579 research outputs found

    Investigating seasonal patterns in enteric infections: a systematic review of time series methods

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    Foodborne and waterborne gastrointestinal infections and their associated outbreaks are preventable, yet still result in significant morbidity, mortality, and revenue loss. Many enteric infections demonstrate seasonality, or annual systematic periodic fluctuations in incidence, associated with climatic and environmental factors. Public health professionals use statistical methods and time series models to describe, compare, explain, and predict seasonal patterns. However, descriptions and estimates of seasonal features, such as peak timing, depend on how researchers define seasonality for research purposes and how they apply time series methods. In this review, we outline the advantages and limitations of common methods for estimating seasonal peak timing. We provide recommendations improving reporting requirements for disease surveillance systems. Greater attention to how seasonality is defined, modeled, interpreted, and reported is necessary to promote reproducible research and strengthen proactive and targeted public health policies, intervention strategies, and preparedness plans to dampen the intensity and impacts of seasonal illnesses. © 2022 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved

    Press in the Works of Russian Literature

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    Russian classical literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries constitutes the whole with the finest Russian journalism of the same period. Almost all famous authors started their careers by releasing their first works of literature in magazines and even in newspapers. Nevertheless, even when gaining popularity, they continued to cooperate with periodicals, offering them their masterpieces. Thus, Leo Tolstoy published his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina in the Russkiy Vestnik [Russian Herald] magazine, while his novel Resurrection was published in Niva, the most popular Russian magazine aimed at mass reader. The writer wanted to reach as many ordinary people as possible. Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, and The Brothers Karamazov first appeared in the same Russkiy Vestnik, along with Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and Sons. This list is long indeed. Russian authors actively employed material published in press in their works. Therefore, the characters of Anna Karenina passionately discussed the events highlighted by the newspapers and magazines of that time. The references to certain periodicals, their brief description made it possible to understand better the mood and to expose the nature of their characters for the readers. During Soviet times, the attitude of the characters to certain newspapers and magazines displayed the role of media in public relations and their place in the political system of the country. Finally, thanks to the media subscriptions of the characters in novels and short stories, the reader could better understand their worldview, hobbies, and dreams. The authors set themselves the task of studying the specifics of the use of references to certain media as an artistic detail in literary works. They attempt to identify the role of such details in creating the artistic character, as well as in recreating the atmosphere and ideology of the era. They also examine references to journal articles read by the characters of a literary work from the perspective of intertextuality theory, as well as the task of revealing the peculiarities of the interaction of artistic and journalistic texts in the context of the era. The authors also raise the question of the possibility of using texts of literary works as a source for the study of media history

    Interdisciplinary cooperation between dentists and endocrinologists for identification and management of diabetes mellitus

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    Background: DM mellitus (DM) leads to worsening periodontal diseases, and in turn the inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region adversely affect the glycemic control and exacerbate the severity of DM, thereby engendering a vicious cycle that compromises the DM management in patients. Taking account of the bidirectional relationship between DM and periodontal disease, interdisciplinary examination of patients with both DM and periodontal diseases is warranted to improve the health outcomes in patients. Aims: This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of dentists and endocrinologists on the interdisciplinary cooperation for identification and management of patients with DM. Materials and methods: Studying patients’ knowledge about DM and their compliance in providing endocrinological recommendations, dental screening survey to identify DM’ risk and signs The research was done in 2015-2016 years using clinical survey (dental status survey), statistical analysis. 432 patients from different dental organizations and 433 doctors (371 – dentists and 62 – endocrinologists) took part in the research. The research was approved by Regional research ethics committee. The written informed consent was taken from each participant. Results: There was insufficient interdisciplinary collaboration for identification and management of patients with diabetes, and lack of motivation among dental patients to endocrinological survey. Hence, it is important to incorporate definitive screening for risk of DM for patients with inflammatory periodontal disease and include dentists in consultation for patients with DM. The feasibility of statutory determination of collaboration between specialists in identification and management of patients with DM was found, dental lectures are necessary in DM school. Conclusions: Our findings suggest the necessity of including dentists in the standard of medical management of patients with DM and incorporating DM screening by a questionnaire upon dental examination

