71 research outputs found

    Analisa Implementasi Algoritma Stream Cipher Sosemanuk dan Dicing dalam Proses Enkripsi Data

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    Keamanan merupakan hal yang diutamakan dalam sistem informasi, khususnya dalam pertukaran data yang bersifat penting atau rahasia. Informasi yang akan diberikan kepada pihak yang berhak terhadap informasi tersebut harus benar-benar dijaga tingkat keamanannya, jangan sampai jatuh ke tangan pihak lain yang tidak punya hak akan informasi tersebut.Salah satu cara untuk menjaga keamanan informasi yang dipertukarkan dalan suatu sistem dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik kriptografi. Kriptografi merupakan seni dan ilmu untuk menyembunyikan informasi dari pihak ketiga. Dalam kriptografi seseorang yang memiliki kunci privat dapat mengubah data asli (plaintext) menjadi data yang bersifat unik dan tidak dapat dibaca (ciphertext) dan dapat mengubah kembali ciphertext yang ada ke dalam bentuk plaintext dengan menggunakan kunci privat yang dimilikinya.Dalam penelitian ini telah berhasil dibuat suatu sistem kriptografi menggunakan algoritma Sosemanuk dan Dicing dan diimplementasikan menggunakan Borland C++ Builder 6.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perbandingan performansi antara algoritma Sosemanuk dan Dicing dalam hal kecepatan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi, memori yang dibutuhkan selama proses, dan nilai avalanche effect.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai Avalanche Effect (AV) algoritma Sosemanuk lebih besar daripada algoritma Dicing, sehingga algoritma Sosemanuk lebih handal daripada algoritma Dicing. Proses pada algoritma Sosemanuk lebih kompleks daripada algoritma Dicing, sehingga waktu yang diperlukan oleh algoritma Sosemanuk 4,77 % lebih lama dan memori yang diperlukan lebih besar daripada algoritma Dicing. Tipe file tidak berpengaruh terhadap lama waktu enkripsi ataupun dekripsi, karena file dibaca per byte

    Determinants of Intention to Use Village Fund Information System

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    This study aims to examine factors that affect intention to use of village fund information system (SISKEUDES). Respondents in this research are village apparatus as operators of SISKEUDES. Data were collected using questionnaires. Sampling is conducted using the census sampling method, producing 212 respondents. This study uses the Structural Equation Model by using Partial Least Square (PLS) as a method of analysis. The result indicates that the quality of human resource and social factor influence the use of SISKEUDES. In addition, perceived system quality, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use partially mediate the relationship between the quality of human resource and the intention to use SISKEUDES. In contrast, perceived information quality does not mediate the relationship between the quality of human resource and the intention to use of SISKEUDES

    Kualitas Buah Tomat Pada Pertanaman Dengan Mulsa Plastik Berbeda

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    . Setyorini, D., D. Indradewa, and E. Sulistyaningsih. 2009. Fruit Quality of Tomato Planted inDifferent Plastic Mulch. Environment conditions is one of important factor that may affect plant growth. Modificationof environment conditions will not only affect plant growth, but also fruit quality. This study was carried out in TheExperimental Garden and Horticultural Laboratory of College of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The experimentwas set up in a randomize block design with 5 levels of treatments (plastic mulch color) and 4 replications. Parameterobserved were fruit number per plant, damaged fruit per plot, fruit weight, diameter and length of fruit, fruit firmness,coefficient of fruit ripening, total soluble solid, vitamin C, and dominant acid. The results showed that the color ofplastic mulch had a specific effect on tomatoes fruit quality parameter. The use of red plastic mulch reduce thepercentage of damage fruits but decreased the coefficient of fruit ripening. The blue plastic mulch had a significanteffect on increase fruit firmnes. Meanwhile, the silvery black plastic mulch could increase the dominant acid contentthat was suitable for growing processing tomatoes

    Toxopjasmagondania Jlle and Manceaux Pada Ayam Bukan Ras (Gallus SP.) Dan Burung Merpati (Columba Una Gmelin) Dikotamadya Bogor (Toxoplosma Gondti Nicolle and Monceaux on Domestic Fowl (G&llus Sp.j and Domestic Pigeon (Columba Liua Gmelin) From Kotamadya Bo

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    Using Indirect Hemqiglutination (IHA) test on 26 domesticfowl (Gallus sp.)and domestic pigeon (Columba liviaj were screened "Toxoplasrna gondii infection.All of the serum samples tested were positiffor this protopal infection.From the quantitatif test on 14positives serum samples, 14,28 % has the lowest liter of1£4 and 7,14 % has the highest liter of 1:1024. Mode of the disease spreading and the prevention off.gondii were discussed

    Hubungan Kemampuan Kerja Dan Motivasi Dengan Kinerja Pegawai Di Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Batang

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    Less than optimal performance of employees at Central Agency of Statistics in Batang has prompted the authors to conduct the study, entitled "Relationship Work Ability and Motivation With Employee Performance at Central Agency of Statistics in Batang ". The main problem in this study is less optimal level of work ability and motivation. This study aimed to determine the relationship and determination of each independent variable with the ability to work and motivation of employees in the performance of the Central Agency of Statistics in Batang.This type of research is explanatory research. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and conduct interviews. This study used a sample of 32 respondents to the poll saturated sample technique. Analysis of the data in this study using quantitative methods. Analysis tool used in this research is the analysis of Rank Correlation Coefficient Kendall, Kendall concordance coefficient, and the coefficient of determination by using SPSS version 16.0.The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between the independent variable and motivation with the ability to work performance of employees in BPS, Batang. The magnitude of the relationship of each variable is as follows: the ability to work (0.453) and motivation (0.439). Relations between the two independent variables together to employee performance 0.763 with the influence of 58.21%

    Kinetika Vulkanisasi Dan Sifat Mekanis Komposit Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR)

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of vulcanization temperature on mechanical properties and curing kinetics of NBR composites. The composites were formulated by using two types of carbon black i.e. N-330 and N-774. The curing kinetics was determined using Moving Die Rheometer. The network formation processes were related to torque and time. The vulcanizates were obtained by compression molding in a hydraulic press at 150°C and 160°C. The mechanical properties observed include tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness, and tear strength. Kinetics studies were approached by Arrhenius equation and the reaction mechanism was assumed following first order reaction. The results showed that curing kinetics can be approached by the equation from the rheometer data. The surface area of carbon black strongly influenced the mechanical properties and rate constant (k) of NBR composite. Carbon black N-330 can be used as a desirable reinforcing filler which gave a higher mechanical properties than the other type of carbon black


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    Purpose of Study: Learning Indonesian for foreign speakers of Indonesian Language classes (BIPA) needs to be assessed using an interesting evaluation device that serves to make it easier for students to do tests, especially tests to measure reading comprehension. The required media was developed based on the 2015 Adobe Flash Creative Cloud software for intermediate level BIPA. The purpose of this study is to develop assessment media to read properly and effective understanding. Methodology: Research and Development research uses the Borg and Gall model which is simplified into six stages, namely (1) needs analysis; (2) product design; (3) manufacture of products; (4) validation; (5) revisions; and (6) product testing. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and tests. Results: The results showed that the media for reading comprehension based on Adobe Flash Creative Cloud 2015 software was proper 76 and practical. Implications/Applications: Learning Indonesian for BIPA students is certainly different from domestic student learning. The specificity of treatment is not only in the teaching material but also in the assessment. This is done with the aim that learning is more successful because it is provided by media that is very helpful for BIPA students in mastering reading skills. Quiz as a media assessment was developed using local wisdom materials in Indonesia
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