544 research outputs found

    Microwave plasma diagnostics

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    Desarrollo y aplicaciones de un modelo de crecimiento para plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don en El Bierzo (León)

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    A dynamic growth model for Pinus radiata D. Don plantations in El Bierzo (Spain) was developed with data from two inventories of permanent plots, of between 7 and 36 years old, established by the University of León. In this model, stand conditions at any point in time are defined by three state variables (stand basal area, number of trees per hectare and dominant height).Themodel includes three transition functions derived by the generalized algebraic difference approach to enable projection of the state variables at any particular time. Once they are known, the number of trees in each diameter class is estimated with a distribution function, by recovery of the parameters of theWeibull function by use of the moments method. Finally, a generalized height-diameter function and a taper function allow estimation of total or merchantable stand volume. The model provides satisfactory predictions for a time interval of three years. Simulation of the growth of four stands under two silvicultural regimes and two different sites confirm that the estimates provided by the overall model adequately represent the effects of both stand density and site quality. Other applications for the model are analysed and discussed.Se ha desarrollado un modelo dinámico de crecimiento para plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don en El Bierzo (León) a partir de datos de dos inventarios de parcelas permanentes, de entre 7 y 36 años de edad, establecidas por la Universidad de León. En este modelo, las condiciones del rodal en un instante dado están definidas por tres variables de estado (área basimétrica, número de pies por hectárea y altura dominante). El modelo incluye tres funciones de transición obtenidas mediante la metodología de ecuaciones en diferencias algebraicas generalizadas que permite la proyección de las variables de estado a un determinado instante en el tiempo. Una vez conocidas las variables de estado, una función de distribución estima el número de pies en cada clase diamétrica mediante la metodología de recuperación de los parámetros de la función deWeibull usando el método de los momentos. Finalmente, una función de altura-diámetro generalizada y una función de perfil de tronco permiten la estimación del volumen total o comercial del rodal. El modelo proporciona predicciones satisfactorias para un intervalo de proyección de tres años. La simulación del crecimiento de cuatro rodales bajo dos regímenes selvícolas distintos y dos calidades de estación diferentes corrobora que las estimaciones proporcionadas por el modelo global representan adecuadamente los efectos de la densidad de la masa y la calidad de la estación. Finalmente se analizan y discuten otras aplicaciones del modelo elaborado

    Improved photoenergy properties of low-emissivity coatings deposited by sputtering with an ion gun treatment

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    This work studies the effect of ion treatment on low-emissivity (low-e) coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering. Specifically, we have investigated the application of an ion treatment in the dielectric layer before deposition of a layer of silver. This reduces layer roughness which means the silver layer can be deposited with enhanced characteristics. We have also evaluated the etching rate on the SnOx layer due to the ion treatment on already deposit coatings of equal thicknesses. Subsequently, we studied the effects on the coating's photoenergy properties. For equivalent coatings, we found that those treated with ions were more transparent in the visible region, more reflective, and had a lower emissivity, which are essential requirements for low-e coatings applied in architectural glass

    Percepção das informações transmitidas pela mídia sobre a covid-19 e sua relação com o fatalismo causado pela pandêmica em estudantes universitários da cidade de Lima

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    The present study aims to determine the relationship between the perception of the information transmitted by mass media about Covid-19 and the fatalism originated by the pandemic in university students of Lima city. The composition of the population was 6,500 students, from which it was extracted a sample of 655 subjects, 310 males and 345 females, with ages between 16 and 32 years old (mean of 19.50 and standard deviation of 3.08) extracted from the first two cycles of four private universities and one public university of the city of Lima, by virtual way, in June 2020. The study is of non-experimental design at the relational level. The result obtained shows that there is a relationship between the perception of the information transmitted by the media about Covid-19 and the fatalism caused by the pandemic. The Spearman correlation is 0.238. The effect size is 0.4978. The statistical power is 0.9542, and these results can be generalized to the entire population of university students in the city of Lima

    ADVOCATE: A Legislative Advocacy Model for Counseling Students

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    In the classroom, master’s students learn that advocacy is a central component of the counseling profession and counselor identity, whereas doctoral students train to be advocacy leaders. While counselor educators often infuse advocacy into the classroom through assignments and use current advocacy models present in the literature, we found a need for a practical model specifically for legislative advocacy to implement with counseling graduate students outside of the classroom. The authors pulled from their collective experience of meeting with state legislators at the state Capitol to create the ADVOCATE Model, a practical, step-by-step guide to legislative advocacy. The authors share the details of their model and discuss implications and recommendations for counselor educators and students

    Maintained partial protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae despite B‐cell depletion in mice vaccinated with a pneumococcal glycoconjugate vaccine