    Effects of substituents in reactions of sulfenyl chlorides with derivatives of phosphonallenic acids

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    In the reaction of sulfenyl chlorides with derivatives of allenylphosphonic acid, the structure of the products formed is determined by the effect of substituents at the P atom and the terminal C atom of the cumulene, and also by the nature of the organyl group attached to the S atom in sulfenyl chloride. © 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Физическое представление и расчет начала кипения в пульсационной тепловой трубе

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    Отримано формулу для розрахунку теплового потоку, який забезпечує початок кипіння теплоносія в пульсаційній тепловій трубі (ПТТ), і визначено нижню границю ефективної роботи ПТТ. Показано, що основними факторами, що впливають на величину цього теплового потоку, є рушійний капілярний напір та швидкість руху парової бульбашки. Формулу для визначення теплового потоку було отримано для замкнених ПТТ, виготовлених з міді, з водою як теплоносій. Інформація про величину теплового потоку є необхідною для подальшого проектування систем охолодження різноманітних теплонавантажених елементів, чутливих до перегріву, наприклад світлодіодів перспективних освітлювальних пристроїв.LED development is accompanied by the need to ensure a constructive solution for the thermal conditions problem. For this purpose one can use pulsating heat pipes (PHP), that operate more efficiently after the start of heat carrier boiling. This article describes the physical representation and formula that allows determining the boiling point, which is a lower bound of the PHP effective operating range. It is shown that the main factors influencing the required heat flow are driving capillary pressure and velocity of the vapor bubble. The formula was obtained for the closed PHP made of the copper with water as a heat carrier. Information about this heat flux can be used for further design of cooling systems for heat-sensitive elements, such as LED for promising lighting devices.Получена формула для расчета теплового потока, обеспечивающего начало кипения теплоносителя в пульсационной тепловой трубе (ПТТ), т. е. определяющего нижнюю границу эффективной работы ПТТ. Показано, что основными факторами, влияющими на искомую величину теплового потока, являются движущий капиллярный напор и скорость движения парового пузырька. Формула для определения теплового потока была получена для замкнутых ПТТ, изготовленных из меди, с водой в качестве теплоносителя. Информация о величине теплового потока необходима для дальнейшего проектирования систем охлаждения различных теплонагруженных элементов, чувствительных к перегреву, например светодиодов перспективных осветительных устройств

    Longitudinal borehole functionality in 15 rural Ghanaian towns from three groundwater quality clusters

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    OBJECTIVE: In sub-Saharan Africa, 45% of the rural population uses boreholes (BHs). Despite recent gains in improved water access and coverage, parallel use of unimproved sources persists. Periodic infrastructure disrepair contributes to non-exclusive use of BHs. Our study describes functionality of BHs in 2014, 2015, and 2016 in 15 rural towns in the Eastern Region of Ghana sourced from three groundwater quality clusters (high iron, high salinity, and control). We also assess factors affecting cross-sectional and longitudinal functionality using logistic regression. RESULTS: BH functionality rates ranged between 81 and 87% and were similar across groundwater quality clusters. Of 51 BHs assessed in all three years, 34 (67%) were consistently functional and only 3 (6%) were consistently broken. There was a shift toward proactive payment for water over the course of the study in the control and high-salinity clusters. Payment mechanism, population served, presence of nearby alternative water sources, and groundwater quality cluster were not significant predictors of cross-sectional or longitudinal BH functionality. However, even in the high iron cluster, where water quality is poor and no structured payment mechanism for water exists, BHs are maintained, showing that they are important community resources

    Visual Analytics for Epidemiologists: Understanding the Interactions Between Age, Time, and Disease with Multi-Panel Graphs

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    Visual analytics, a technique aiding data analysis and decision making, is a novel tool that allows for a better understanding of the context of complex systems. Public health professionals can greatly benefit from this technique since context is integral in disease monitoring and biosurveillance. We propose a graphical tool that can reveal the distribution of an outcome by time and age simultaneously.We introduce and demonstrate multi-panel (MP) graphs applied in four different settings: U.S. national influenza-associated and salmonellosis-associated hospitalizations among the older adult population (≥65 years old), 1991-2004; confirmed salmonellosis cases reported to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the general population, 2004-2005; and asthma-associated hospital visits for children aged 0-18 at Milwaukee Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 1997-2006. We illustrate trends and anomalies that otherwise would be obscured by traditional visualization techniques such as case pyramids and time-series plots.MP graphs can weave together two vital dynamics--temporality and demographics--that play important roles in the distribution and spread of diseases, making these graphs a powerful tool for public health and disease biosurveillance efforts

