28 research outputs found
Geocoded real estate price in Perm, Russia
This is a primary data on advertisements about the selling of secondary property in Perm, Russia. Perm is the 11th largest city in Russia and has approximately 1 million residents. Data taken from Metrosphera.ru listing website as the most extensive source concerning housing market information in the city with, expertly, near 80% of all selling ads placed on it. The apartment listings represent the following information: district, address, number of rooms, price, floor level, total square footage, house type and house material. It should be noted that the initial declared price is used as a unit of observation. Price revisions are not taken into account. In order to extract the data, we develop a scraping tool for daily downloading of all advertisements available in the period from October 2014 to February 2015.
To add the geographical coordinates, we take the GIS data of all buildings in Perm with their addresses and geographic coordinates and match it with prices data by the address of a building. This allows constructing the geocoded data on prices and calculating the geographic distances between listed objects
Asymmetric loss function in product-level sales forecasting:An empirical comparison
In the paper we study the behavior of models estimated using asymmetric loss function for the prediction of product-level sales. The paper is focused on the deriving of a loss function from the newsvendor model where the cost of sales over-and underprediction are not equal. We describe the properties of the asymmetric loss function and validate its performance on transactional sales data. The results show that when costs of sales over-and underprediction are non-equal, the prediction function obtained using asymmetric loss leads to lower economic costs compared with symmetric one. Our findings suggest implementing this type of forecasting method to predict product-level sales in the retail and restaurant industries to better accommodate business goals when solving inventory planning tasks.</p
Geocoded real estate price in Perm, Russia
This is a primary data on advertisements about the selling of secondary property in Perm, Russia. Perm is the 11th largest city in Russia and has approximately 1 million residents. Data taken from Metrosphera.ru listing website as the most extensive source concerning housing market information in the city with, expertly, near 80% of all selling ads placed on it. The apartment listings represent the following information: district, address, number of rooms, price, floor level, total square footage, house type and house material. It should be noted that the initial declared price is used as a unit of observation. Price revisions are not taken into account. In order to extract the data, we develop a scraping tool for daily downloading of all advertisements available in the period from October 2014 to February 2015.
To add the geographical coordinates, we take the GIS data of all buildings in Perm with their addresses and geographic coordinates and match it with prices data by the address of a building. This allows constructing the geocoded data on prices and calculating the geographic distances between listed objects
Conversion of the Defense Industry and Ikansformation of the Economy of the USSR
The current development of the Soviet economy depends in large measure on the degree to which production and mobilizational military-production potential will be used to realize national-economic tasks.
Whole genome sequence data of Lactobacillus fermentum AG8, the producer of antibacterial peptides
Lactic acid bacteria are widespread in various ecological niches and are widely used in various biotechnological processes like dairy food and silage production. While a number industrial strains of Lactobacillus are available to the date, a screening of new ones is still challenging. The Lactobacillus fermentum AG8 strain was isolated from the 4-months old fermented silage and characterized as producer of antimicrobial peptides. The genome has been sequenced by using Illumina MySeq platform with the coverage of 65x. Finally 277 contigs with total length 2.28 Mb have been obtained and 219 of them were linked in 1 segment with 1.96 Mb length. The analysis of the genome by RAST web-service has revealed 4273 coding sequences encoding for proteins including 2337 proteins without known function and 64 genes encoding for RNAs and 706 from genes were divided in 22 subsystems groups, while 1631 of them were not in any subsystem. The NCBI Bioproject has been deposited at NCBI under the accession number SUB8124387 and consists of full annotated genome and raw sequence data
Human Alternatively Spliced Tissue Factor Promotes Monocyte-Endothelial Interactions Via Upregulation of Adhesion Molecules In Microvascular Endothelial Cells
Thrombosis and Hemostasi
Neonatal cardiovascular system adaptation in babies with intrauterine growth retardation
Objective: to reveal the adaptive features of the cardiovascular system in newborn infants with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) on the basis of a clinical instrumental study.Subjects and methods. A study group included 100 newborn infants with IUGR; a control group consisted of 40 babies with normal anthropometric measurements at birth. Medical history and clinical data and electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings were analyzed.Results. All the examinees with IUGR had manifestations of cardiovascular system dysadaptation. There was a high rate of electrocardiographic changes, such as cardiac arrhythmias; low voltage; systolic overload of the right heart and left ventricle; signs of ventricular hypertrophy; and transient myocardial ischemia. The specific features of cardiac hemodynamics were decreased sizes of the left ventricle, lower parameters of its systolic function, and longer functioning of fetal communications.Conclusion. IUGR is associated with the development of cardiovascular system dysadaptation syndrome, which is due to prior perinatal hypoxia. The findings necessitate a follow-up of children by involving a cardiologist
Evaluation of Non-Proteolytic Functions of Murine Alternatively Spliced Tissue Factor
Thrombosis and Hemostasi