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    Objectives: Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy rapidly depletes > 95% of CD20+ B cells from the circulation. B-cell depletion is an effective treatment for autoimmune disease and B-cell malignancies but also increases the risk of respiratory tract infections. This effect on adaptive immunity could be countered by vaccination. We have used mouse models to investigate the effects of B-cell depletion on pneumococcal vaccination, including protection against infection and timing of vaccination in relation to B-cell depletion. // Methods: C57BL/6 female mice were B-cell depleted using anti-CD20 antibody and immunized with two doses of Prevnar-13 vaccine either before or after anti-CD20 treatment. B-cell repertoire and Streptococcus pneumoniae–specific IgG levels were measured using whole-cell ELISA and flow cytometry antibody-binding assay. Protection induced by vaccination was assessed by challenging the mice using a S. pneumoniae pneumonia model. // Results: Antibody responses to S. pneumoniae were largely preserved in mice B-cell depleted after vaccination resulting in full protection against pneumococcal infections. In contrast, mice vaccinated with Prevnar-13 while B cells were depleted (with > 90% reduction in B-cell numbers) had decreased circulating anti–S. pneumoniae IgG and IgM levels (measured using ELISA and flow cytometry antibody binding assays). However, some antibody responses were maintained, and, although vaccine-induced protection against S. pneumoniae infection was impaired, septicaemia was still prevented in 50% of challenged mice. // Conclusions: This study showed that although vaccine efficacy during periods of profound B-cell depletion was impaired some protective efficacy was preserved, suggesting that vaccination remains beneficial

    Improving the Anaerobic Digestion of Wine-Industry Liquid Wastes: Treatment by Electro-Oxidation and Use of Biochar as an Additive

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    Wine lees have a great potential to obtain clean energy in the form of biogas through anaerobic digestion due to their high organic load. However, wine lees are a complex substrate and may likely give rise to instabilities leading to failure of the biological process. This work analysed the digestion of wine lees using two dierent approaches. First, electro-oxidation was applied as pre-treatment using boron-doped diamond-based electrodes. The voltage was 25 V and dierent treatment times were tested (ranging from 0.08 to 1.5 h) at 25 C. Anaerobic digestion of wine lees was evaluated in batch tests to investigate the eect of electro-oxidation on biogas yield. Electro-oxidation exhibited a significant positive eect on biogas production increasing its value up to 330 L kg1 of volatile solids after 1.5 h of treatment, compared to 180 L kg1 of volatile solids measured from raw wine lees. As a second approach, the addition of biochar to the anaerobic digestion of wine lees was investigated; in the experimental conditions considered in the present study, the addition of biochar did not show any positive eect on anaerobic digestion performance

    Comparación de sensores PZT y FBG para la detección de despegues en vigas de hormigón armado reforzadas externamente con bandas de CFRP y sometidas a cargas de flexión

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    The development of monitoring technologies particularly suitable to be used with novel CFRP strengthening techniques has gained great attention in recent years. However, in spite of the high performance of these advanced composite materials in the strengthening and repairing of structures in service, they are usually associated with brittle and sudden failure mainly caused by debonding phenomena, originated either at the CFRP-plate end or at the intermediate areas in the vicinity of flexural cracks in the RC beam. Thus, it is highly recommended for these structures to be monitored in order to ensure their integrity while in service. Specifically, the feasibility of smart sensing technologies such as Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors and piezo-impedance transducers (PZT) has been studied. To the knowledge of the authors, none serious study has been carried out until now concerned to the topic of damage detection due to debonding in rehabilitated structures with CFRP composites.El desarrollo de tecnologías de monitorización aplicables junto con las novedosas técnicas de refuerzo basadas en materiales CFRP ha recibido una atención creciente los últimos años. Sin embargo, a pesar del alto rendimiento de estos avanzados materiales compuestos en la reparación y refuerzo de estructuras en servicio, están habitualmente asociados a fallos frágiles y repentinos causados principalmente por fenómenos de despegue, originados bien en los extremos del refuerzo, bien en áreas intermedias en las proximidades de grietas de flexión existentes en la viga. Por tanto, es altamente recomendable monitorizar estas soluciones estructurales de cara a garantizar su integridad en servicio. Específicamente, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de sensores inteligentes tales como los sensores Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) o los transductores piezoeléctricos (PZT). Hasta donde los autores saben, no se han realizado estudios serios hasta la fecha abordando la detección de daño debido al despegue en estructuras reforzadas con compuestos CFRP

    Different Coordination Modes of a Tripod Phosphine in Gold(I) and Silver(I) Complexes

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    The following gold(I) and silver(I) complexes of the tritertiary phosphine 1,1,1- tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)ethane, tripod , have been synthesised: Au3(tripod)X3 [X = Cl(1), Br(2), I(3)]; [Au3(tripod)2Cl2]Cl (4); Au(tripod)X [X = Br(5), I(6)]; Ag3(tripod) (NO3)4 (7), Ag(tripod)NO3 (8). They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (complexes 2, 3 and 4), 31P NMR spectroscopy, electrospray and FAB mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. Complexes 2 and 3 show a linear coordination geometry for Au(I), with relatively short Au-P bond distances. Complex 3 has a Au•••Au intramolecular distance of 3.326 A ° , while complex 2 had a short Au•••Au intermolecular interaction of 3.048 A ° . Complexes 4-6 were found by 31P NMR spectroscopy studies to contain a mixture of species in solution, one of which crystallised as [Au3(tripod|)2Cl2]Cl which was shown by X-ray diffraction to contain both tetrahedral and linear Au(I), the first example of a Au(I) complex containing such a mixture of geometries. The reaction of [Au3 (tripod)Cl3] (1) with tripod led successfully to the formation of [Au3(tripod|)2Cl2]+ and [Au3(tripod)2Cl3]+ and [Au3(tripod|)3Cl]2+. The silver(I) complexes, 7 and 8 appear to contain linear and tetrahedral Ag(I), respectively