580 research outputs found

    Large Scale Distribution of Massive Dose Vitamin a in Indonesia (a Study of the Operational Aspects)

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    Suatu pilot proyek pemberian vitamin A dosis tinggi (200.000 IU vitamin A dan 40 IU vitamin E dalam kapsul) sekali tiap 6 bulan kepada anak-anak umur 1-4 tahun di 20 kecamatan Jawa Barat, Tengah dan Timur diadakan mulai 1973. Berdasar perhitungan proyeksi penduduk hasil sensus 1971, di wilayah proyek ini terdapat sejumlah 92.247-101.468 anak sasaran. Pemberian kapsul vitamin A di tiap kecamatan dilakukan oleh dua petugas Puskesmas yang bekerja 3 hari seminggu sedemikian hingga dalam 6 bulan dicapai seluruh anak sasaran dalam wilayah tugasnya. Mereka masing-masing dibantu oleh dua tenaga desa selama bekerja di desa yang bersangkutan. Pemberian kapsul dijalankan secara mengumpulkan anak-anak di suatu tempat di Rukun Tetangga, atau mengunjungi rumah-ke-rumah, atau kombinasi dari keduanya. Tiap anak berumur 1-4 tahun didaftar nama, jenis, umur, nama orang tuanya. Mereka yang berhasil diberi kapsul dicatat. Juga dicatat mereka yang tidak berhasil diberi kapsul, serta alasannya. Pada putaran berikutnya; semua anak yang menjadi berumur 1 tahun diberi kapsul, sedang yang lewat 4 tahun tidak diberi lagi. Hasil penilaian tahun pertama menunjukkan bahwa 76-86 persen dari anak sasaran berhasil diberi kapsul. Jumlah ini menurun dari putaran pertama ke putaran kedua. Sebabnya a.l. musim hujan, sukar mengenali kembali anak yang telah diberi kapsul, dan penolakan orang tua terhadap pemberian kapsul kepada anaknya. Penolakan karena anak muntah dan berak setelah diberi kapsul sebesar setengah persen dari jumlah anak yang diberi kapsul. Tidak diketahui dengan pasti apakah itu gejala hipervitaminosis A. Jumlah anak yang tidak berhasil diberi kapsul rata-rata 20 persen dari anak sasaran. Tidak diketahui apakah kepekaan terhadap defisiensi vitamin A mereka ini sama dengan yang berhasil diberi kapsul. Jika anak yang tidak berhasil diberi kapsul itu justru golongan terpeka, maka cara pencegahan defisiensi vitamin A ini belum berhasil. Perhitungan sementara menunjukkan bahwa biaya pemberian vitamin A dosis tinggi ini per tahun per anak = 54 sen US$, dan akan berkurang bila modal awal dirata-ratakan untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya

    Mode of Action Anti Serangga dari Tananam Jayanti (Sesbania sesban L. Merr.)(MAGNOLIOPSIDA: FABACEAE)

