292 research outputs found

    Genetic control of scald resistance in barley landraces

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    Scald (Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) J.J. Davis pathogenic agent) is one of the most harmful barley diseases. A high variability of this fungi explains the occurrence of new aggressive pathotypes and, accordingly, loss of cultivar resistance. It was found that many recently selected varieties of barley and previously identified sources of resistance to R. secalis are now susceptible to the pathogen. There is only one gene, Rrs9, that maintains efficiency against pathogen populations in Russia. The aim of this study is to find donors of genes for effective resistance to scald with the ability to easily transfer this trait for hybridization. The inheritance of scald resistance in 33 barley landraces was studied. Analysis of the interaction between the pathogen test clones and the host plant revealed a difference between the alleles determining fungal resistance in 32 barley forms, the previously effective genes Rrs4, rrs6, rrs7, and currently effective Rrs9. It was found that 30 accessions are protected by new unidentified genes for scald resistance. Accessions k-18398 and k-16231 from China are likely to possess allelic genes for scald resistance, while the gene (or genes) of accession k-31075 from Nepal is allelic to the Rrs9 gene. It was demonstrated by hybridological analysis that accessions k-3307, k-15868, k-18989 and k-3481 are protected by effective genes for scald resistance, which differ from each other and which are not allelic to the Rrs4, rrs6, rrs7 or Rrs9 genes. Accessions k-15868 and k-3481 possess two complementary recessive genes for scald resistance, k-18989 has two recessive genes, and k-3307 carries one recessive gene for pathogen resistance. The resistance genes of these forms are manifested during all the stages of plant ontogenesis

    RATAN-600 7.6-cm Deep Sky Strip Surveys at the Declination of the SS433 Source During the 1980-1999 Period. Data Reduction and the Catalog of Radio Sources in the Right-Ascension Interval 7h < R.A. < 17h

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    We use two independent methods to reduce the data of the surveys made with RATAN-600 radio telescope at 7.6 cm in 1988-1999 at the declination of the SS433 source. We also reprocess the data of the "Cold" survey (1980-1981). The resulting RCR (RATAN COLD REFINED) catalog contains the right ascensions and fluxes of objects identified with those of the NVSS catalog in the right-ascension interval 7h < R.A. < 17h. We obtain the spectra of the radio sources and determine their spectral indices at 3.94 and 0.5 GHz. The spectra are based on the data from all known catalogs available from the CATS, Vizier, and NED databases, and the flux estimates inferred from the maps of the VLSS and GB6 surveys. For 245 of the 550 objects of the RCR catalog the fluxes are known at two frequencies only: 3.94 GHz (RCR) and 1.4 GHz (NVSS). These are mostly sources with fluxes smaller than 30 mJy. About 65% of these sources have flat or inverse spectra (alpha > -0.5). We analyze the reliability of the results obtained for the entire list of objects and construct the histograms of the spectral indices and fluxes of the sources. Our main conclusion is that all 10-15 mJy objects found in the considered right-ascension interval were already included in the decimeter-wave catalogs.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure

    Анализ приобретения и месячной стоимости антигипертензивной терапии современными фиксированными комбинациями в регионах Дальневосточного федерального округа