    Clinical, laboratory and psychological aspects of moderate COVID-19 in cardiovascular patients one month after discharge from the hospital

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    Aim. To study clinical, laboratory and psychological aspects of moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in cardiovascular patients one month after discharge from the hospital.Material and methods. The study included 88 patients with cardiovascular diseases hospitalized for COVID-19. After 1 month, 72 respondents continued the participation in the study. Medical history collection, physical examination, and diagnostic investigations were performed. We used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) by Zigmond A. S., Snaith R. P., Beck Anxiety Inventory scale, Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) scale for assessing mental status.Results. One month after discharge, there was a decrease in the number of patients with signs of impaired respiratory system, such as cough, shortness of breath, chest congestion, while a decrease in exercise tolerance persists was revealed in 80,5% (out of 95,5% during hospiatalization), generalized weakness and increased sweating — in 69,5%. In addition, 38,9% of patients noted a noticeable, newly reported, hair loss. Attention is drawn to the high prevalence of neurological symptoms during hospiatalization, including dizziness, severe headaches not relieved by analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, lethargy, disorientation of place and time, and in some cases even hallucinations. Some of the symptoms persist after 1 month: 55,5% note a decrease in memory, 36% — feelings of fear and anxiety, 63,9% — sleep disorders in the form of frequent nocturnal awakenings (19,4%), insomnia (16,6%), long falling asleep (11,1%). Some of the respondents revealed unfavorable events over the past month as follows: blood pressure (BP) destabilization in the form of episodes of BP increase and decrease during the day — 36,0%, hypertensive crisis — 14,0%. There was an increase in the number of patients with subclinical and clinical depression (p<0,05). There was also an increase in the number of patients with hypercholesterolemia compared with inhospital data by 15,5%.Conclusion. One month after discharge, the respiratory symptoms naturally decrease, but new symptoms appear, such as shortness of breath during exercise, fatigue, unsteady gait, hair loss, and increased sweating. There was an increase in the number of patients with subclinical and clinical depression on the HADS scale. Among laboratory parameters, an increase in the number of patients with increased level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins was revealed

    Роль СМИ в политической социализации современной российской молодежи

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    The article analyzes the role of mass media in the process of political socialization of the Russian youth, taking place in the context of deep socio-economic and political transformations. The crucial impressionable years in the development of citizens’ political outlook are between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. Young Russian citizens are just in the process of developing political habits and are easily influenced by different factors. Much of political information comes from the traditional and innovative mass media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. Television helps to shape public opinion by providing news and analysis, its entertainment programming addresses important contemporary issues that are in the political arena. The growth of the Internet is especially significant. Political news aggregators and online bloggers present a broad range of political opinion, information, and analysis. The importance of an adequate assessment of the role of the traditional and innovative media in the political socialization of young people, in shaping the political subjectivity of young Russian citizens is obvious.В статье анализируется роль средств массовой информации в процессе политической социализации российской молодежи, происходящей в контексте глубоких социально-экономических и политических преобразований. Развитие политических взглядов молодых россиян особенно значимо в период от 15 до 25 лет. Молодые граждане России находятся в процессе формирования политических установок и испытывают воздействие разных факторов. Бóльшая часть политической информации поступает в настоящее время из средств массовой информации, как традиционных, так и инновационных: газеты, журналы, радио, телевидение и интернет. Телевидение содействует формированию общественного мнения, передавая новости и их анализ, затрагивая важные проблемы, существующие на политической арене. Особенно ощутимо выросла роль интернета. Агрегаторы политических новостей, онлайн-блогеры представляют широкий спектр политической информации и мнений. Очевидна значимость адекватной оценки роли традиционных и инновационных СМИ в политической социализации молодежи, в формировании политической субъектности молодого поколения россиян