48 research outputs found

    Algal biomass and macroinvertebrate dynamics in intermittent braided rivers: new perspectives from instream pools

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    Perennial streams and rivers are now largely subjected to fragmentation and lentification processes due to flow reduction, which creates a number of lateral habitats with different degrees of hydrological connectivity. These habitats have environmental conditions and biotic interactions that can be far divergent than those of main channel habitats. However, they remain largely unexplored, especially in temperate regions. We here focused on studying algal dynamics and their interactions with aquatic invertebrates across mesohabitats (i.e., main channel, secondary channel, pools) in streambeds under both normal and low flow conditions. We selected four watercourses in the Po Plain (northern Italy), where we detected the main dynamics and drivers of algal and invertebrate communities by applying mixed effect modelling. A clear algal growth trend was detected in summer, and was similar for all mesohabitats, but with temporal decoupling and doubled values in pools. Mesohabitat and time were central factors in driving benthic algae dynamics that, in turn, negatively affected aquatic invertebrates. Hydrology and algae seemed to have a mutually reinforcing effect on macroinvertebrates by reducing almost all the investigated metrics. By considering future projections on further regime shifts in lotic systems, loss of biodiversity driven by algal blooms could become a major concern, and also for potential cascade impacts on other biotic compartments of river networks

    Nitrogen balance and fate in a heavily impacted watershed (Oglio River, Northern Italy): in quest of the missing sources and sinks

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    Abstract. We present data from a comprehensive investigation carried out from 2007 to 2010, focussing on nitrogen pollution in the Oglio River basin (3800 km2, Po Plain, Northern Italy). Nitrogen mass balances, computed for the whole basin with 2000 and 2008 data, suggest a large N surplus in this area, over 40 000 t N yr−1, and increasing between 2000 and 2008. Calculations indicate a very large impact of animal husbandry and agricultural activities in this watershed, with livestock manure and synthetic fertilizers contributing 85% of total N inputs (about 100 000 t N yr−1) and largely exceeding crop uptake and other N losses (about 60 000 t N yr−1). Nitrogen from domestic and industrial origin is estimated as about 5800 and 7200 t N yr−1, respectively, although these loads are overestimated, as denitrification in treatment plants is not considered; nonetheless, they represent a minor term of the N budget. Annual export of nitrogen from the basin, calculated from flow data and water chemistry at the mouth of the Oglio River, is estimated at 13 000 t N yr−1, and represents a relatively small fraction of N inputs and surplus (∼12% and 34%, respectively). After considering N sinks in crop uptake, soil denitrification and volatilization, a large excess remains unaccounted (∼26 000 t N yr−1) in unknown temporary or permanent N sinks. Nitrogen removal via denitrification was evaluated in the Oglio riverbed with stable isotope techniques (δ15N and δ18O in nitrate). The downstream final segment of the river displays an enriched nitrate stable isotope composition but calculations suggest a N removal corresponding to at most 20% of the unaccounted for N amount. Denitrification was also evaluated in riverine wetlands with the isotope pairing technique. Areal rates are elevated but overall N removal is low (about 1% of the missing N amount), due to small wetland surfaces and limited lateral connectivity. The secondary drainage channel network has a much higher potential for nitrogen removal via denitrification, due to its great linear development, estimated in over 12 500 km, and its capillary distribution in the watershed. In particular, we estimated a maximum N loss up to 8500 t N yr−1, which represents up to 33% of the unaccounted for N amount in the basin. Overall, denitrification in surface aquatic habitats within this basin can be responsible for the permanent removal of about 12 000 t N yr−1; but the fate of some 14 000 t remains unknown. Available data on nitrate concentration in wells suggest that in the central part of the watershed groundwater accumulates nitrogen. Simultaneously, we provide evidences that part of the stored nitrate can be substantially recycled via springs and can pollute surface waters via river-groundwater interactions. This probably explains the ten fold increase of nitrate concentration in a reach of the Oglio River where no point pollutions sources are present

    Nitrogen balance and fate in a heavily impacted watershed (Oglio River, Northern Italy): in quest of the missing sources and sinks

