15 research outputs found

    Анализ функциональных показателей респираторной системы в разные сроки после перенесенной COVID-19

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    The objective: to define the type and evaluate the severity of respiratory functional disorders after COVID-19. \Subjects and Methods. A retrospective observational study was conducted. The following parameters were analyzed: demographic data, data from chest computed tomography during the acute period of the disease (CTmax), parameters of pulmonary function tests (PFT) – spirometry, body plethysmography and diffusion test. Those data were collected in 341 patients, 262 (76.8%) of them were men (median age – 48 (41.5–57) years, median durtaion of Period A (onset of COVID-19 before PFT) made 53 (28.5–111) days). Depending on duration of Period A, patients were divided into three groups: Group 1 – up to 90 days (n=221), Group 2 – 90-180 days (n=80), and Group 3 – more than 180 days (n=40). In patients of Groups 1, 2 and 3, in 68.3%, 47.5% and 32,5% of cases, respectively, disorders of diffusing lung capacity were recorded, which were associated to a greater extent with CTmax, and to a lesser extent with duration of Period A. The restrictive type of ventilation disorders was observed in 33.5% and 11% of cases in Groups 1 and 2, no restriction was detected in Group 3, airway obstruction was detected in 8%, 5%, 7.5% of cases in Groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively.Conclusion. Disorder of diffusing lung capacity was the most common functional disorder of the respiratory system after COVID-19, and therefore it is advisable to include a diffusion test along with spirometry to the examination plan of such patients.Цель исследования: определение типа и оценка выраженности функциональных нарушений респираторной системы после перенесенной COVID-19.Материалы и методы. Выполнено ретроспективное обсервационное исследование. Были проанализированы демографические данные; данные компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки в острый период заболевания (КТмакс); показатели легочных функциональных тестов (ЛФТ) – спирометрии, бодиплетизмографии и диффузионного теста 341 пациента, их них 262 (76,8%) – мужчины (медиана возраста – 48 (41,5-57) лет, медиана срока А (начало COVID-19 до проведения ЛФТ) – 53 (28,5-111) дней). В зависимости от срока А пациенты были разделены на три группы: группа 1 – до 90 дней (n=221); группа 2 – 90-180 дней (n=80); группа 3 – более 180 дней (n=40). У пациентов 1, 2 и 3 групп в 68,3%, 47,5% и 32,5% случаев соответственно регистрировалось нарушение диффузионной способности легких, которое в большей степени зависело от КТмакс, в меньшей – от срока А. Рестриктивный тип вентиляционных нарушений был в 33,5% и 11% случаев в группах 1 и 2, в группе 3 рестрикции выявлено не было, обструкция дыхательных путей была выявлена в 8%, 5%, 7,5% случаев в группах 1, 2 и 3 соответственно.Заключение. Нарушение диффузионной способности легких является наиболее частым функциональным нарушением респираторной системы после перенесенного COVID-19, в связи с чем в план обследования таких пациентов целесообразно наряду со спирометрией включать диффузионный тест

    Dopaminergic D1 receptor signalling is necessary, but not sufficient for cued fear memory destabilisation

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    Rationale. Pharmacological targeting of memory reconsolidation is a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of fear memory-related disorders. However, the success of reconsolidation-based approaches depends upon the effective destabilisation of the fear memory by memory reactivation. Objectives. Here, we aimed to determine the functional involvement of dopamine D1 receptors in cued fear memory destabilisation, using systemic drug administration. Results. We observed that direct D1 receptor agonism was not sufficient to stimulate tone fear memory destabilisation to facilitate reconsolidation disruption by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Instead, administration of the nootropic nefiracetam did facilitate mifepristone-induced amnesia, in a manner that was dependent upon dopamine D1 receptor activation, although. Finally, while the combined treatment with nefiracetam and mifepristone did not confer fear-reducing effects under conditions of extinction learning, there was some evidence that mifepristone reduces fear expression irrespective of memory reactivation parameters. Conclusions. The use of combination pharmacological treatment to stimulate memory destabilisation and impair reconsolidation has potential therapeutic benefits, without risking a maladaptive increase of fear