10 research outputs found

    Особенности ион-транспортных процессов в модели артериальной гипертензии

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    Aim. To study the ionic mechanisms which underlie regulation contractile activity of vascular smooth muscles and the erythrocytes membrane potential from spontaneously hypertensive rats.Materials and methods. The effect of acetylcholine (ACX), 10 μM, and Ca2+ -ionophore A23187, 10 μM, on the contractile reactions of isolated smooth muscle segments of the aorta from 11-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar – Kyoto rats (WKY) induced by phenylephrine (PE), 1 μM, was measured by the mechanography. 11-week-old SHR were divided into control and experimental groups depending on the drug administration (amlodipine 10 mg/kg given intragastrically). Blood pressure (BP) in SHR was measured before and after treatment. The amplitude of the hyperpolarizating response (HO) and the activity of Ca2+-dependent K+-channels of the erythrocyte membrane of SHR were performed with potentiometric method.Results. In response to the stimulating effect of the ACX or the calcium ionophore A23187, the smooth muscle segments of the aorta from the WKY and SHR precontracted with PE were relaxed. To the addition of the ACX, the vascular segments of the SHR responded with a stronger dilatation than the WKY segments, but not the action of the Ca2+-ionophore. Treatment of SHR with blocker of Ca2+-channels of L-type amlodipine caused a decrease the BP, and an increase in the relaxing effect of intact aortic segments on the ACX and Ca2+-ionophore. There was an increase the amplitude of HO and activity of Ca2+-dependent K+-channels of the erythrocyte membrane from SHR.Conclusion. Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in SHR is caused by changes in the endothelial function and Ca2+-dependent ionic conductivity of the myocyte membrane. An increase of the hyperpolarizating response of the erythrocyte membrane from rats with spontaneous hypertension is associated with activation of potassium channels. The selective effect on these intracellular targets can serve as a basis for the development of antihypertensive drugs.Цель исследования. Изучение ионных механизмов регуляции сократительной активности сосудистых гладких мышц и мембранного потенциала эритроцитов у спонтанно-гипертензивных крыс.Материалы и методы. Механографическим методом исследовано действие ацетилхолина (АЦХ), 10 мкМ, и Са2+-ионофора A23187, 10 мкМ, на контрактильные реакции изолированных гладкомышечных сегментов аорты 11-недельных спонтанно-гипертензивных крыс (spontaneously hypertensive rats, SHR) и крыс Wistar – Kyoto (WKY), индуцированные фенилэфрином (ФЭ), 1 мкМ. Крысы SHR были разделены на контрольную и экспериментальные группы в зависимости от типа получаемого лечения (амлодипин 10 мг/кг внутрижелудочно). У крыс SHR измеряли артериальное давление (АД) до и после лечения. Потенциометрическим методом оценивали величину гиперполяризационного ответа (ГО) и активность Са2+-зависимых К+-каналов мембраны эритроцитов крыс SHR. Результаты. В ответ на стимулирующее воздействие АЦХ и кальциевого ионофора А23187 происходило расслабление гладкомышечных сегментов аорты крыс WKY и SHR, предсокращенных адреномиметиком ФЭ. На добавление АЦХ сосудистые сегменты крыс SHR отвечали большей дилатацией, чем сегменты крыс WKY, но подобной тенденции не наблюдалось при действии Ca2+-ионофора. Внутрижелудочное введение крысам SHR блокатора Са2+-каналов L-типа амлодипина вызывало как снижение АД, так и значимое усиление расслабляющего действия холиномиметика и Са2+-ионофора на интактные сегменты аорты. У крыс SHR отмечено повышение амплитуды ГО активности Са2+-зависимых К+-каналов мембраны эритроцитов.Заключение. Дилатационные реакции сосудистых гладких мышц крыс SHR обусловлены изменением эндотелиальной функции и Са2+-зависимой ионной проводимости мембраны миоцитов. Увеличение гиперполяризации мембраны эритроцитов крыс со спонтанной гипертензией связано с активацией калиевых каналов. Селективное воздействие на данные внутриклеточные мишени может служить основой для разработки антигипертензивных препаратов