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    Abstrak: Dari hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya telah diketahui, bahwa tanaman Jayanti (Sesbania. Sesban) memiliki aktivitas anti serangga terhadap Plutella xylostella, salah satu jenis serangga hama penting tanaman kubis. Juga telah diketahui, bahwa bahan aktif anti serangga dari S. sesban dengan konsentrasi tertentu dapat mematikan imago Diadegma semiclausum, yang merupakan musuh alami dari P. xylostella. Namun demikian, mode-mode aksi aplikasi bahan insektisida dari S. sesban yang selektif untuk pengendalian serangga hama, yaitu dapat menekan populasi P. xylostella namun aman terhadap populasi D. semiclausum belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mode-mode aksi aplikasi berbagai fraaksi ekstrak daun S. sesban yang selektif untuk pengendalian P. xylostella. àSerbuk kering daun S. sesban diekstraksi secara bertingkat menggunakan seri pelarut, yaitu berturut-turut petroleum eter, diklorometana, etanol dan air. Masing-masing fraksi ekstrak daun S. sesban dilakukan bioassay terhadap àP. Xylostella secara parallel, àyaitu uji mortalitas larva, uji daya tolak ovipositor, uji penghambatan penetasan telur dan uji anti feedant. Data hasil setiap uji hayati diolah dengan analisis probit untuk menentukan LC50 (mortalitas larva) dan EC50 (daya tolak ovipositor, penghambatan tetas telur dan daya anti feedant). Hasil menunjukkan,à bahwa fraksi ekstrak-etanol daun S. sesban memiliki daya anti serangga terhadap P. xylostella lebih tinggi daripada fraksi-fraksi ekstrak lainnya. Hasil juga menunjukkan, bahwa aplikasi fraksi ekstrak-etanol daun S. sesban melalui mode-modeà aksià anti ovipositor dan anti feedant adalah selektif untuk pengendalianà P. xylostella. Harga EC50 daya tolak ovipositor (20.52 ppm) dan EC50 anti feedant (26.77 ppm) terhadap P. xylostella masing-masing lebih kecil daripada harga LC50 (37.38 ppm) terhadap D. semiclausum. Disarankan, bahwa penggunaan ekstrak daun S. sesban untuk pengendalian P. xylostella hendaknya diarahkan untuk aplikasi menolak oviposisi dan menghambat aktivitas makan dan tidak disarakan untuk aplikasi mematikan larva dan menghambat penetasan telur P. xylostella. Juga disarankan, bahwa selektivitas ekologis dan efektivitas pengendalian P. xylostella dengan insektisida dari S. sesban perlu dievaluasi dengan mempelajari lebih lanjut stabilitas anti serangga dari S. sesban selama penyimpanan serbuk kering daun sebelum diekstraksi, penyimpanan ekstrak sebelum diaplikasikan, dan stabilitasnya selama aplikasi.Kata kunci: Diadgma semiclausum, mode aksi anti serangga, Plutella xylostella, Sesbania sesban.Abstract: From the results of previous studies have been known that Jayanti (Sesbania sesban) plants have anti-insect activity against Plutella xylostella, one of the important species of insect pests of cabbage. It is also well known, that the anti-insect active ingredient from S. sesban with a certain concentration can kill Diadegma semiclausum imago, which is a natural enemy of P. xylostella. However, selective modes of action for the application of insecticides from S. sesban for pest control, which suppress P. xylostella populations but are safe against D. semiclausum are not yet known. The S. sesban leaf dry powder was extracted stratified using a series of solvents, namely petroleum ether, dichloromethane, ethanol and water, respectively. Each fraction of S. sesban leaf extract was bioassayed on P. xylostella in parallel, namely larval mortality, ovipositor resistance, egg hatching inhibition and anti-feedant tests. Data on the results of each bioassay was analyzed by probit analysis to determine LC50à(larval mortality) and EC50à(ovipositor resistance, egg hatching inhibition and anti-feedant power. The results show that the extract fraction-ethanol of S. sesban leaves has higher insect repellent ability against P. xylostella than other extract fractions. The results also showed that the application of S. sesban leaf extract fraction-ethanol through each mode of action of anti-ovipositor and anti-feedant was selective for the control of P. xylostella. Each of the reject ovipositor EC50à(20.52 ppm) and anti-feedant EC50à(26.77 ppm) values against P. xylostella was smaller than the LC50àprice (37.38 ppm) against D. semiclausum imago. It is recommended that the use of S. sesban leaf extract for controlling P. xylostella should be directed with application to reject oviposition and inhibit eating activities. This is because the concentration of the extract application is safe against D. semiclausum. Application of S. sesban leaf extract is not recommended to kill larvae and inhibit hatching eggs of P. xylostella because it requires a greater concentration of extract application and can suppress the population of D. semiclausum. Ecological anti-insect selectivity and effectiveness of using insecticide from S. sesban for the control of P. xylostella need to be evaluated by further studying the stability of the anti-insect active ingredient from S. sesban during storage of dried leaf powder before extracting, storage of extracts before being applied, and their stability during application.Keywords: Diadegma semiclausum, insecticidal mode of action, Plutella xylostella, Sesbania sesban

    Multifunctional microsphere formulation of fluorescent magnetic properties for drug delivery system

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    © 2017 Author(s). The microsphere formulations of Chit/TPP/Sm/Fe3O4/Rn were prepared by an ionic gelation technique, where Chit=chitosan, TPP=tripolyphosphate, Sm=samarium and Rn=ranitidine. Optimum of microsphere formulation exhibit magnetic and fluorescent properties with adsorption efficiency of ∼92% was obtained for Chit/TPP/Sm/Fe3O4/Rn with ratio 400:500:50:1:20. Fluorescence intensity of microsphere formulations increased with the cumulative amount release of ranitidine, so that the changing of fluorescence intensity at wavelength of 590 nm referring to the Sm3+ ion could be used as indicator in DDS. With the demonstration of sustained release from microsphere formulation, it allows to investigate the applications to other drugs

    After the Rain Falls: the Impact of the East Kalimantan Forestry Industry on Tribal Society

