143 research outputs found

    Observational Manifestations of the First Protogalaxies in the 21 cm Line

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    The absorption properties of the first low-mass protogalaxies (mini-halos) forming at high redshifts in the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen are considered. The absorption properties of these protogalaxies are shown to depend strongly on both their mass and evolutionary status. The optical depths in the line reach \sim0.1-0.2 for small impact parameters of the line of sight. When a protogalaxy being compressed, the influence of gas accretion can be seen manifested in a non-monotonic frequency dependence of the optical depth. The absorption characteristics in the 21-cm line are determined by the thermal and dynamical evolution of the gas in protogalaxies. Since the theoretical line width in the observer's reference frame is 1-6 kHz and the expected separation between lines 8.4 kHz, the lines from low mass protogalaxies can be resolved using ongoing and future low frequency interferometers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    On creating mass/matter by extra dimensions in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    Kaluza-Klein (KK) black hole solutions in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity in DD dimensions obtained in the current series of the works by Maeda, Dadhich and Molina are examined. Interpreting their solutions, the authors claim that the mass/matter is created by the extra dimensions. To support this claim, one needs to show that such objects have classically defined masses. We calculate the mass and mass flux for 3D KK black holes in 6D EGB gravity whose properties are sufficiently physically interesting. Superpotentials for arbitrary types of perturbations on arbitrary curved backgrounds, recently obtained by the author, are used, and acceptable mass and mass flux are obtained. A possibility of considering the KK created matter as dark matter in the Universe is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, minor changes related to the Journal publication with adding two references in footnote

    The Quantum Propagator for a Nonrelativistic Particle in the Vicinity of a Time Machine

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    We study the propagator of a non-relativistic, non-interacting particle in any non-relativistic ``time-machine'' spacetime of the type shown in Fig.~1: an external, flat spacetime in which two spatial regions, VV_- at time tt_- and V+V_+ at time t+t_+, are connected by two temporal wormholes, one leading from the past side of VV_- to t the future side of V+V_+ and the other from the past side of V+V_+ to the future side of VV_-. We express the propagator explicitly in terms of those for ordinary, flat spacetime and for the two wormholes; and from that expression we show that the propagator satisfies completeness and unitarity in the initial and final ``chronal regions'' (regions without closed timelike curves) and its propagation from the initial region to the final region is unitary. However, within the time machine it satisfies neither completeness nor unitarity. We also give an alternative proof of initial-region-to-final-region unitarity based on a conserved current and Gauss's theorem. This proof can be carried over without change to most any non-relativistic time-machine spacetime; it is the non-relativistic version of a theorem by Friedman, Papastamatiou and Simon, which says that for a free scalar field, quantum mechanical unitarity follows from the fact that the classical evolution preserves the Klein-Gordon inner product

    The interaction of dark matter cusp with the baryon component in disk galaxies

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    In this paper we examine the effect of the formation and evolution of the disk galaxy on the distribution of dark halo matter. We have made simulations of isolated dark matter (DM) halo and two component (DM + baryons). N-body technique was used for stellar and DM particles and TVD MUSCL scheme for gas-dynamic simulations. The simulations include the processes of star formation, stellar feedback, heating and cooling of the interstellar medium. The results of numerical experiments with high spatial resolution let us to conclude in two main findings. First, accounting of star formation and supernova feedback resolves the so-called problem of cusp in distribution of dark matter predicted by cosmological simulations. Second, the interaction of dark matter with dynamic substructures of stellar and gaseous galactic disk (e.g., spiral waves, bar) has an impact on the shape of the dark halo. In particular, the in-plane distribution of dark matter is more symmetric in runs, where the baryonic component was taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Эпидемиологическая и этиологическая характеристика внебольничной пневмонии у военнослужащихпо призыву в современный период. Сравнительная оценка эффективности пневмококковых вакцин.

