6,157 research outputs found

    Transient electrothermal simulation of power semiconductor devices

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    In this paper, a new thermal model based on the Fourier series solution of heat conduction equation has been introduced in detail. 1-D and 2-D Fourier series thermal models have been programmed in MATLAB/Simulink. Compared with the traditional finite-difference thermal model and equivalent RC thermal network, the new thermal model can provide high simulation speed with high accuracy, which has been proved to be more favorable in dynamic thermal characterization on power semiconductor switches. The complete electrothermal simulation models of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and power diodes under inductive load switching condition have been successfully implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The experimental results on IGBT and power diodes with clamped inductive load switching tests have verified the new electrothermal simulation model. The advantage of Fourier series thermal model over widely used equivalent RC thermal network in dynamic thermal characterization has also been validated by the measured junction temperature

    Integral refinable operators exact on polynomials

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    AbstractWe study integral refinable operators of integral type exact on polynomials of even degree constructed by using refinable B-bases of GP type. We prove a general theorem of existence and uniqueness. Then we study the Lp-norm of these operators and we give error bounds in approximating functions and their derivatives belonging to suitable classes. Numerical results and comparisons with other quasi-interpolatory operators having the same order of exactness on polynomial reproduction are presented

    The electronic structures and magnetic properties of perovskite ruthenates from constrained orbital hybridization calculations

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    We introduce a method to analyze the effect of hybridization by shifting corresponding atomic levels using external potentials. Based on this approach, we study perovskite ruthenates,\ and unambiguously identify that the covalency between the \textit{A}-site cation and O ion will modify the Ru-O hybridization and change the density of state at Fermi level, consequently affect the magnetic properties significantly. We also study the effect of pressure and reveal that hydrostatic pressure has a small effect on the Ru-O-Ru bond angle of SrRuO3_{3}, while it will decrease the Ru-O length and increase the band width significantly. Therefore, the magnetic ordering temperature will decrease monotonically with pressure

    Model Perjanjian Baku Pada Kontrak Berlangganan Sambungan Telekomunikasi Telepon Selular Pasca Bayar

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    The contract to subscribe to the telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone is a standard contract made by the business actor by almost not giving freedom at all to other parties to do negotiation for the requirements offered. This research is to study: first, is the implementation of standard contract for the subscription contract of telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone suitable with the legal principles of the contract? Second, how the model of standard contract in the contract of subscription for the telecommunication connection of the postpaid cellular phone is viewed from the contract laws and Law Number 8 of 1999 on the Consumer Protection? This is a normative-juridical research. The result of the research concluded that first; the subscription contract for the telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone theoretically has fulfilled the provisions of the Article 1320 Civil Law on the requirement of the contract legality. Second, the model of the subscription model of telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone must provide the clauses in accordance with the Law of Consumer Protection particularly limited with the Provision of Article 18 of Laws of Consumer Protection

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen pada Perjanjian Pembiayaan dengan Fidusia Tidak Terdaftar

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    Fiduciary guarantee shall be registered, so that it has execution order, but sometimes fiduciary guarantee is accepted even if it is not registered. The problem in this study was how is the legal protection for consumers in a fiduciary agreement that is made without a notarial deed and is not registered at the Fiduciary Registration Office seen from Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee and Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. This was a normative legal research. The results of the study concluded that the legal protection of consumers in a financing agreement with an unregistered fiduciary guarantee is that the principal (someone hiring fiduciary agent) can sue for compensation against the fiduciary agent on the basis of unlawful acts as stipulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code. In addition, in the event of a crime, a person can be sued by Article 368 of the Criminal Code. Financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees shall contain clauses in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law because regarding this violation, business actors are punishable with maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of IDR 2,000,000,000.00

    Evaluation the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Program with Strategy DOTS in Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya

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    Strategy DOTS is the tuberculosis control programs. The program has implemented in Tanah Kalikedinding Health Center and has expected to reach CDR ≄ 70% and SR ≄ 85%, which closely related to the management of health centers. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the DOTS program in health center whose the results associated with indicators of tuberculosis. This was a descriptive design study with the population was all pulmonary specialist, tuberculosis officers and laboratory personnel and pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The number of Tuberculosis patient respondents was 32 respondents. Samples were chosen using purposive sampling. Data collected by interview questionnaire and checklist. The variables were the finding case, the TB treatment, the enabling factor and inhibiting factor, recording and reporting, and result of tuberculosis indicators. This study resulted that CDR in 2013 was 112% already reached the national target ≄ 70%. This success related to the finding case almost all patients > 2 weeks of cought and all (100%) patients were examinated sputum and diagnosed according to the steps of tuberculosis diagnosis in Indonesia Department of Health guidelines. While SR in 2013 was 65.5% did not reach the target ≄ 85%. It was caused of there are patients who did not have a taking drug observer (PMO). All (100%) patients ever forgot taking anti tuberculosis drugs. Change in schedule of visit to the continuation phase be 2×/month caused patients to forget taking anti tuberculosis drugs. The enabling factor was counseling routinely by health care workers in health center. Inhibiting factor was distance to health center by majority (65,5%) patients were > 1 km. So they needed vehicle to go to the health center. Recording and reporting using electronic systems and being reported by online. So it is expected all TB patients were expected have a taking drug observer and optimizing the role of the a taking drug observer to increase success rate

    Analisis Kualitas Udara Stasiun Global Atmosphere Watch (Gaw) Bukit Kototabang Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

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    Stasiun Global Atmosphere Watch Bukit Kototabang di Kabupaten Agam,Sumatera Barat merupakan satu satunya stasiun pengamat atmosfer global yangada di Indonesia sehingga mewakili kondisi atmosfer di Indonesia secara globaldan di dunia yang letaknya persis di garis ekuator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengetahui kondisi kualitas udara di daerah penelitian dengan menggunakanIndeks Standar Pencemaran Udara (ISPU) dan mengetahui indikasi terjadinyapemanasan global di daerah penelitian.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistik untuk mengetahuirerata dan tren dari masing-masing parameter, metode deskriptif untuk analisisISPU, metode deskriptif untuk mengetahui indikasi terjadinya pemanasan global.Parameter udara yang digunakan untuk penelitian ISPU antara lain CO, SO2,NO2, partikulat PM10, dan O3, sedangkan untuk parameter kimia udara yangdigunakan untuk analisis pemanasan global ialah CO2 dan CH4
