4,488 research outputs found

    Changes in Homeowners’ Financial Security during the Recent Housing and Mortgage Boom

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    From the late 1990s through 2005, the U.S. experienced an unprecedented housing boom, which boosted the asset values of many families. This meant, on the one hand, that families with homes had more collateral to borrow against, but it also meant that new home buyers needed to take out larger mortgages to afford a home. After 2001, the U.S. saw a sharp acceleration in the growth rate of household debt. Using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances conducted by the Federal Reserve, which we supplement with data from the Flow of Funds Accounts generated by the Federal Reserve, we consider the effect of the housing and mortgage boom on the financial security of homeowners. The data indicate that all measures of vulnerability are increasing and suggest declining financial security for homeowners after 2000. The increases in financial vulnerability were especially pronounced for minorities, younger families, and lower income families.Mortgages, mortgage payments, variable interest debt, home equity, portfolio allocation

    Study of mesocale exchange processes utilizing LANDSAT air mass cloud imagery

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    Study of Mesoscale Exchange Processes Utilizing LANDSAT Air Mass Cloud Imagery

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    Study of Mesoscale Exchange Processes Utilizing Landsat Air Mass Cloud Imagery

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    Orbital and meteorological factors pertinent to satellite transmissions of facsimile weather charts Final report

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    Automatic picture transmission system on Nimbus and earth synchronous satellites for transmission of weather chart

    Development and flight test of an avionics LIDAR for helicopter and UAV low-level flight

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    In recent years, laser radar (LIDAR) has become a promising technology for navigation and obstacle avoidance in helicopters and UAV, mainly because of its good wire detection performance on a wide range of incidence angles, and also due to its outstanding range and accuracy. In this paper we describe the activities carried out for the design, integration and test of the Laser Obstacle Avoidance System 'Marconi' (LOAM) on helicopter and UAV platforms. After a brief description of the system architecture and sensor characteristics, emphasis is given to the performance models and processing algorithms required for obstacle detection/classification and calculation of alternative flight paths, as well as to the ground and flight test activities performed on various platforms

    Management, processing and dissemination of sensory data for the Earth Resource Technology Satellite

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    Data center for management, processing, and dissemination of photographic products generated by ERT

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Planted Questions untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI Mia SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to improve the students learning achievement on the subject colloids with implementation Planted Questions active strategies. Kind of research was an experiment research with randomized control pretest-posttest group design. Retrieval of data starting from May - June 2015 in SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. Samples of research are class XI science 3 as the experiment class (applied Planted Questions active strategies) and class XI science 4 as the control class (with ordinary learning) were randomly selected after normality test and homogeneity test. Data collection method used is the testing techniques. The analysis techniques consist of 3 techniques that are normality test was used Liliefors test to verify data is normally distributed, homogeneity test was used variance test and t-test to see same ability learning of samples, and hypothesis test was used t-test to validate the hypothesis. Based on the hypothesis test obtained tcount> ttable is 2,561 > 1,668. The meaning that the implementation of Planted Questions active strategies can improve students achievement on the subject of colloids in class XI science SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. The improvement of students learning achievement in the experiment class was supported by the influence coefficient value of 8,57%
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