10 research outputs found


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    Kesadaran manajemen PT. Adiratna Bonanza Cemerlang akan pentingnya Upah insentif bagi karyawan untuk dapat mencapai Kinerja yang maksimal. Upah karyawan yang lebih baik sangat diharapkan oleh PT. Adiratna Bonanza. Cemerlang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada karyawan PT. Adiratna Bonanza Cemerlang dengan banyaknya responden 40 orang. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil regresi linier berganda adalah Y = 0,071 + 0,5353(1+ 0,211X2 + 0,177X; dan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 74,0%. Uji statistiknya adalah uji F dan uji t untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial financial incentive, non financial incentive dan social incentive terhadap kinerja karyawan. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan SPSS Release 10.0 for windows diketahui hasil uji F didapat nilai F hitung (34,179) > F tabel (2,48) berarti secara simultan financial incentive, non financial incentive dan social incentive berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Dari uji t telah terlihat bahwa masing-masing variabel bebas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel tergantungnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil uji t hitung > dari hasil uji t tabel. Faktor dominan adalah financial incentive dapat dilihat dari nilai r-z (0,568) paling besar dari kedua faktor yang lain


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    ABSTRACT The friction performance of brake shoe composite indicated by coefficient of friction is influenced by braking conditions including contact pressure, sliding speed or temperature. This behavior is influenced by composite formulation. In the present work, we focus to investigate effect of phenolic resin and fly ash with variation in braking condition on coefficient of friction. Particular attentions are paid to changes in coefficient of friction with respect to the variation of contact pressure, sliding speed and disc temperature. Friction wear test was performed using pin on disc machine. The results show that coefficient of friction decreases with increasing volume fraction of phenolic resin and increases as the amount of fly ash is increased. In addition, phenolic resin affects load and speed sensitivity of coefficient of friction. In contrast, fly ash does not affect load and speed sensitivity of coefficient of friction. The coefficient of friction increases as disc temperature is increased from 29 o C to 200 o C. Phenolic resin does not affect disc temperature sensitivity of coefficient of friction. Conversely, fly ash affects disc temperature sensitivity of coefficient of friction

    Characteristic Evaluation of Brake Block Material

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    This paper reports on a comparison of the frictional characteristics of three different samples of brake block materials. Two commercial brake blocks (composite and grey iron/metallic) and a non-commercial composite brake block were extracted to form pins (specimens), and then their frictional properties were evaluated using a pin-on-disc apparatus. The non-commercial composite brake block that was investigated in this work was developed as a substitute for the grey iron brake block. The results revealed that the composite brake blocks had a higher wear resistance and were more stable in terms of their coefficient of friction at various contact pressures and sliding speeds compared to the grey iron brake block. The non-commercial composite brake block that was developed in this research had a coefficient of friction that was close to that of the grey iron brake block, and hence, it can be considered as a substitute for the grey iron brake block

    Investigation of Friction Behaviors of Brake Shoe Materials using Metallic Filler

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    Some vehicles use brake shoe made from semi-metallic materials. Semi-metallic brake shoes are made from a combination of metallic and non-metallic materials. Metallic particles are added in the formulation of brake shoe material to improve composites characteristics. In this paper, friction behaviors of brake shoe material using metallic filler were investigated. Machining chips of cast iron and copper wire of electric motor used were incorporated in composite as metallic fillers with amount 0, 2, and 4 vol. %. Friction testing was performed to measure coefficient of friction by pressing surface specimen against the surface of rotating disc. The results show that cast iron chip and Cu short wire have effect on increasing coefficient of friction of brake shoe material. They form contact plateau at contact surface. At contact surface, the Cu short wires which have parallel orientation to the sliding contact were susceptible to detach from the matrix

    Effect of flame straightening treatment on the microstructure of fillet weld S355J2+N steel

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    Flame straightening is the most common method applied in welded steel to mitigate distortion. This research showed that flame straightening can be safely applied on fillet T-joint S355J2+N steel. The microstructure and hardness on the back surface of the fillet T-joint were affected by the flame straightening process. The surface experienced a decrease in hardness and changes in the shape and size of the microstructure. In this research, the welding procedure standard (WPS) was applied to the welding test coupon. The straightening process was then applied on the back surface of the fillet T-joint by heating and then cooling rapidly with an air jet. Lastly, microstructure investigation and hardness test were performed on the flame-straightened area

    Microstructure analysis of dissmilar metals weld between S690Q and S355J2+N steel under flame straightening treatment

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    Flame straightening process is needed to improve joint alignments due to the distortions induced by welding heat. This research shows that flame straightening can be applied safely on the weld of dissimilar metals such as S690Q and S355J2+N steel. The results indicated an increase in hardness of the flame straightened base metal, heat affected zone (HAZ), and weld metal due to pearlite transformation in these areas. Furthermore, the two metals were welded in accordance to the welding procedure standard (WPS) and then straightened by applying heat. It was then cooled rapidly with an air jet along the root of the weld joint. Lastly, microstructure investigation and hardness test were carried out on the area which was flame straightened