35 research outputs found

    Cracking of C3-C4 Hydrocarbons on Cobalt and Palladium-Carbon Catalysts

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    The process of C3-C4 hydrocarbon cracking on cobalt and palladium cardonic catalysts, obtained under conditions of propane-butane mixture pyrolysis, was studied. It was found that using of carbon-mineral catalyst increases gas conversion and selectivity, yield of olefines and aromatic compounds

    Problems of optimizing the tax burden in the Russian Federation

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    В статье рассмотрены некоторые проблемы, связанные с повышением налогового обременения в России в период 2005-2016 г.The article discusses some of the problems associated with raising the tax burden in Russia in the period 2015-2016

    Determination of dental and hygienic status in children with cleft lip and palate in the region with ecotoxicant

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    The analysis of the results of dental examination in children with congenital cleft lip and palate at the age of 3 years and 6 years and in children without this pathology was made. Based on the results of a dental examination in the Republic of Bashkortostan, as a region with unfavorable environmental factors, it is noted: children with congenital cleft lip and palate have a higher percentage of tooth decay, higher level of caries intensity, much worse oral hygiene.Произведён анализ результатов стоматологического обследования у детей с врожденной расщелиной губы и неба в возрасте 3-х лет и 6-ти лет и у детей без данной патологии. На основании результатов проведенного стоматологического обследования в Республике Башкортостан – как регионе с неблагоприятными экологическими факторами, отмечено: у детей с врожденной расщелиной губы и неба более высокий процент поражения кариесом зубов, выше уровень интенсивности кариеса, значительно хуже гигиена полости рта

    Preparation and characterization of stable aqueous suspensions of up-converting Er3+/Yb3+-doped LiNbO3 nanocrystals

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    The preparation of LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ nanocrystals and their up-conversion properties have been studied. It is demonstrated that polyethyleneimine- (PEI) assisted dispersion procedures allow obtaining stable aqueous LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ powder suspensions, with average size particles well below the micron range (100–200 nm) and the isoelectric point of the suspension reaching values well above pH 7. After excitation of Yb3+ ions at a wavelength of 980 nm, the suspensions exhibit efficient, and stable, IR-to-visible (green and red) up-conversion properties, easily observed by the naked eye, very similar to those of the starting crystalline bulk material

    Полимеризация стирола в присутствии кремнийорганических ПАВ различной природы

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    The characteristics of polymer suspensions received in the presence of different siliconorganic detergents were compared. The polymer suspensions have the narrow distribution of particles by size and contain the functional groups on their surface.Проведено сравнение свойств полимерных суспензий, полученных с использованием кремнийорганических ПАВ различного строения. Полученные полимерные суспензии характеризуются узким распределением по размерам и содержат на своей поверхности функциональные группы


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    Activity approach, differently refracted at different levels of education, has put many new challenges for teachers. The competence approach acts as the methodological basis of the state educational standard of higher professional education, additional professional education; the system-activity approach acts as the methodological basis of the standards of General education. With regard to teachers of General education, the main task is to overcome the contradiction between the real level of their qualifications and new high requirements for them. These requirements are outlined in the leading normative documents of the educational standards, Professional standard “Teacher”. For the system of teacher professional development the authors of this article propose an integrated approach that combines competence-based and system-activity approaches. The integrated approach differs substantially for teachers who teach subjects of Humanities and science profiles. The paper presents the examples of tasks for various categories of teachers, the specifics of the project and research activities, as well as the characteristics of the process of problematization in the classroom and in extracurricular activities of the teachers. The universal educational actions are differenciated from the position of the variable component. At the same time the authors understand the necessity of taking into account the invariant component in the teaching of humanitarian and natural science disciplines. This thesis is a reflection of the general trend towards integration and interdisciplinarity

    Polymerization of styrene in the presence of different siliconorganic detergents.

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    The characteristics of polymer suspensions received in the presence of different siliconorganic detergents were compared. The polymer suspensions have the narrow distribution of particles by size and contain the functional groups on their surface