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    We present data from a comprehensive investigation carried out from 2007 to 2010, focussing on nitrogen pollution in the Oglio River basin (3800 km<sup>2</sup>, Po Plain, Northern Italy). Nitrogen mass balances, computed for the whole basin with 2000 and 2008 data, suggest a large N surplus in this area, over 40 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>, and increasing between 2000 and 2008. Calculations indicate a very large impact of animal husbandry and agricultural activities in this watershed, with livestock manure and synthetic fertilizers contributing 85% of total N inputs (about 100 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>) and largely exceeding crop uptake and other N losses (about 60 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>). Nitrogen from domestic and industrial origin is estimated as about 5800 and 7200 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>, respectively, although these loads are overestimated, as denitrification in treatment plants is not considered; nonetheless, they represent a minor term of the N budget. Annual export of nitrogen from the basin, calculated from flow data and water chemistry at the mouth of the Oglio River, is estimated at 13 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>, and represents a relatively small fraction of N inputs and surplus (&sim;12% and 34%, respectively). After considering N sinks in crop uptake, soil denitrification and volatilization, a large excess remains unaccounted (&sim;26 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>) in unknown temporary or permanent N sinks. Nitrogen removal via denitrification was evaluated in the Oglio riverbed with stable isotope techniques (&delta;<sup>15</sup>N and &delta;<sup>18</sup>O in nitrate). The downstream final segment of the river displays an enriched nitrate stable isotope composition but calculations suggest a N removal corresponding to at most 20% of the unaccounted for N amount. Denitrification was also evaluated in riverine wetlands with the isotope pairing technique. Areal rates are elevated but overall N removal is low (about 1% of the missing N amount), due to small wetland surfaces and limited lateral connectivity. The secondary drainage channel network has a much higher potential for nitrogen removal via denitrification, due to its great linear development, estimated in over 12 500 km, and its capillary distribution in the watershed. In particular, we estimated a maximum N loss up to 8500 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>, which represents up to 33% of the unaccounted for N amount in the basin. Overall, denitrification in surface aquatic habitats within this basin can be responsible for the permanent removal of about 12 000 t N yr<sup>−1</sup>; but the fate of some 14 000 t remains unknown. Available data on nitrate concentration in wells suggest that in the central part of the watershed groundwater accumulates nitrogen. Simultaneously, we provide evidences that part of the stored nitrate can be substantially recycled via springs and can pollute surface waters via river-groundwater interactions. This probably explains the ten fold increase of nitrate concentration in a reach of the Oglio River where no point pollutions sources are present

    Taxonomic and functional responses of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to hydrological and water quality variations in a heavily regulated river

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates are frequently used to evaluate river system conditions and restoration project performance. A better understanding of macroinvertebrate community responses to multiple stressors is a primary challenge for river science. In this paper, macroinvertebrate responses to hydrological and water quality variability were studied in the regulated Oglio River (northern Italy). We hypothesized that in regulated rivers the hydrological, rather than the physico-chemical conditions, would affect macroinvertebrate communities and biomonitoring tools (taxonomic metrics and functional indices). Repeated sampling (six times a year) was performed at four sites downstream of four dams in a 30 km river stretch during 2014 and 2015. Data were analysed using a linear mixed effect framework, to take into account random variation due to site and sampling date, and with multivariate analysis to track changes in community structure. A total of 69 families and 134,693 organisms were identified. The investigated metrics were mainly affected by the coefficient of variation of discharge, minimum discharge, ammonium, and temperature. The short-term dynamics of hydrological and physico-chemical variables were generally less important than the overall random effects as drivers of macroinvertebrate-based metrics. However, the relevance of a random effect (site, time, their interaction) differed depending on the biological metrics analysed. Understanding potential differences in response to short term and short stretch conditions would benefit biomonitoring and restoration procedures in both regulated and natural rivers

    Evaluation of nitrate sources and transformation in the Oglio River watershed.

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    In agricultural watersheds, the management of nitrate contamination in rivers requires the understanding of the existing relationships between soil, groundwater and surface water. The reported data correspond to three sampling campaigns, conducted in different seasons on surface water in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone of Lombardy (Northern Italy). The Oglio River, its tributaries, one spring, and effluents from wastewater treatment plants were sampled to determine N content, speciation and nitrate isotopes. The nitrate content increased along the Oglio River, mostly due to groundwater inputs. In summer, nitrate tended to decrease at the downstream reach, whilst this trend was not clear in autumn and winter campaigns. In summertime chemical and isotopic data suggest the presence of weak denitrification in the Oglio riverbed. Chemical, isotopic data and flow measurements allow the definition of the N fluxes and identification of sources and processes affecting the nitrate concentration in the river

    Soil budget, net export and potential sinks of nitrogen in the lower Oglio River watershed (northern Italy)

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    A nitrogen mass balance, realized for the lower Oglio River basin (Po River Plain, northern Italy), suggested an elevated impact of agricultural activities in this watershed. Livestock manure, synthetic fertilizers, biological fixation, atmospheric deposition, and wastewater sludge contributed 51, 34, 12, 2, and 1% of total N (TN) input, respectively (basin average 450kgNha -1 arable land (AL)year -1, overall input 100115tNyear -1). Crop uptake, ammonia volatilization and denitrification in soils contributed 65, 21, and 14%, respectively, of TN output (basin average 270kgNha -1ALyear -1, overall output 60060tNyear -1). N inputs exceeded outputs by 40056tNyear -1, resulting in a basin average surplus of about 180kgNha -1ALyear -1. About 34% of the N surplus was exported annually from the basin while the remaining amount (about 26800tNyear -1) underwent other unaccounted for processes within the watershed. The relevance of nitrogen removal via denitrification in aquatic compartments within the watershed was evaluated. Denitrification in the secondary drainage network can represent a relevant nitrogen sink due to great linear extension (over 12500km), with estimated nitrogen loss up to 8500tNyear -1. Denitrification in the riverbed and in perifluvial wetlands have the potential to remove only a small fraction of the nitrogen surplus (&lt;3%). Evidence suggests the relevance of groundwater as a site of nitrogen accumulation. The novelty in the proposed approach consists in the evaluation of multiple N sources and sinks in over 200 single municipalities aggregated then on the watershed level. The present study demonstrates, via the soil system budget approach, that in the lower Oglio River (northern Italy) basin N inputs to arable lands largely exceed N requirements by crops