    Инструменты патентного поиска как стратегический ресурс управленческого решения

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    Introduction: The article examines the modern competencies of a specialist in the field of library and IT.Purpose setting. Competence-related issues in vocational education today are associated with the highly restricted demands of the environment for future specialist. Besides, soft skills challenge the hard ones in contemporary professionalism.Methodology and methods of the study. The role of competencies related to analysis and processing of information are in focus.Results. The immensely increasing amounts of research result in a coherent need in a well-organized information operation and analysis. Particular attention should be paid to patent research, since it directly answers the questions whether it is worth developing, or whether this topic is already taken up by competitors.Conclusions. The authors proposed the creation of cooperation between the information and analytical departments of libraries with specialized professionals, for example, scientists, patent experts, marketologists, etc., in order to optimize decision-making process for the relevant branches of science and business. This approach will upgrade the work of specialists and provide an opportunity to conduct a deeper analysis using modern tools.Введение. В статье исследуются современные компетенции специалиста в области библиотечно-информационной деятельности.Постановка задачи. Вопросы компетенций в профессиональном образовании сегодня связаны с ростом требований внешней среды к будущему специалисту. Наряду с ключевыми hard skills большое значение в профессиональной среде придается и soft skills.Методика и методология исследования. Акцентируется внимание на роли компетенций, связанных с анализом и переработкой информации.Результаты. Рост числа научных исследований и разработок сопровождается увеличением объема информации, которую необходимо анализировать и структурировать. Особое внимание следует уделить патентным исследованиям, поскольку они напрямую отвечают на вопрос «Стоит ли вести разработки в данной области или данная тема уже занята конкурентами?»Выводы. Авторами предложено создание коопераций информационно-аналитических отделов библиотек с узкими специалистами, например, научными работниками, патентоведами, маркетологами и др., с целью оптимизации принятия решений для соответствующих отраслей науки и бизнеса. Такой подход позволит упростить работу специалистов и предоставит возможность проводить более глубокий анализ с использованием современных инструментов

    Features of ionic transport processes in a model of arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To study the ionic mechanisms which underlie regulation contractile activity of vascular smooth muscles and the erythrocytes membrane potential from spontaneously hypertensive rats.Materials and methods. The effect of acetylcholine (ACX), 10 μM, and Ca2+ -ionophore A23187, 10 μM, on the contractile reactions of isolated smooth muscle segments of the aorta from 11-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar – Kyoto rats (WKY) induced by phenylephrine (PE), 1 μM, was measured by the mechanography. 11-week-old SHR were divided into control and experimental groups depending on the drug administration (amlodipine 10 mg/kg given intragastrically). Blood pressure (BP) in SHR was measured before and after treatment. The amplitude of the hyperpolarizating response (HO) and the activity of Ca2+-dependent K+-channels of the erythrocyte membrane of SHR were performed with potentiometric method.Results. In response to the stimulating effect of the ACX or the calcium ionophore A23187, the smooth muscle segments of the aorta from the WKY and SHR precontracted with PE were relaxed. To the addition of the ACX, the vascular segments of the SHR responded with a stronger dilatation than the WKY segments, but not the action of the Ca2+-ionophore. Treatment of SHR with blocker of Ca2+-channels of L-type amlodipine caused a decrease the BP, and an increase in the relaxing effect of intact aortic segments on the ACX and Ca2+-ionophore. There was an increase the amplitude of HO and activity of Ca2+-dependent K+-channels of the erythrocyte membrane from SHR.Conclusion. Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in SHR is caused by changes in the endothelial function and Ca2+-dependent ionic conductivity of the myocyte membrane. An increase of the hyperpolarizating response of the erythrocyte membrane from rats with spontaneous hypertension is associated with activation of potassium channels. The selective effect on these intracellular targets can serve as a basis for the development of antihypertensive drugs

    Use of Digital-Physical Security System in a Developing Country’s Port: A Case Study of Ghana

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    Part 1: Technology Adoption, Diffusion and Ubiquitous ComputingInternational audienceThe purpose of this study is to understand how the use of digital-physical security (DPS) improves port security by enabling or constraining stakeholders’ goals in a developing country. Information Systems (IS) research on digital-physical security has focused more on power networks, automotive, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. Digital-physical security (DPS) research on ports in developing countries remains limited. Therefore, port security systems as a significant IS research is yet to receive the necessary attention. To address this gap, this study employed affordance theory as the analytical lens and qualitative interpretive case study as the methodology to investigate use of digital-physical security for a port in Ghana. The research findings show that developing countries can use digital-physical security systems to improve port security. The findings have implication for research, practice, and policy. The originality of the paper lies in its focus on how a developing country can use digital-physical systems to improve port security as a significant IS research phenomenon