703 research outputs found

    Uncertainty-principle noise in vacuum-tunneling transducers

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    The fundamental sources of noise in a vacuum-tunneling probe used as an electromechanical transducer to monitor the location of a test mass are examined using a first-quantization formalism. We show that a tunneling transducer enforces the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the position and momentum of a test mass monitored by the transducer through the presence of two sources of noise: the shot noise of the tunneling current and the momentum fluctuations transferred by the tunneling electrons to the test mass. We analyze a number of cases including symmetric and asymmetric rectangular potential barriers and a barrier in which there is a constant electric field. Practical configurations for reaching the quantum limit in measurements of the position of macroscopic bodies with such a class of transducers are studied

    Photon creation in a spherical oscillating cavity

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    We study the photon creation inside a perfectly conducting, spherical oscillating cavity. The electromagnetic field inside the cavity is described by means of two scalar fields which satisfy Dirichlet and (generalized) Neumann boundary conditions. As a preliminary step, we analyze the dynamical Casimir effect for both scalar fields. We then consider the full electromagnetic case. The conservation of angular momentum of the electromagnetic field is also discussed, showing that photons inside the cavity are created in singlet states.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Electrochemical synthesis of C-glycosides as non-natural mimetics of biologically active oligosaccharides

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    Natural oligosaccharides inhibitors of heparanase and selectins are emerging as promising drugs for cancer therapy. As an alternative tool to the natural ones, sulfated tri maltose C-C-linked dimers (alfa,alfa alfa,beta and beta,beta STMCs) were prepared by bromo-maltotriose electroreduction on silver cathode,1 followed by sulfation. The presence of an interglycosidic C-C bond makes STMCs less vulnerable to metabolic processing then their O-analogues. For this reason, STMCs have been studied as drug candidates and inhibitors of carbohydrate processing enzymes. Their activity as inhibitor of Pselectin in vivo and in the attenuation of metastasis both on B16-BL6 melanoma cells and on MC- 38 carcinoma cells2 prompted to the optimization of their synthetic process. Therefore, the electrochemical process for the C-C coupling of the model molecule acetobromoglucose has been investigated by changing various reaction conditions such as solvent and arrangement of the electrolytic cell, aiming at the final scale-up of the reaction

    Anomalies in electrostatic calibrations for the measurement of the Casimir force in a sphere-plane geometry

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    We have performed precision electrostatic calibrations in the sphere-plane geometry and observed anomalous behavior. Namely, the scaling exponent of the electrostatic signal with distance was found to be smaller than expected on the basis of the pure Coulombian contribution and the residual potential found to be distance dependent. We argue that these findings affect the accuracy of the electrostatic calibrations and invite reanalysis of previous determinations of the Casimir force.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Are violations to temporal Bell inequalities there when somebody looks?

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    The possibility of observing violations of temporal Bell inequalities, originally proposed by Leggett as a mean of testing the quantum mechanical delocalization of suitably chosen macroscopic bodies, is discussed by taking into account the effect of the measurement process. A general criterion quantifying this possibility is defined and shown not to be fulfilled by the various experimental configurations proposed so far to test inequalities of different forms.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps figure, needs europhys.sty and euromacr.tex, enclosed in the .tar.gz file; accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Gestures and words in naming: Evidence from cross-linguistic and cross-cultural comparison

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    We report on an analysis of spontaneous gesture production in 2-year-old children who come from three countries (Italy, UK and Australia) and whom speak two languages (Italian and English), in an attempt to tease apart the influence of language and culture when comparing children from different cultural and linguistic environments. Eighty-seven monolingual children aged 24-30 months completed an experimental task measuring their comprehension and production of nouns and predicates. The Italian children scored significantly higher than the other groups on all lexical measures. With regards to gestures, British children produced significantly fewer pointing and speech combinations compared to the Italian and Australian children, who did not differ from each other. In contrast, Italian children produced significantly more representational gestures than the two other groups. We conclude that spoken language development is primarily influenced by the input language over gesture production, whereas the combination of cultural and language environments affects gesture productions

