14 research outputs found

    Розвиток історико-краєзнавчої бібліографії в Криму (20–30-ті роки ХХ століття)

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    Викладені передумови розвитку краєзнавчої бібліографії в Кримській АРСР, виділені її відмінні риси. Схарактеризована діяльність видатного історика, ученого-краєзнавця А. І. Маркевича. Висвітлений внесок у розвиток історико-краєзнавчої бібліографії Криму бібліографів В. В. Симоновського, Д. М. Єгорова, Д. С. Спиридонова, Ф. П. Максименка та ін.Изложены предпосылки развития краеведческой библиографии в Крымской АССР, выделены ее отличительные черты. Рассмотрена деятельность выдающегося историка, ученого-краеведа А. И. Маркевича. Дан анализ его фундаментального труда “TAURICA”, который является одним из ключевых историко-краеведческих пособий, созданных в период существования Крымской АССР.The prerequisites of the development of regional bibliography in the Crimean ASSR are presented, its distinguishing features are allocated. The activity of the outstanding historian, scientist- student of local lore A. I. Markevich is examined. There is the analysis of its fundamental work “TAURICA”, which is one of the key historic- regional textbook, created in the time of Crimean ASSR. There is the characteristic of indicators by V. V. Simonovskiy — “bibliography of krymovedeniya”. The contribution to development of the historic- regional bibliography of Crimea the bibliographers D. N. Yegorov, D. S. Spiridonov, F. F. Maksimenko and others is illuminated

    Nanophononics: state of the art and perspectives

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    Elasticity and Poisson's ratio of hexagonal close-packed hydrogen at high pressures

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    International audienceThe elasticity at high pressure of solid hydrogen in hexagonal close-packed (hcp) phase I has been examined experimentally by laser acoustics technique in a diamond anvil cell, up to 55 GPa at 296 K, and theoretically using pair and three-body semiempirical potentials, up to 160 GPa. In the experiments on H2 and D2, the compressional sound velocity has been measured; the Poisson's ratio has been determined by combining these data with the previously reported equation of state. At room temperature, the difference between the adiabatic and isothermal processes vanishes above 25 GPa but cannot be neglected at lower pressure. Theoretically, all five elastic constants of hcp hydrogen have been calculated, and various derived elastic quantities are presented. The elastic anisotropy of hcp hydrogen was found to be significant, with ΔP ≈ 1.2, ΔS1 ≈ 1.7, and ΔS2 ≈ 1. Calculations suggest the Poisson's ratio to decrease with pressure reaching a minimum value of 0.28 at 145 GPa. In the experiment, the Poisson's ratio is also found to decrease with pressure. Theoretical calculations show that the inclusion of zero-point vibrations on the elastic properties of H2 does not result in any drastic changes of the behavior of the elastic quantities

    Nonadiabatic molecular alignment of linear molecules probed by strong-field ionization yields of photoelectrons [Book Chapter]

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    The dynamics of rotational wave packets of laser-aligned linear molecules were studied with femtosecond laser-driven strong-field ionization (SFI). The dynamics were observed as a function of the delay between a femtosecond probe pulse and a linearly polarized aligning pump pulse. The induced nonadiabatic molecular alignment was directly monitored by the total SFI yield. The measured revival signatures were compared to the calculated degree of molecular alignment taking into account the effects of electronic structure and symmetry of the molecules. By fitting the calculated alignment parameter to the measured experimental data, we also determined the molecular rotational constants of N 2 , CO, O 2 , and C 2 H 2 gas molecules. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018