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze morbidity and to determine etiology of community-acquired pneumonia of conscripts, to examine the epidemiological effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate and non-conjugate polysaccharide vaccines for the prevention of community-acquired pneumonia in soldiers.Materials and methods. The incidence of communityacquired pneumonia of conscripts in the period from 2008 to 2017 was examined. PCR diagnosis of samples sputum and smears from the pharynx of 694 patients with pneumonia of conscripts was carried out to detect fragments of DNA/RNA of 14 different pathogens. Epidemiologic efficacy of conjugated and non-conjugated pneumococcal vaccine was studied in groups from a total population of 1727 soldiers.Results. It is established that over the past 8 years, the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia of military conscripts decreased by 2.7 times. However, the level of morbidity achieved in 2017 (25.7 ‰) is still very high compared to the incidence of contract soldiers (5.3 ‰) and the population (4.2 ‰).When determining the etiology of pneumonias in military conscripts by means of PCR diagnosis, the prevalence of S. pneumoniae and adenoviruses was established, the genetic material of which was detected in 56.3% and 35.9% of the examined samples, respectively. 56.1% of pneumonia had mixed, mainly viral-bacterial etiology.Among those who were vaccinated with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia was 4.5 times lower in the 5 – month follow – up period than in the comparison group (p < 0.001) (effectiveness was 77.7%), and among those who were vaccinated with non-conjugate polysaccharide vaccines it was 2.8 times lower (p < 0.001) (effectiveness was 64.3%).It was found that the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in military teams formed a collective immunity that prevents the circulation of pneumococci and the development of diseases not only in vaccinated persons, but also in unvaccinated persons.Conclusion. Both types of pneumococcal vaccines – conjugate, first used in the military, and usually used non-conjugate polysaccharide vaccine, have shown high epidemiological effectiveness in the prevention of community-acquired pneumonia and can equally be recommended for vaccination of recruits a month before the call to military service and of young soldiers, not vaccinated before the call.Цель: анализ заболеваемости и определение этиологии внебольничной пневмонии военнослужащих по призыву в современный период, оценка эпидемиологической эффективности 13-валентной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины для профилактики внебольничной пневмонии в воинских коллективах в сравнении с эффективностью неконъюгированных пневмококковых полисахаридных вакцин.Материалы и методы: проанализированы заболеваемость внебольничной пневмонией военнослужащих по призыву в период с 2008 по 2017 г. и результаты ПЦРдиагностики проб мокроты и мазков из зева 694 больных пневмонией военнослужащих по обнаружению фрагментов ДНК/РНК 14 различных возбудителей. Проведена оценка эпидемиологической эффективности пневмококковых конъюгированной и неконъюгированных полисахаридных вакцин в группах военнослужащих общей численностью 1727 человек.Результаты: установлено, что за последние восемь лет заболеваемость внебольничными пневмониями военнослужащих по призыву снизилась в 2,7 раза. Однако достигнутый в 2017 г. уровень заболеваемости (25,7 ‰) все еще очень высок в сравнении с заболеваемостью военнослужащих по контракту (5,3 ‰) и населения (4,2 ‰).При определении этиологии пневмоний у военнослужащих по призыву с помощью ПЦР-диагностики установлено превалирование S. pneumoniae и аденовирусов, генетический материал которых был обнаружен в 56,3% и 35,9% обследованных проб соответственно. 56,1% пневмоний имели смешанную, в основном вирусно-бактериальную этиологию.Среди вакцинированных пневмококковой конъюгированной вакциной за 5-месячный период наблюдения заболеваемость внебольничной пневмонией была в 4,5 раза меньше, чем в группе сравнения (р < 0,001) (показатель эффективности составил 77,7%), а среди вакцинированных неконъюгированными полисахаридными вакцинами – в 2,8 раза меньше (р < 0,001) (показатель эффективности – 64,3%). Установлено, что при применении пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины в коллективах военнослужащих формируется коллективный иммунитет, препятствующий циркуляции пневмококков и развитию заболеваний не только у привитых, но и у непривитых.Заключение: оба типа пневмококковых вакцин – конъюгированная, впервые примененная у военнослужащих, и обычно применяемая неконъюгированная полисахаридная вакцина – показали высокую эпидемиологическую эффективность в отношении профилактики внебольничных пневмоний и в равной степени могут быть рекомендованы для вакцинации призывников за месяц до призыва и новобранцев, не привитых перед призывом на военную службу

    Radiogenomic Mapping of Edema/Cellular Invasion MRI-Phenotypes in Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    Despite recent discoveries of new molecular targets and pathways, the search for an effective therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) continues. A newly emerged field, radiogenomics, links gene expression profiles with MRI phenotypes. MRI-FLAIR is a noninvasive diagnostic modality and was previously found to correlate with cellular invasion in GBM. Thus, our radiogenomic screen has the potential to reveal novel molecular determinants of invasion. Here, we present the first comprehensive radiogenomic analysis using quantitative MRI volumetrics and large-scale gene- and microRNA expression profiling in GBM.Based on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), discovery and validation sets with gene, microRNA, and quantitative MR-imaging data were created. Top concordant genes and microRNAs correlated with high FLAIR volumes from both sets were further characterized by Kaplan Meier survival statistics, microRNA-gene correlation analyses, and GBM molecular subtype-specific distribution.The top upregulated gene in both the discovery (4 fold) and validation (11 fold) sets was PERIOSTIN (POSTN). The top downregulated microRNA in both sets was miR-219, which is predicted to bind to POSTN. Kaplan Meier analysis demonstrated that above median expression of POSTN resulted in significantly decreased survival and shorter time to disease progression (P<0.001). High POSTN and low miR-219 expression were significantly associated with the mesenchymal GBM subtype (P<0.0001).Here, we propose a novel diagnostic method to screen for molecular cancer subtypes and genomic correlates of cellular invasion. Our findings also have potential therapeutic significance since successful molecular inhibition of invasion will improve therapy and patient survival in GBM