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    The exploitation and destruction of forests have reached such a critical level that the consequences have attracted the attention of the wider community. The resounding response, however, has been to highlight the problems of the environment rather than the humanitarian aspect of the elimination of the tribal and indigenous people who live in and around the forest. For generations, tribal and indigenous people have depended for their livelihood on the generosity of the forest but now, with the arrival of large capital which exploits the forest, their sovereignty over and access to forest resources have been stolen from them. This phenomenon is intrinsically connected to forest management policies which emphasize efforts to obtain foreign exchange by exploiting economically valuable forest products and in particular timber. The large profits which can be reaped from the forestry sector, the increase in foreign exchange and the ability to absorb labor are the aspects put forward to legitimize large capital operations. The forest is seen as a natural resource which can be exploited to obtain surplus. In terms of foreign exchange these policies have been successful. In 1994, for example, the forestry sector contributed US$ 7.7 billion to foreign revenue. Conversely, this success has come at a high cost with the destruction of the forest ecosystem and the way of life of local communities. Ecologically, the destruction of the forest results in interference with the global ecosystem. In socio-cultural terms, a conflict of interests occurs between local culture and the forms of modern culture associated with forest industrialization. On the one hand, modernization sees local culture as an obstruction which must be “swept aside” or “replaced” so that the development process, meaning the acquisition of surplus from forest products, is not seriously disturbed by local tribal communities. On the other hand, the tribal and indigenous people see industrialization and all its values and apparatus as a threat to their customary rights over the forest

    Diversity Of Arthropod Predator In Swamp Rice Fields In South Sumatera

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    The abundance and diversity of arthropod in agro ecosystem depend on the level of synthetic pesticide contamination. This study aimed to explore, identify and analyze the diversity and abundance of predatory arthropods in swamp rice fields treated with pesticide application (in Pemulutan) and without pesticide application (in Musi 2). The swamp rice fields in Pemulutan are bordered by village, river and forest. The methods were survey and direct observation on 3 ha and 2 ha of swamp rice fields in Pemulutan and Musi 2, Palembang. Sampling of predatory arthropods were conducted at 20, 50, 80 and 110 days after rice planting using pitfall trap. Identification of predatory arthropods was conducted at Laboratory of Entomology showing that the arthropod collected consisted of 17 species of insects and 9 species of Arachnida. In Pemulutan Ogan Ilir were found 19 species (10 species of insect and 9 species of Arachnida) at the village area. In the area that was bordered by river were found 8 species (7 insect and 1 Arachnida). In the area bordered by forest were found 22 species (10 species of insects and 12 species of Arachnida). The diversity level, number of species, and arthropod specimen in the field without pesticide application at Musi 2 were higher than those in the fields with pesticide application in Pemulutan

    Analysis of Triterpenoid Compounds at the Level of Solution Pollarity From Water Extract of Bean Fruit (Phaseulus Vulgaris L)

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    This study aims to analyze the triterpenoid group compounds from solvent partition result extract green bean fruit extract (Phaseulus vulgaris Linn) through increasing solvent polarity level. Extracts of beans was extracted by maceration using a water solvent (1: 18 w / v). The result of preliminary test resulted that the viscous water extract of green beans positively contained triterpenoid, and the result of GC-MS analysis showed that triterpenoid compound was present in the fraction of methanol extract that is tetracyclic triterpenoid type, lanostane: 9,19-cyclolanost-24-en-3-ol ( cycloartenol) which has the molecular formula C30H50O (m / z = 426)

    Usaha Tani Lada Putih di Desa Kedarpan Kecamatan Kejobong Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    The title of this research is "White Pepper farming in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency". The purpose of this research was to analyze the advantages and the economic efficiency of white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency. The research method is a survey. This research used are primary data and secondary data. The samples are all members of farmer groups, namely white pepper farmer groups Margo Utomo numbered 44 people. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the advantages (TR-TC) and analysis of R/C ratio. Based on the results of the research are first, white pepper farming is unprofitable, with the average loss per hectare is -Rp27.900.460,11. Second, the results of the analysis of R/C ratio shows that the value of economic efficiency white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village, Subdistrict of Kejobong, Purbalingga Regency yet efficient is 0,81. The implications of this research are white pepper farm in Kedarpan Village Subdistrict of Kejobong Purbalingga Regency farmers should pay attention to the factors of production are excluded, as it is known that there are three costs incurred is too large labor costs, the cost of fertilizer, and land rental costs. White pepper farmers also need to pay attention to post-harvest processing, especially in the immersion process so that the quality of white pepper in the village Kedarpan be nice. The local government or related agencies namely the Department of Agriculture, Plantation and Forestry should continue to conduct cooperation and assistance in the form of training and guidance to the group farming white pepper so that the pepper farmers have the knowledge and deeper understanding of the problems of farming white pepper so that the farmers can develop their business