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    Objective: analyzing the acquisition and monthly costs for patients on modern fixed-dose antihypertensive combinations in three regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.Material and methods. Intra-group analysis of retail of antihypertensive drugs for 2019 in drugstores of the Khabarovsk Region, Sakhalin Region, Amur Region (n=100) was carried out. The calculation of the monthly cost of therapy was performed and total sales indicators were identified. Statistical analysis: dispersion analysis, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Kruskal–Wallis test.Results. The maximum demand in patients among combinations of -blockers in the price range of 100-500 rubles: atenolol+chlortalidone; bisoprolol+amlodipine. In the grope of combinations of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with diuretics/calcium channel blockers, the most often acquired were: perindopril/ramipril+indapamide/amlodipine, enalapril+hydrochlorothiazide – in the price segment of 500–1000 rubles. Preferences for the use of combinations of angiotensin II receptor blockers+diuretic/calcium channel blockers: valsartan+amlodipine with a monthly cost of therapy of 300–500 rubles; losartan+hydrochlorothiazide – 100–500 rubles and azilsartan+chlortalidonee – 500–1000 rubles. The most popular three-component drugs were valsartan+amlodipine+hydrochlorothiazide, perindopril+amlodipine+indapamide with a monthly cost over 500 rubles. Differences in the acquisition structure of fixed-dose antihypertensive combinations between regions were statistically significant.Conclusion. The share of sales of combined antihypertensive drugs remains insignificant. The main selection criteria within an international nonproprietary name are affordability or trust in a brand. The presence of a reliable correlation of the acquisition structure with the region proves the influence of regional preferences of specialists in drug prescribing.Цель: анализ приобретения и месячных затрат пациентов на современные фиксированные антигипертензивные комбинации в трех регионах Дальневосточного федерального округа.Материал и методы. Проведен внутригрупповой анализ розничной реализации антигипертензивных лекарственных препаратов за 2019 г. в аптечных организациях Хабаровского края, Сахалинской области, Амурской области (n=100). Выполнен расчет месячной стоимости терапии, суммарных показателей продаж. Применены дисперсионный анализ, коэффициент корреляции Спирмена, критерий Краскела–Уоллиса.Результаты. Максимальным спросом среди сочетаний -адреноблокаторов в ценовом диапазоне 100–500 руб. пользуются комбинации: атенолол+хорталидон и бисопролол+амлодипин. В группе комбинаций ингибиторов ангиотензинпревращающего фермента с диуретиками / блокаторами кальциевых каналов наиболее часто приобретались: периндоприл/рамиприл+индапамид/амлодипин, эналаприл+гидрохлоротиазид – в ценовом сегменте 500–1000 руб. Предпочтения при применении сочетаний блокаторов рецепторов ангиотензин+диуретик / антагонист кальция: валсартан+амлодипин с месячной стоимостью терапии 300–500 руб., лозартан+гидрохлоротазид – 100–500 руб., азилсартан+хлорталидон – 500–1000 руб. Самыми востребованными трехкомпонентными препаратами являлись: валсартан+амлодипин+гидрохлоротиазид, периндоприл+амлодипин+индапамид с месячной стоимостью курса терапии свыше 500 руб. Различия в структуре приобретения между регионами статистически достоверны.Заключение. Доля реализации комбинированных антигипертензивных препаратов остается незначительной. Основными критериями выбора внутри международного непатентованного наименования являются ценовая доступность и доверие к конкретному бренду. Наличие достоверной корреляции структуры приобретения с субъектом доказывает влияние региональных предпочтений специалистов при назначении лекарственных средств

    Assessment of the State of Cell Membranes against the Background of Prolonged Use of Anticytokine Therapy in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Biological therapy in the treatment of immune-mediated conditions has changed their course, the quality of life of patients and the prognosis of diseases. The accumulated by mankind 20 years of experience with the use of genetically engineered drugs has led to a number of questions regarding, among other issues, safety in the long-term administration of biological therapy. Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis revealed changes in cell membranes, reflecting their structural and energy characteristics. Long-term administration of Infliximab leads to the stabilization of energy processes in the erythrocyte membrane and improves homeostatic function of the kidneys.The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of long-term use of TNF-α blockers (Infliximab) on the structural and functional characteristics of cell membranes and the functional state of the kidneys in patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis.Materials and methods. We examined 103 patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis during the period of acute attack and remission, of which 28 patients received basic therapy using the drug Infliximab (IFX) for 10 years, 75 patients received standard basic treatment. The patients of the biological therapy group took the original drug Infliximab – Remicade. The comparison group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers, comparable by sex and age. The analysis of the state of erythrocyte membranes was carried out using a set of physicochemical methods: UV spectroscopy (SF-46m spectrophotometer), high-performance thin-layer reaction paper chromatography, membrane ultrafiltration, erythrocyte NMR spectroscopy on phosphoric (31P) and proton (1H) nuclei. The functional state of the kidneys was evaluated using a dynamic scintigraphic study (with the technemage –Tc-99m).Results. Prolonged use of anticytokine therapy with Infliximab for 10 years in patients with ulcerative colitis, upon reaching deep remission, improves endogenous intoxication, restores the structural and functional characteristics of cell membranes, normalizes cell energy metabolism and does not negatively affect the functional state of the kidneys

