23 research outputs found


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    It was studied the influence of gene mutations on the growth, cell viability under temperature stresses. The expression of antioxidant genes and the production of reactive oxygen species by thiol redox systems mutants was defined under extreme temperatures.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Президента РФ МК1763.2012.4, а также гранта программы Президиума РАН «Молекулярная и клеточная биология

    Age of the Shirshov submarine ridge basement (Bering Sea) based on the results of investigation of zircons using the U-Pb SHRIMP method

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    The Shirshov Ridge holds an important position in the structure of the Bering Sea Basin. Stretching from north to south for over 500 km, it divides the Bering Sea into two deep water basins, the Aleutian and Komandorsky basins. The age of oceanic crust of the Aleutian basin based on linear magnetic anomalies is conventionally considered Early Cretaceous, of the Komandorsky basin — Miocene, according to the K-Ar dating of the basalts (9.8 Ma) exposed in 191 deep water drill borehole. Rocks belonging to the basement of the Shirshov Ridge were dredged during the 29th cruise of research vessel Dmitrii Mendeleev and are represented by amphibolitic gabbro whose composition is similar to that of gabbroids of mid-oceanic ridges. The age of metamorphism based on the results of K-Ar dating of amphibole is 47 ± 5 Ma. The U-Pb zircon dating method was used to determine the age of gabbro. Zircons were extracted from a ∼5 kg combined amphibolitic gabbroid sample, and the age of zircons was determined using a SHRIMP-II sensitive high resolution secondary ion microprobe (Center of Isotopic Studies, A.P. Karpinskii Russian Geological Research Institute, St. Petersburg). The average concordant age value for the 25 determinations performed based on 20 points for 18 grains is 72 ± 1.4 Ma (Late Campanian). For 5 grains, the measured age values are within the range of 88 ± 3.5 Ma to 126.5 ± 4.5 Ma. Given the western vergence of the thrust structure of the Shirshov Ridge, the acoustic basement of the Shirshov Ridge is most probably a complexly deformed oceanic crust of the Aleutian Trench, which most likely dates from the Early to Late Cretaceous

    Mesoarchean mafic dykes of the Belomorian eclogite province (Gridino Village Area, Russia)

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    Archean processes of eclogitization in the Gridino metamorphic association (the Belomorian eclogite province) developed in mafic dykes, boudins, and acidic rocks of the Archean continental crusts. To determine the U-Pb age of the intrusion of the latest dykes, the geochronological samples were taken from the dyke of ferriferious metagabbro that cross-cuts the dyke of eclogitzed and granulitized olivine gabbronorite. The igneous zircons were dated by the SHRIMP II technique. The zircons showed a concordia age of 2846 ± 7 Ma, which is considered as the time of intrusion of a mafic melt. The younger low-thorium zircon rims of 2.78-2.81 Ga age around the igneous cores are typical formations that appeared under metamorphic conditions in equilibrium with a migmatite melt, and may characterize the time of formation of the granite leucosome under metamorphism, probably of eclogite facies.7 page(s

    Cell biobank as a necessary infrastructure for the development and implementation of mesenchymal stem cell-based therapy in the treatment of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Literature review and own data

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    Cardiovascular diseases, along with cancer, are the leading causes of death worldwide. Although modern pharmacological treatment of various cardiomyopathies can slow the development of myocardial dysfunction, they have limited effectiveness in patients with end-stage disease. Many researchers believe that heart transplantation is the only radical treatment in this case. However, the lack of donors and the high operation cost require careful selection of surgical candidates. With the introduction of molecular and cell biology into medical practice, today, stem cell therapy can become an alternative method of nonsurgical restoration of myocardial functions. The most studied and attractive is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs differ from hematopoietic stem cells used as support for hematopoiesis in high-dose chemotherapy by the following features: pronounced trophic effect, immune tolerance, the ability to suppress alloreactivity and autoimmune disorders. An important stage in the implementation of cell therapy is the creation of a cell biobank of MSCs. In A.F.Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center, this work has been carried out since1984. Asignificant number of experimental studies have been carried out, confirming the possibility of clinical implementation of this approach. A method for obtaining stable cultures of MSCs and cardiomyoblasts from bone marrow cells was developed and approvals were obtained. Experimental studies of cell therapy are also being conducted to overcome anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in cancer patients.This article is devoted to practical application of MSC-based therapy, in particular, in cancer patients with cardiotoxicity, as well as to the issues of creating a cell biobank for treatment with MSCs