2,847 research outputs found

    Multiple Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology with string landscape features and future singularities

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    Multiple Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology is studied in a way that is formally a classical analog of the Casimir effect. Such cosmology corresponds to a time-dependent dark fluid model or, alternatively, to its scalar field presentation, and it motivated by the string landscape picture. The future evolution of the several dark energy models constructed within the scheme is carefully investigated. It turns out to be almost always possible to choose the parameters in the models so that they match the most recent and accurate astronomical values. To this end, several universes are presented which mimick (multiple) Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology but exhibit Little Rip, asymptotically de Sitter, or Type I, II, III, and IV finite-time singularity behavior in the far future, with disintegration of all bound objects in the cases of Big Rip, Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip cosmologies.Comment: LaTeX 11 pages, 10 figure

    Structure of alkyl 2,3-dibromo-3-nitroacrylates in solution

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    The structure of the new representatives of polyfunctional bromonitroalkenes, alkyl 2,3-dibromo-3-nitroacrylates, was examined by means of dipole moments, [B3LYP/6-31G(d)] quantum-chemical methods, and IR spectroscopy. They were found to have nontrivial Z-configuration in a solution. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Effect of Trends on Detrended Fluctuation Analysis

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    Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is a scaling analysis method used to estimate long-range power-law correlation exponents in noisy signals. Many noisy signals in real systems display trends, so that the scaling results obtained from the DFA method become difficult to analyze. We systematically study the effects of three types of trends -- linear, periodic, and power-law trends, and offer examples where these trends are likely to occur in real data. We compare the difference between the scaling results for artificially generated correlated noise and correlated noise with a trend, and study how trends lead to the appearance of crossovers in the scaling behavior. We find that crossovers result from the competition between the scaling of the noise and the ``apparent'' scaling of the trend. We study how the characteristics of these crossovers depend on (i) the slope of the linear trend; (ii) the amplitude and period of the periodic trend; (iii) the amplitude and power of the power-law trend and (iv) the length as well as the correlation properties of the noise. Surprisingly, we find that the crossovers in the scaling of noisy signals with trends also follow scaling laws -- i.e. long-range power-law dependence of the position of the crossover on the parameters of the trends. We show that the DFA result of noise with a trend can be exactly determined by the superposition of the separate results of the DFA on the noise and on the trend, assuming that the noise and the trend are not correlated. If this superposition rule is not followed, this is an indication that the noise and the superimposed trend are not independent, so that removing the trend could lead to changes in the correlation properties of the noise.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Synthesis and structure of 1-bromo-1-nitro-2-piperidino-(cyclohexylamino)-2-phenylethenes

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    A preparation method was developed for new representatives of halonitroenamines, 1-bromo-1-nitro-2-piperidino(cyclohexylamino)-2-phenylethenes. Both molecules possess E configuration and are of high polarity

    Conformational analysis of 2-substituted 1-nitro-and 1-bromo-1-nitroethenes

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    Conformational analysis of 2-trichloromethyl(ethoxycarbonyl)-1-nitro-and 2-trichloromethyl-(ethoxycarbonyl)-1-bromo-1-nitroethenes was performed using the dipole moment method, IR spectroscopy, and DFT quantum-chemical calculations (B3LYP/6-31G*). The nitro and ester (or trichloromethyl) groups in the molecules of these compounds were found to occupy trans positions with respect to the double C=C bond, i.e., the nitroalkenes have E, and their bromine-containing analogs, Z configuration; the compounds having an ethoxycarbonyl group are characterized by s-cis orientation of the C=C and C=O bonds. © Nauka/Interperiodica 2007

    From Big to Little Rip in modified F(R,G) gravity

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    We discuss the cosmological reconstruction in modified Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity. It is demonstrated that the modified GB gravity may describe the most interesting features of late-time cosmology. We derive explicit form of effective phantom cosmological models ending by the finite-time future singularity (Big Rip) and without singularities in the future (Little Rip).Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure


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    Numerical modeling of electronic state evolution due to non-uniform external electric field in the structure metal-insulator-semiconductor with solitary donor center is carried out. Considering a nanometer disc-shaped gate as a source of the electric field, the problem for the Laplace equation in multilayered medium is solved numerically to determine the distribution of the gate potential. The energy spectrum of a bound electron is calculated from the problem for the stationary Schrödinger equation. Finite difference schemes are constructed to solve both the problems. Difference scheme for the Schrödinger equation takes into account cusp condition for the wave function at the donor location. To solve the problem for the Laplace equation, asymptotic boundary conditions for approximating the external field potential at large distances from the gate in different layers are suggested. These conditions allow to reduce the calculation domain for the electrostatic problem essentially. The effect of the boundary conditions on the accuracy of calculating the potential and energies is investigated. Using the developed difference schemes, the dependences of the energy spectrum of the bound electron on the gate potential are calculated, and the values of critical potential at which the wave function of the electron is relocated are determined. It has been found on the basis of calculation results, that governing parameter for the description of electronic behavior is the potential difference between the donor and semiconductor surface. It has been shown that critical potential difference does not depend on dielectric thickness and permittivity.Проводится численное моделирование эволюции электронных состояний под действием неоднородного внешнего электрического поля в структуре металл-диэлектрик-полупроводник (МДП-структуре) при наличии одиночного донорного центра. В качестве источника электрического поля рассматривается нанометровый дискообразный затвор, для расчета потенциала которого решается задача для уравнения Лапласа в многослойной среде. Энергетический спектр связанного электрона находится из задачи для стационарного уравнения Шредингера. Для решения обеих задач строятся разностные схемы. Разностная схема для уравнения Шредингера учитывает неаналитичность волновой функции в точке расположения донора. При решении задачи для уравнения Лапласа предлагаются асимптотические граничные условия, аппроксимирующие потенциал внешнего поля на больших расстояниях от затвора в различных слоях, что позволяет существенно уменьшить расчетную область. Исследуется влияние этих граничных условий на точность вычисления потенциала и энергий. С помощью построенных разностных схем рассчитываются зависимости энергетического спектра связанного электрона от потенциала на затворе, определяются значения критического потенциала, при котором происходит передислокация волновой функции электрона. На основании результатов вычислений устанавливается, что управляющим параметром для описания поведения электрона является разность потенциалов между донором и поверхностью полупроводника. Показывается, что критическая разность потенциалов практически не зависит от толщины и проницаемости диэлектрического слоя.