109 research outputs found

    Persistence length of a polyelectrolyte in salty water: a Monte-Carlo study

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    We address the long standing problem of the dependence of the electrostatic persistence length lel_e of a flexible polyelectrolyte (PE) on the screening length rsr_s of the solution within the linear Debye-Huckel theory. The standard Odijk, Skolnick and Fixman (OSF) theory suggests lers2l_e \propto r_s^2, while some variational theories and computer simulations suggest lersl_e \propto r_s. In this paper, we use Monte-Carlo simulations to study the conformation of a simple polyelectrolyte. Using four times longer PEs than in previous simulations and refined methods for the treatment of the simulation data, we show that the results are consistent with the OSF dependence lers2l_e \propto r_s^2. The linear charge density of the PE which enters in the coefficient of this dependence is properly renormalized to take into account local fluctuations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Various corrections in text and reference

    Doubly stochastic coherence via noise-induced symmetry in bistable neural models

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    The generation of coherent dynamics due to noise in an activator-inhibitor system describing bistable neural dynamics is investigated. We show that coherence can be induced in deterministically asymmetric regimes via symmetry restoration by multiplicative noise, together with the action of additive noise which induces jumps between the two stable steady states. The phenomenon is thus doubly stochastic, because both noise sources are necessary. This effect can be understood analytically in the frame of a small-noise expansion and is confirmed experimentally in a nonlinear electronic circuit. Finally, we show that spatial coupling enhances this coherent behavior in a form of system-size coherence resonance

    Parameter estimation methods for chaotic intercellular networks.

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    We have investigated simulation-based techniques for parameter estimation in chaotic intercellular networks. The proposed methodology combines a synchronization-based framework for parameter estimation in coupled chaotic systems with some state-of-the-art computational inference methods borrowed from the field of computational statistics. The first method is a stochastic optimization algorithm, known as accelerated random search method, and the other two techniques are based on approximate Bayesian computation. The latter is a general methodology for non-parametric inference that can be applied to practically any system of interest. The first method based on approximate Bayesian computation is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo scheme that generates a series of random parameter realizations for which a low synchronization error is guaranteed. We show that accurate parameter estimates can be obtained by averaging over these realizations. The second ABC-based technique is a Sequential Monte Carlo scheme. The algorithm generates a sequence of "populations", i.e., sets of randomly generated parameter values, where the members of a certain population attain a synchronization error that is lesser than the error attained by members of the previous population. Again, we show that accurate estimates can be obtained by averaging over the parameter values in the last population of the sequence. We have analysed how effective these methods are from a computational perspective. For the numerical simulations we have considered a network that consists of two modified repressilators with identical parameters, coupled by the fast diffusion of the autoinducer across the cell membranes

    Noise-induced inhibitory suppression of malfunction neural oscillators

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    Motivated by the aim to find new medical strategies to suppress undesirable neural synchronization we study the control of oscillations in a system of inhibitory coupled noisy oscillators. Using dynamical properties of inhibition, we find regimes when the malfunction oscillations can be suppressed but the information signal of a certain frequency can be transmitted through the system. The mechanism of this phenomenon is a resonant interplay of noise and the transmission signal provided by certain value of inhibitory coupling. Analyzing a system of three or four oscillators representing neural clusters, we show that this suppression can be effectively controlled by coupling and noise amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Multistability and clustering in a population of synthetic genetic oscillators via phase-repulsive cell-to-cell communication

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    We show that phase-repulsive coupling eliminates oscillations in a population of synthetic genetic clocks. For this, we propose an experimentally feasible synthetic genetic network that contains phase repulsively coupled repressilators with broken temporal symmetry. As the coupling strength increases, silencing of oscillations is found to occur via the appearance of an inhomogeneous limit cycle, followed by oscillation death. Two types of oscillation death are observed: For lower couplings, the cells cluster in one of two stationary states of protein expression; for larger couplings, all cells end up in a single (stationary) cellular state. Several multistable regimes are observed along this route to oscillation death

    Noise-induced excitability in oscillatory media

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    A noise-induced phase transition to excitability is reported in oscillatory media with FitzHugh-Nagumo dynamics. This transition takes place via a noise-induced stabilization of a deterministically unstable fixed point of the local dynamics, while the overall phase-space structure of the system is maintained. Spatial coupling is required to prevent oscillations through suppression of fluctuations (via clustering in the case of local coupling). Thus, the joint action of coupling and noise leads to a different type of phase transition and results in a stabilization of the system. The resulting regime is shown to display characteristic traits of excitable media, such as stochastic resonance and wave propagation. This effect thus allows the transmission of signals through an otherwise globally oscillating medium

    An Electronic Analog of Synthetic Genetic Networks

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    An electronic analog of a synthetic genetic network known as the repressilator is proposed. The repressilator is a synthetic biological clock consisting of a cyclic inhibitory network of three negative regulatory genes which produces oscillations in the expressed protein concentrations. Compared to previous circuit analogs of the repressilator, the circuit here takes into account more accurately the kinetics of gene expression, inhibition, and protein degradation. A good agreement between circuit measurements and numerical prediction is observed. The circuit allows for easy control of the kinetic parameters thereby aiding investigations of large varieties of potential dynamics

    The Human Body as a Super Network: Digital Methods to Analyze the Propagation of Aging

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    Biological aging is a complex process involving multiple biological processes. These can be understood theoretically though considering them as individual networks—e.g., epigenetic networks, cell-cell networks (such as astroglial networks), and population genetics. Mathematical modeling allows the combination of such networks so that they may be studied in unison, to better understand how the so-called “seven pillars of aging” combine and to generate hypothesis for treating aging as a condition at relatively early biological ages. In this review, we consider how recent progression in mathematical modeling can be utilized to investigate aging, particularly in, but not exclusive to, the context of degenerative neuronal disease. We also consider how the latest techniques for generating biomarker models for disease prediction, such as longitudinal analysis and parenclitic analysis can be applied to as both biomarker platforms for aging, as well as to better understand the inescapable condition. This review is written by a highly diverse and multi-disciplinary team of scientists from across the globe and calls for greater collaboration between diverse fields of research