74 research outputs found

    Postgraduate Course “History and Philosophy of Science”: What? How? What for?

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    The article addresses the problem of teaching the course of history and philosophy of science. This course has been taught to graduate students of Russian universities for more than 15 years. But disputes over its content and expediency still do not subside, but only flare up with renewed vigor. Those disputes were in three directions. The author proposes to return to the discussion of the existing problems in each of the areas of criticism of postgraduate discipline. These are: 1) the content of the subject from the standpoint of the coordination of its historical and philosophical parts (What?); 2) pedagogical and methodological support of training (How?); and 3) the ultimate goals of postgraduate training in general (For what?). The questions “how?” and “ what for?” are included in a broader context – the formation of the competence of a future scientist, his readiness to solve complex and non-trivial scientific problems. Reflections outlined in the article are built into the overall picture of post-graduate training in universities that has developed to date. The author sums up his reflections by calling for non-stop communication in a mode of continuous “recursive adjoining”. Such a strategy, in his opinion, remains the most reliable means of highquality promotion of both teaching and training of graduate students in general

    On the Benefits of Rational Simplicity: How to Teach Humanities in Technical Universities?

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    The article continues the discussion of teaching humanities disciplines in technical universities, which has been going on for several years on the pages of our journal. First of all, the authors object to raising the question of teaching humanities knowledge in technical universities “in general” and reject the unambiguous recommendations and prescriptions addressed to teachers “for all occasions”. The authors’ position can be formulated as a search and selection of cases that are most appropriate for promoting the overlapping cultures of science/engineering/technical and humanities. They share their approaches to the problem outlined against the background of critical reflection on A.A. Polonnikov’s article published in the same issue. Contradicting their colleague in the teaching profession, the authors emphasize the importance of the humanities teacher’s creativity and at the same time defend the principle of recursive continuity (“rational simplicity”) once proclaimed by Michel Foucault: “Not all discursive strategies are equally possible, but only those that are allowed by the preceding levels”

    ChatGPT in Higher Education and Science: a Threat or a Valuable Resource?

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    The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of the authors and readers of the journal to the problem of using artificial intelligence in higher education and science. The article consists of two interrelated parts. In the first part, authors of the article discuss the case of using ChatGPT for graduate writing in terms of implications for higher education. In the second part, the authors turn to the reaction of the academic community to the emergence of generative artificial intelligence and consider its shortcomings and opportunities for education and science. In conclusion, authors of the present work invite readers to an academic discussion about artificial intelligence in higher education and science on the pages of our journal

    Photoinitiated azo-hydrazo tautomerizm of 1- p

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    A novel photochromic compound with NH-N intramolecular H-bond (1-p-toluenesulphonylazo- 2,4,6,8-tetrakis(tert-butyl)phenoxazine) and the corresponding model structures (1-oxo-2,4,6,8-tetrakis(tertbutyl) phenoxazine, 2,4,5,7-tetrakis (tert-butyl )-1-( veratroylazo ) phenoxazine, 2,4,5,7-tetrakis ( tert-butyl )-Nacetyl- 1-(p-toluenesulphonylazo)phenoxazine) have been synthesized and their spectral and photochemical properties are studied. The photochromic transformations observed are found to be conditioned by ESIPT (as a primary step) followed by E-Z isomerisation about N–N-bond

    Impedance-Matching Hearing in Paleozoic Reptiles: Evidence of Advanced Sensory Perception at an Early Stage of Amniote Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: Insights into the onset of evolutionary novelties are key to the understanding of amniote origins and diversification. The possession of an impedance-matching tympanic middle ear is characteristic of all terrestrial vertebrates with a sophisticated hearing sense and an adaptively important feature of many modern terrestrial vertebrates. Whereas tympanic ears seem to have evolved multiple times within tetrapods, especially among crown-group members such as frogs, mammals, squamates, turtles, crocodiles, and birds, the presence of true tympanic ears has never been recorded in a Paleozoic amniote, suggesting they evolved fairly recently in amniote history. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, we performed a morphological examination and a phylogenetic analysis of poorly known parareptiles from the Middle Permian of the Mezen River Basin in Russia. We recovered a well-supported clade that is characterized by a unique cheek morphology indicative of a tympanum stretching across large parts of the temporal region to an extent not seen in other amniotes, fossil or extant, and a braincase specialized in showing modifications clearly related to an increase in auditory function, unlike the braincase of any other Paleozoic tetrapod. In addition, we estimated the ratio of the tympanum area relative to the stapedial footplate for the basalmost taxon of the clade, which, at 23:1, is in close correspondence to that of modern amniotes capable of efficient impedance-matching hearing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using modern amniotes as analogues, the possession of an impedance-matching middle ear in these parareptiles suggests unique ecological adaptations potentially related to living in dim-light environments. More importantly, our results demonstrate that already at an early stage of amniote diversification, and prior to the Permo-Triassic extinction event, the complexity of terrestrial vertebrate ecosystems had reached a level that proved advanced sensory perception to be of notable adaptive significance

    Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation

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    Water, energy, and food are all essential components of human societies. Collectively, their respective resource systems are interconnected in what is called the “nexus”. There is growing consensus that a holistic understanding of the interdependencies and trade-offs between these sectors and other related systems is critical to solving many of the global challenges they present. While nexus research has grown exponentially since 2011, there is no unified, overarching approach, and the implementation of concepts remains hampered by the lack of clear case studies. Here, we present the results of a collaborative thought exercise involving 75 scientists and summarize them into 10 key recommendations covering: the most critical nexus issues of today, emerging themes, and where future efforts should be directed. We conclude that a nexus community of practice to promote open communication among researchers, to maintain and share standardized datasets, and to develop applied case studies will facilitate transparent comparisons of models and encourage the adoption of nexus approaches in practice

    Department of philosophy in the conditions of academic capitalism approach

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    The article considers the demolition of the university education in the sphere of the humanities in Russia of the 2000s. Against this background a more specific problem is suggested for conceptualization. The author calls it a «withstanding» of the department of philosophy inthe conditions of the market imperatives dominance. The author attempts to convey the ideathat a contemporary department of philosophy must develop its intellectual communicative resource towards the organization of its own educational activity. The teaching scene is chosen as the central position in the line of argument. There are three parties in this scene, initially endowed with asymmetric obligations – the professor, the administrator, and the student. In the author’s opinion we should not count on the establishing of any synthesis of the transmittedknowledge (the professor), market requirements (the administrator) and the demands forcompetitive advantages (the student). Any department of philosophy has to be prepared for the fact that the obligations of the three participating parties will always remain problematic and demand a «fine tuning» – i.e. a non-stop problematization and reproblematization, interpretation and reinterpretation

    Domestic Education as a System and an Object of Management

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    The article proposes communicative conceptualization of the notion of “education system”. The turn of modern theoretical sociology toward the  system-communicative theory (N. Luhmann), in the author’s opinion, marked not only a waiver of structural and functional approaches to the analysis and management  of social systems, but also a refrain from the relapses of their criticism built on  the notion of “ideal norm”. The author also makes an attempt to implement the  logic of the development of operationally closed recursively evolving systems as  a tool for analyzing some actions of the regulator on reforming Russian higher  education, which were directly transferred to higher education institutions within the last 10–15 years


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    A clinical and endocrinological parallel was established in women with recurrent miscarriage based on clinical and anamnestic data and hormonal examination results (determination of thyroid hormone - thyroid stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, ovarian androgen, testosterone, and adrenal gland - heart and adrenaline - androgen oleomas - testosterone;as well as urinary iodine excretion).Revealed a moderate decrease in the excretion of iodine with urine.With the provision of iodine in the body of pregnant women, these changes are easily compensated.In order to provide pregnant women with habitual miscarriage with iodine, the drug iodomarin 200 mg was administered 1 time per day.Correction of endocrine disorders implies an adequate, individually selected therapy.This allowed pregnant women with habitual miscarriage to endure pregnancy in 86.2% of cases.Установлена клинико-эндокринологическая параллель у женщин с привычным невынашиванием беременности на основании клинико-анамнестических данных и результатов гормонального обследования (определение в крови гормона гипофиза - тиреотропного гормона, щитовидной железы - свободного тироксина, андрогена яичникового генеза – свобідного тестостерона, надпочечниковой генеза - дегидроэпиандростерона - сульфата, а также экскреции йода с мочой).Выявлено умеренное снижение экскреции йода с мочой. При обеспечении йодом организма беременных женщин эти изменения легко компенсируются. С целью обеспечения беременных с привычным невынашиванием беременности йодом назначали препарат йодомарин 200 мг 1 раз в сутки.Коррекция эндокринных нарушений предполагает адекватную, индивидуально подобранную терапию.Это позволило беременным с привычным невынашиванием выносить беременность в 86,2% случаев.Встановлена клініко-ендокринологічна паралель у жінок зі звичним невиношуванням вагітності на підставі клініко-анамнестичних даних та результатів гормонального обстеження (визначення в крові гормону гіпофіза - тиреотропногогормона, щитоподібної залози - вільного тироксина, андрогена яєчникового ґенеза –вільного тестостерона, наднирникового ґенеза - дегідроепіандростерона–сульфата, а також екскреції йоду з сечею). Виявленопомірне зниження екскреції йоду з сечею. При забезпеченнійодом організму вагітних жінок ці зміни легко компенсуються. З метою забезпечення вагітних зі звичним невиношуванням вагітності йодом призначали препарат йодомарин 200 мг 1 раз на добу протягом 3-х місяців. Корекціяендокринних порушень передбачає адекватну, індивідуально підібранутерапію. Це дозволило у вагітних зі звичним невиношуванням виносити вагітність у86,2% випадків