems of the early stage of rehabilitation-educational intervention in cases of neurogenic disorders of larynx mobility of peripheral genesis which do not only bring about pathology of voice and phonic breathing but also impair the protective function of the larynx, which leads to problems with swallowing.Статья посвящена логопедической коррекции дисфагии при приобретенных нарушениях вербальной коммуникации. Освещаются проблемы раннего этапа коррекционно-педагогического воздействия при нейрогенных нарушениях подвижности гортани периферического генеза

    To the issue of provision of effective logopedic assistance to patients after surgical treatment for head and neck tumors

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    The article deals with psycho-pedagogical rehabilitation of adults with acquired disorders of verbal communication after surgical treatment of head and neck tumors.Статья посвящена психолого-педагогической реабилитации взрослых с приобретенными нарушениями вербальной коммуникации после хирургического лечения опухолей головы и шеи

    The place of intervention methods of treatment of patients with resistant hypertension in clinical practice

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    Every year scientific interest in studying of interventional methods of treatment of resistant hypertension steadily increases. Row of high technology device are created for performance of such procedures as well as techniques of their management are also developed. Non-pharmacological ways of treatment are described in this article, which are widely used in clinical practice: baroreflex activation therapy, radiofrequency renal denervation, and central iliac arteriovenous anastomosis


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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the marketing potential of fortified food products for the nutrition of women during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Catering for pregnant women is one of the important conditions for the normal pregnancy, stable functioning of the organs and systems of a woman during this difficult period and the birth of a healthy baby. There is a deficiency of a wide range of nutrients in pregnant and lactating women in various regions of Russia, so this problem solution can be considered a very promising direction in the state food industry.In the course of marketing research, a simultaneous cross-sectional study has been carried out, the possibility of using a food enrichment system from domestic raw materials of deep processing to produce an assortment of functional pastes has been assessed. The demand for the developed product line of products in the market has been studied and a target audience has been revealed.The calculations of the optimal price level for fortified products for the therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition of pregnant women are presented, the range of retail prices per unit of finished product has been determined. The potential market capacity has been estimated, the values obtained in answering the questions of marketing research have been taken as an assumption. The results obtained indicate that the increase in the price of developed finished products compared to traditional don’t not go beyond the purchasing power of the target audience. At the same time, the proposed product line of pastes with a therapeutic and prophylactic orientation will make it possible to correct violations of female homeostasis during pregnancy and breastfeedin

    Allelic variants for Waxy genes in common wheat lines bred at the Lukyanenko National Grain Center

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    This article presents the results of a molecular marker-assisted study of allelic variants of Wx genes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines. The study was carried out as part of the work on the transfer of null alleles of the genes Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 to the varieties of soft wheat and creation of breeding material with modified activities of the main enzymes involved in amylose biosynthesis. The lines were obtained at the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of Wheat and Triticale, National Center of Grain named after P.P. Lukyanenko, by crossing mutant forms carrying inactive (null) alleles of genes Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 with bread wheat cultivars. The molecular markers selected for the study allowed identification of valuable breeding material carrying both single null alleles of Wx genes and their combinations in its genome. A combination of two null alleles (Wx-A1b + Wx-D1b) was detected in 30 lines. The presence of three null alleles (Wx-A1b + Wx-B1b + Wx-D1b), which corresponded to fully Wx wheat, was found in one line. We selected 37 lines that combined the presence of the Wx-B1e allele with the Wx-A1b and Wx-D1b null alleles. The Wx-A1b + Wx-B1e combination was identified in 26 lines, and 24 lines carried the combination of alleles Wx-B1e + Wx-D1b. The mutant forms PI619381, PI619384, and PI619386 were identified as carriers of the functional Wx-B1e allele. The Wx-A1b and Wx-B1e alleles could have been transferred to the studied lines from the donors used or from the Starshina and Korotyshka varieties, respectively. The mutant forms used in the crosses are donors of the Wx-B1b and Wx-D1b alleles. The use of molecular markers chosen by us for identification of the allelic state of the Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1 genes can provide grounds for marker-assisted selection for this trait. Selected lines found to possess null alleles of the Wx genes are applicable in breeding programs aimed at the improvement of technological qualities of grain and raise of bread wheat varieties with modified starch properties

    Forecasting the target values of the Federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation 2011-2018”

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    In Russia over the past 20 years, a series of processes has occurred, which entailed strong changes in the external, internal economy, labor market and the tourist market of the country. Some changes did not receive positive dynamics, others faced a series of failures. Looking at the hospitality industry in a specific way, one can understand that the inefficient development of this cluster is due to the fact that the services provided by this sector are at a very low level. Moreover, the quality of services is always equal to the professional level of employees and their desire to provide a guest with a personalized service with an individual approach to it. It is such a process of work that serves as a factor in the involvement of personnel in the process of providing services and the continued successful existence of the enterprise in the services market and its development. The last 5-10 years can be described as the time for the design of the hospitality industry as an independent industry. Entering the world level followed after a large number of international-class events. An important factor is the global coverage of territories and all subjects of Russia. Attention to the hospitality industry has reached the state level and is reflected in a large number of documents of long-term significance with specific tasks. All the key stages that were set before the industry are outlined in targeted programs and are aimed at both inbound and outbound tourism. The introduction of these programs contributed to the creation of collective accommodation facilities of various levels, which increased the number of jobs and reduced the unemployment rate in the regions, and increased the investment attractiveness of the regions. Over the past 20 years, there has been an increase in investment in the regions by more than 3 times

    Primary epidemiological evaluation of the effectiveness of the All-National Dispensarization as a cancer screening by the data of the Arkhangelsk Regional Cancer Registry

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    Purpose of the study. Was to assess the variations of the incidence rate and Stage I proportion of screened malignant neoplasms (MNs) before and after the implementation of All-National Dispensarization of certain groups of the adult population (DCGAP) based on data from the Arkhangelsk Regional Cancer Registry (AOCR).Materials and methods. Anonymous data were taken from the AOCR database about all cases of each of the index MNs (colon, rectum, lung, mammary gland, cervix, uterus, ovary, prostate, and kidney) from 2000 to 2018. The change over time of the number of new cases, crude, age-standardized incidence and the proportion of Stage I, were estimated. The intervention value of the DCGAP was considered positive if a change in the linear trend of selected indicators was detected with segmented regression between 2012 and 2014.Results. The final sample included 46146 cases of MNs. The annual number of new cases and crude incidence for all taken for the analysis MNs from 2000 to 2018 have been increasing. After standardization by age, an increase in incidence was observed for all index MNs, except for lung cancer. In the segmented regression model, this increase for majority MNs was monotonous with an annual percentage change (APC) from 1.5% (for ovarian cancer) to 5.0% (cervical cancer). In prostate cancer, a change of the linear trend of age-standardized incidence with an increase of 8.5% per year was detected in 2012. The proportion of Stage I did not change or increased monotonously after the introduction of DC¬GAP in uterus, ovarian, and colon cancers. An increasing change of the trend of annual Stage I proportion was found in colorectal cancer since 2010, breast cancer since 2011, cervical cancer since 2013, prostate cancer since 2014, kidneys since 2006 with APC by 7.5%, 9, 6%, 9.6%, 40.3%, 13.4%, respectively.Conclusion. Diagnostic tests used in the framework of the DCGAP are sensitive to the detection of early stages of cancer of the breast, cervix, and prostate; for colorectal cancer and kidney cancer, their value is doubtful. The effectiveness of early diagnosis is not confirmed for the lung, uterus, ovarian cancers. For screening-sensitive MNs, an analysis of mortality and survival is necessary