    Black hole mass estimates in quasars - A comparative analysis of high- and low-ionization lines

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    The inter-line comparison between high- and low-ionization emission lines has yielded a wealth of information on the quasar broad line region (BLR) structure and dynamics, including perhaps the earliest unambiguous evidence in favor of a disk + wind structure in radio-quiet quasars. We carried out an analysis of the CIV 1549 and Hbeta line profiles of 28 Hamburg-ESO high luminosity quasars and of 48 low-z, low luminosity sources in order to test whether the high-ionization line CIV 1549 width could be correlated with Hbeta and be used as a virial broadening estimator. We analyze intermediate- to high-S/N, moderate resolution optical and NIR spectra covering the redshifted CIV and Hβ\beta over a broad range of luminosity log L ~ 44 - 48.5 [erg/s] and redshift (0 - 3), following an approach based on the quasar main sequence. The present analysis indicates that the line width of CIV 1549 is not immediately offering a virial broadening estimator equivalent to Hβ\beta. At the same time a virialized part of the BLR appears to be preserved even at the highest luminosities. We suggest a correction to FWHM(CIV) for Eddington ratio (using the CIV blueshift as a proxy) and luminosity effects that can be applied over more than four dex in luminosity. Great care should be used in estimating high-L black hole masses from CIV 1549 line width. However, once corrected FWHM(CIV) values are used, a CIV-based scaling law can yield unbiased MBH values with respect to the ones based on Hβ\beta with sample standard deviation ~ 0.3 dex.Comment: 43 pages, 15 Figures, submitted to A&

    Quantum damping of position due to energy measurements

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    Quantum theory for measurements of energy is introduced and its consequences for the average position of monitored dynamical systems are analyzed. It turns out that energy measurements lead to a localization of the expectation values of other observables. This is manifested, in the case of position, as a damping of the motion without classical analogue. Quantum damping of position for an atom bouncing on a reflecting surface in presence of a homogeneous gravitational field is dealt in detail and the connection with an experiment already performed in the classical regime is studied. We show that quantum damping is testable provided that the same measurement strength obtained in the experimental verification of the quantum Zeno effect in atomic spectroscopy [W. M. Itano et al., Phys. Rev. A {\bf 41}, 2295 (1990)] is made available.Comment: 19 pages + 4 figures available upon request; Plain REVTeX; To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Casimir energy and entropy between dissipative mirrors

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    We discuss the Casimir effect between two identical, parallel slabs, emphasizing the role of dissipation and temperature. Starting from quite general assumptions, we analyze the behavior of the Casimir entropy in the limit T->0 and link it to the behavior of the slab's reflection coefficients at low frequencies. We also derive a formula in terms of a sum over modes, valid for dissipative slabs that can be interpreted in terms of a damped quantum oscillator.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    On electrostatic and Casimir force measurements between conducting surfaces in a sphere-plane configuration

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    We report on measurements of forces acting between two conducting surfaces in a spherical-plane configuration in the 35 nm-1 micrometer separation range. The measurements are obtained by performing electrostatic calibrations followed by a residual analysis after subtracting the electrostatic-dependent component. We find in all runs optimal fitting of the calibrations for exponents smaller than the one predicted by electrostatics for an ideal sphere-plane geometry. We also find that the external bias potential necessary to minimize the electrostatic contribution depends on the sphere-plane distance. In spite of these anomalies, by implementing a parametrixation-dependent subtraction of the electrostatic contribution we have found evidence for short-distance attractive forces of magnitude comparable to the expected Casimir-Lifshitz force. We finally discuss the relevance of our findings in the more general context of Casimir-Lifshitz force measurements, with particular regard to the critical issues of the electrical and geometrical characterization of the involved surfaces.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure
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