    Eddy-current testing of fatigue degradation in additionally heat-treated gas powder laser clad NiCrBSi coating under contact fatigue loading

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    The paper studies the applicability of eddy-current technique to testing fatigue degradation in Ni-18.2Cr-3.3B-4.2Si coating, produced by gas powder laser cladding and subjected to additional high-temperature annealing at 1025 °C, under contact loading. It is demonstrated that eddy-current testing of fatigue degradation in Ni-18.2Cr-3.3B-4.2Si coating under contact loading after high-temperature annealing has certain limitations caused by the high brittleness of this coating. In this case, it is possible to test only a sharp increase in the sizes of contact damages, which occurs at 8×10 5 cycles under these loading conditions and results from the formation of a great number of peripheral ring cracks in the fracture zone; the eddy-current readings α decrease due to the increasing electrical resistivity of the coating. Testing can be performed by eddy-current measurements at high excitation frequencies of an eddy-current transducer (f=72-120 kHz), when the effect of the ferromagnetic steel base on the eddy-current readings α is minimum. © 2018 Author(s)

    Eddy-current testing of fatigue degradation upon contact fatigue loading of gas powder laser clad NiCrBSi-Cr 3 C 2 composite coating

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    The possibilities of the eddy-current method for testing the fatigue degradation under contact loading of gas powder laser clad NiCrBSi-Cr 3 C 2 composite coating with 15 wt.% of Cr 3 C 2 additive have been investigated. It is shown that the eddy-current testing of the fatigue degradation under contact loading of the NiCrBSi-15%Cr 3 C 2 composite coating can be performed at high excitation frequencies 72-120 kHz of the eddy-current transducer. At that, the dependences of the eddy-current instrument readings on the number of loading cycles have both downward and upward branches, with the boundary between the branches being 3×10 5 cycles in the given loading conditions. This is caused, on the one hand, by cracking, and, on the other hand, by cohesive spalling and compaction of the composite coating, which affect oppositely the material resistivity and, correspondingly, the eddy-current instrument readings. The downward branch can be used to monitor the processes of crack formation and growth, the upward branch - to monitor the degree of cohesive spalling, while taking into account in the testing methodology an ambiguous character of the dependences of the eddy-current instrument readings on the number of loading cycles. © 2017 Author(s)

    The KHOLOD Experiment: A Search for a New Population of Radio Sources

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    Published data from long-term observations of a strip of sky at declination +5 degrees carried out at 7.6 cm on the RATAN-600 radio telescope are used to estimate some statistical properties of radio sources. Limits on the sensitivity of the survey due to noise imposed by background sources, which dominates the radiometer sensitivity, are refined. The vast majority of noise due to background sources is associated with known radio sources (for example, from the NVSS with a detection threshold of 2.3 mJy) with normal steep spectra ({\alpha} = 0.7-0.8, S \propto {\nu}^{- \alpha}), which have also been detected in new deep surveys at decimeter wavelengths. When all such objects are removed from the observational data, this leaves another noise component that is observed to be roughly identical in independent groups of observations. We suggest this represents a new population of radio sources that are not present in known catalogs at the 0.6 mJy level at 7.6 cm. The studied redshift dependence of the number of steep-spectrum objects shows that the sensitivity of our survey is sufficient to detect powerful FRII radio sources at any redshift, right to the epoch of formation of the first galaxies. The inferred new population is most likely associated with low-luminosity objects at redshifts z < 1. In spite of the appearance of new means of carrying out direct studies of distant galaxies, searches for objects with very high redshifts among steep and ultra-steep spectrum radio sources remains an effective method for studying the early Universe.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure