684 research outputs found

    Ciencia y género: autoridad y medida en la enseñanza

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    Pengaruh Model Arias Berbantuan Powerpoint Animasi pada Materi Organisasi Kehidupan

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    The purpose of this research was to know the influence of ARIAS learning model assisted powerpoint animation toward learning outcomes in life organization materials on grade VII SMPN 3 Sungai Raya. The form of this research was a quasy experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The sample of this research are VIIA as experiment class and VIIC as control class. The instrument that been used was multiple choice testincluded 30questions. The average learning outcomes of students in experiment class is 24,18, while the average learning outcomes of students in control class is 21,38. Based on the U Mann-Whitney testwith significance level α = 5% indicated there were differences between students that taught by using ARIAS learning model assisted powerpoint animation with students that taught by using conventional learning model. The value of effect size is 0,76 with moderate category and gave the contribution 27,64%, it means ARIAS model learning assisted powerpoint animation gave effect on student learning outcomes

    Administrative Systems On Saving And Loan Data Processing Kud Bina Warga Mukti

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    KUD has three business units, one of whom is a business unit pinjam.tujuan save this business unit is to develop members' income in the form of deposits. of these deposits can be lent again to members in need. in order to avoid the trap of moneylenders. but still a lot of members who are less aware of and heed the rules that have been established, so much happened in arrears, arrears which is a constraint for this unit. System has been applied to the savings and loan units are no longer effective. to overcome existing constraints, these systems need to be reviewed. changes in the system that has been used, expected to be able to overcome all the obstacles

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Dan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2015

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh Intellectual Capital dan Good Corporate Governance terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2012-2015 sebanyak 45 Perusahaan. Jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 23 Perusahaan dengan tahun pengamatan 4 tahun. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda. Nilai R-Square sebesar 69,4%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebesar 69,4 sedangkan 30,6% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model penelitian ini. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa variabel Intellectual Capital berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan, dan Good Corporate Governance berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan. Sedangkan uji F secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan. Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang melakukan penelitian ini, diharapkan menambah periode dan variabel lainnya seperti Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, dan Debt Ratio yang juga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan

    Rank Determination Application in Indonesia Two Wheel Racer with Microsoftaccess

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    Microsoft Access is an object-oriented programming. Therefore, its use in a programmer to create application programs. Microsoft Access is designed with a certain arrangement so that when activated, does not open all its facilities. With Microsoft Access applications for two-wheel racer ranking in Indonesia, the data processing activities can be carried out smoothly and more efficiently

    Correction to: Analysing app reviews for software engineering: a systematic literature review (Empirical Software Engineering, (2022), 27, 2, (43), 10.1007/s10664-021-10065-7)

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    The original version of this article, unfortunately, contained mistakes. The surname of the first author, Jacek Dąbrowski, was misspelled throughout the online version of the article as “Dębrowski.” The surname, however, is correct in the PDF version. The original article has been corrected

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Karet yang Anaknya Tidak Melanjutkan ke Perguruan Tinggi

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    The purpose of this research is to examine farmers income in Bandar Sari Years 2016. This research using descriptive method. The results showed: (1) Land area average 2,04 Ha. (2) Main income per month average Rp 8.783.333 (3) Addition income average Rp 1.695.238 (4) Net income average Rp 9.772.222 (5) Total expenditure average Rp 4.538.750 (6) The income balance average Rp 5.209.583. From income analysis there are 33 farmers able to continue their children education, but do not invest their income to education due to their income invested: (a) buying rubber plantation (b) saved (c) purchasing land (d) buying jewelry (e) adding venture capital.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan petani karet di Desa Bandar Sari Tahun 2016. Metode penelitian yaitu metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) luas lahan rata-rata 2,04 Ha (2) pendapatan pokok rata-rata per bulan Rp 8.783.333 (3) pendapatan tambahan rata-rata Rp 1.695.238 (4) pendapatan total rata-rata Rp 9.772.222 (5) total pengeluaran rata-rata Rp 4.538.750 (6) saldo pendapatan rata-rata Rp 5.209.583. Dari analisis pendapatan 33 petani mampu melanjutkan anaknya ke perguruan tinggi, tetapi tidak menginvestasikan pendapatannya ke pendidikan dikarenakan pendapatannya diinvestasikan: (a) membeli kebun karet (b) ditabung (c) membeli tanah (d) membeli perhiasan (d) menambah modal USAha