    Non-Waste Alternative Technologies in the Production of Heterologous Anti-Rabies Immunoglobulin

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    Presented is a comprehensive approach to utilization of the wastes that appear in the process of heterologous anti-rabies immunoglobulin production (packed red cells, fibrin, and alcohol-containing products). Specific immunoglobulin is extracted from the surface of red blood cells using desorption technique. Additional yields of immunoglobulin after exposure of erythrocytes to non-ionic detergent amount to 10-19 % of the output. Rich protein supplement feeding for horses-producers is obtained from spray-dried packed red cells. Solid nutritious substrate for microbiological media production is obtained from fibrin using enzymic hydrolysis method. The efficiency of the fibrin hydrolysate-based media is 1.5-2 times higher in comparison with that of the media based on the digest of meat and casein, as demonstrated by the results of Vibrio cholerae scaled cultivation. Furthermore, worked out is the technology of ethanol regeneration after the rivanol-ethanolic precipitation of gamma globulin, alcohol content by volume being (93±1) % after the regeneration. It is demonstrated that the regenerated alcohol can be used as a precipitator in the process of anti-rabies serum fractioning. All in all, the developed techniques make it possible to utilize the wastes of anti-rabies immunoglobulin production and provide for further use of derivatives while producing medical immunobiological preparations

    Рекомендации по проведению тримодальной терапии рака мочевого пузыря (Невский консенсус 2021)

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    The aim of this work was to clarify and extend the existing clinical guidelines on organ-sparing treatment of muscleinvasive bladder cancer. The standard protocol of radical conservative treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer includes transurethral resection of the bladder, external beam radiotherapy with simultaneous chemotherapy (radiosensitization), which is usually referred to as trimodal therapy. The implementation of trimodal therapy into routine practice in Russia is limited due to the lack of distinct criteria for each of the stages. The involvement of surgeons, radiation oncologists, and chemotherapists, on the one hand, provides the required multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment; on the other hand, it might impede the entire algorithm. To address this problem, specialists from the Department of Radiology (project moderators), Department of Cancer Urology, and Department of Chemotherapy of N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology under the auspices of Saint Petersburg Oncological Research Society formed a group of experts, including radiation oncologists, urologists, and chemotherapists from federal and local cancer (educational) institutions of Saint Petersburg who had an experience of treating muscle-invasive bladder cancer. The guideline was developed with the consideration of available guidelines published by leading professional associations of radiotherapy and oncology (urological), research articles, and own experience.         Цель работы – уточнение и дополнение клинических рекомендаций по органосохраняющему лечению мышечноинвазивного рака мочевого пузыря. Стандартный протокол радикального консервативного лечения мышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря включает трансуретральную резекцию мочевого пузыря, дистанционную лучевую терапию с одновременной химиотерапией (радиосенсибилизацию) и называется тримодальной терапией. Широкое внедрение тримодальной терапии в отечественную практику ограничено отсутствием четких критериев для каждого из этапов. Участие в протоколе хирургов, радиационных онкологов и химиотерапевтов, с одной стороны, обеспечивает необходимый мультидисциплинарный характер лечения онкологического больного, с другой – затрудняет реализацию всего алгоритма. Для осуществления поставленной задачи отделениями радиотерапии (модераторы проекта) и онкоурологии, а также отделением химиотерапии и инновационных технологий НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Петрова под эгидой Петербургского онкологического научного общества сформирована группа экспертов, включающая радиационных онкологов, онкоурологов и химиотерапевтов федеральных и городских онкологических (образовательных) учреждений (г. Санкт-Петербург), имеющих опыт лечения мышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря. Разработка рекомендаций велась с учетом имеющихся рекомендаций ведущих профессиональных радиотерапевтических и онкологических (урологических) ассоциаций, опубликованных статей и собственного опыта