347 research outputs found

    Variability of the v. cava caudalis and its tributaries in some laboratory animals. II. The laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus v. alba).

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    Duplication of the v. renalis was found in 11 of the regions examined (18.3%), when it was more frequent on the right side. A v. capsularis was found in 35 regions (58.3%), usually as a single vein. There were 1-3 vv. suprarenales (but mostly two; on the right they usually joined the v. cava caudalis and on the left the v. renalis sinistra). A v. spermatica was present on the right side in every case, but on the left side in 11 cases only; in one case it was duplicated. In the rat, the v. spermatica was rather thin; if absent, it was replaced by the v. deferentialis. In nine cases (60.0%) the v. uterina cranialis dextra opened into the v. cava caudalis, while in 12 cases (80.0%) the left vein opened into the v. renalis sinistra. A v. uterina media, draining blood from the caudal third of the cornu uteri, was found in only five cases (16.7%). The v. uterina caudalis drained blood from the corpus and cervix uteri. The v. ovarica was a constant finding; it was mostly joined by the v. lumbalis--and on the left side by the v. phrenica sinistra. In males, the vv. lumbales occurred mostly as a pair of veins lying just below the vv. renales. In females, they were present on both sides. As a rule, the v. iliolumbalis occurred as a single vein on both sides. The v. cava caudalis originated at the level of the transition between the lumbar and the sacral spine, usually at the confluence of the two vv. iliacae communes, which in 14 cases (46.7%) were joined by the v. sacralis mediana. Duplication of the v. cava caudalis was found in only one case (a female). Comparison of the morphology of the v. cava caudalis and its tributaries in the rat and the guinea pig showed more slight differences between the two species

    Variability of the v. cava caudalis and its tributaries in some laboratory animals. I. The guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus).

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    The authors studied variability of the v. caudalis and its tributaries in 30 guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus--15 males and 15 females) after injecting the relevant venous system with blue-dyed latex. Since the largest lobe of the guinea pig's liver (the lobus sinister) is situated on the left, the right kidney lies further cranially than the left one. In males, as a rule, the right v. renalis opens into the v. cava caudalis further cranially than the left one. The number of vv. renales showed no sex-related differences, although in 17 regions (i.e. in 29%) there was more than one. The increase most often concerned the v. renalis dextra (the ratio in relation to the left vein was 15:2). The tributaries of the vv. renales are the v. spermatica or v. uterina cranialis a v. lumbalis and a v. or vv. suprarenales. There are usually two tributaries, (the commonest of which is the v. spermatica or v. uterina cranialis) on both the right and the left side, though somewhat more frequently on the left (23:19). Blood is drained from the surface or capsule of the kidney relatively often (in 75% of the cases) by the capsularis, which is the most frequent tributary of the v. spermatica or v. uterina cranialis of the corresponding side. Vv. suprarenales (1-4) are a constant finding on both sides. In males they open more often into the v. cava caudalis and in both sexes they also open into the v. renalis and v. lumbalis. The v. spermatica dextra opened into the v. renalis dextra in 10 cases and the v. spermatica sinistra into the v. renalis sinistra in 12 cases. The v. uterina cranialis dextra was a tributary of the v. renalis dextra in eight cases and the v. uterina cranialis sinistra joined the v. renalis sinistra in 13 cases. Drainage into the v. renalis can thus be regarded as the norm in both sexes and on both sides. The v. uterina caudalis leads from the corpus and cervix uteri and joins the v. uterina cranialis. It has a regular incidence and caudally it is most often a tributary of the v. iliaca communis. The v. ovarica is a constant tributary of the v. uterina cranialis; it is usually joined by several vv. lumbales or v. v. capsulares.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS

    Origin of the v. portae and variability of its tributaries in laboratory animals. V. The golden (Syrian) hamster (Mesocricetus auratus).

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    The authors studied the origin and variability of the v. portae in 30 adult golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) of both sexes after injecting blue-dyed latex into their portal bed. In 16 cases (53.3%) the v. portae was formed from three tributaries and in 11 cases (36.7%) from four. The v. mesenterica cranialis was the only constant tributary, the v. lienalis was a tributary in 28 cases (93.3%) and the other most frequent tributaries were the v. gastroduodenalis and the v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. In one case there was an anastomosis between the v. portae and the v. cava caudalis. In 25 cases (83.3%) the v. gastrica sinistra joined the v. lienalis, in four (13.3%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae and in one case (3.3%) it was duplicated. A v. cardiaca was found in 25 cases (83.3%), when it was most frequently a tributary of the v. gastroepiploica sinistra and v. gastrica sinistra. In one case only it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. A v. pylorica was observed in 29 cases (96.7%), usually (in 17 cases--56.7%) as a tributary of the v. gastroepiploica dextra; in three cases it was an independent tributary of the v. portae (10.0%). A v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was formed in 28 cases (93.3%). In 12 cases (40.0%), together with the v. gastroepiploica dextra, it was a tributary of the v. gastroduodenalis and in eight cases (26.7%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. In two cases (6.7%) the two vv. pancreaticoduodenales united to form v. pancreaticoduodenalis communis. In three cases (10.0%) this vein was duplicated and in one case it was triplicated. A v. gastroepiploica dextra was found in 26 cases (86.7%) and a v. gastroepiploica sinistra in 22 (73.3%). Both veins occurred simultaneously in 19 cases (63.3%). In no case, however, was there a continuous venous arc along the curvatura major ventriculi. A v. lienalis was present in 28 cases (93.3%). It was absent in two cases (6.7%), in which it was replaced by inter-organ anastomoses with the stomach and pancreas. In 19 cases (63.3%), the v. gastroepiploica sinistra and v. gastrica sinistra were both its main tributaries and in five cases (16.7%) its main tributary was the v. gastrica sinistra. In one case the v. lienalis was duplicated. Inter-organ anastomoses were formed in all 30 cases (100%). They occurred between the spleen and the stomach in 27 cases (90%) and between the spleen and the pancreas in 28 cases (93.3%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS

    Multiple sites and actions of gabapentin-induced relief of ongoing experimental neuropathic pain

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    Gabapentin is a first-line therapy for neuropathic pain but its mechanisms and sites of action remain uncertain. We investigated gabapentin-induced modulation of neuropathic pain following spinal nerve ligation (SNL) in rats. Intravenous or intrathecal gabapentin reversed evoked mechanical hypersensitivity, produced conditioned place preference (CPP) and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) selectively in SNL rats. Spinal gabapentin also significantly inhibited dorsal horn wide dynamic range (WDR) neuronal responses to a range of evoked stimuli in SNL rats. In contrast, gabapentin microinjected bilaterally into the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), produced CPP and elicited NAc dopamine release selectively in SNL rats but did not reverse tactile allodynia and had marginal effects on WDR neuronal activity. Moreover, blockade of endogenous opioid signaling in the rACC prevented intravenous gabapentin-induced CPP and NAc dopamine release but failed to block its inhibition of tactile allodynia. Gabapentin therefore can potentially act to produce its pain relieving effects by (a) inhibition of injury-induced spinal neuronal excitability, evoked hypersensitivity and ongoing pain and (b) selective supraspinal modulation of affective qualities of pain, without alteration of reflexive behaviors. Consistent with previous findings of pain relief from non-opioid analgesics, gabapentin requires engagement of rACC endogenous opioid circuits and downstream activation of mesolimbic reward circuits reflected in learned pain motivated behaviors. These findings support the partial separation of sensory and affective dimensions of pain in this experimental model and suggest that modulation of affective-motivational qualities of pain may be the preferential mechanism of gabapentin’s analgesic effects in patients

    Penerapan Community-Based Tourism di Desa Budo, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Budo Tourism Village is located in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. This tourist village which is included in the top 50 at the 2022 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) has tourism potential in the form of natural and cultural attractions. The Budo Tourism Village was initiated by the village community by working with the government and academics to develop their tourism potential into tourist attractions and encourage the formation of tourist destinations which then gave birth to tourism activities whose management is carried out by the community (community-based tourism). The research was conducted to determine how far the implementation of Community-Based Tourism was carried out in the Budo Tourism Village based on the 10 stages of Community-Based Tourism Development.Desa Wisata Budo terletak di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara. Desa wisata yang masuk dalam 50 besar pada ajang Anugerah Desa Wisata Indonesia (ADWI) 2022 ini memiliki potensi pariwisata berupa daya tarik alam dan budaya. Desa Wisata Budo diinisiasi oleh masyarakat desa dengan cara berupaya menggandeng pemerintah dan akademisi untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata yang dimiliki menjadi atraksi wisata dan mendorong pembentukan destinasi wisata yang kemudian melahirkan aktivitas pariwisata yang pengelolaannya dilakukan oleh masyarakat (community-based tourism). Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan Community-Based Tourism dilaksanakan di Desa Wisata Budo berdasarkan 10 tahapan Community-Based Tourism Development

    Mining Public Domain Data to Develop Selective DYRK1A Inhibitors

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    Kinases represent one of the most intensively pursued groups of targets in modern-day drug discovery. Often it is desirable to achieve selective inhibition of the kinase of interest over the remaining ∼500 kinases in the human kinome. This is especially true when inhibitors are intended to be used to study the biology of the target of interest. We present a pipeline of open-source software that analyzes public domain data to repurpose compounds that have been used in previous kinase inhibitor development projects. We define the dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A) as the kinase of interest, and by addition of a single methyl group to the chosen starting point we remove glycogen synthase kinase β (GSK3β) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibition. Thus, in an efficient manner we repurpose a GSK3β/CDK chemotype to deliver 8b, a highly selective DYRK1A inhibitor
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